Prologue: Part 1

A lone figure draped in a black cloak floated silently through the torch cast shadows, hugging the corridor wall. Fifty-foot tall statues of various evil aligned gods leered down over him, small torchlights casting imposing shadows on their frightening expressions.

"Jesus, Killer it's been half an hour, is it clear up there or what?"

"Chill out Smasher, this place is loaded with traps. How about you try hauling your clumsy ass up here." Killer stepped out from the shadows and tentatively walked up the middle of the corridor, the sound of snickers filtered through their party chat, "I'll be done in a minute".

The other four party members waited further back in the previous dungeon room, where they were impatiently standing after an easy room clear of a couple high leveled Black Guard Demons.

Frozen Water cast Scry, letting the party of four watch Killer as he made his way deeper into what they hoped would be the final Boss room. They were currently fighting through the highest difficulty dungeon in Lords' Realm, Abyssal Mountain.

Earlier that day, the third expansion pack, Hell's 7th Level, had released. The super guild, Overlords, immediately sent their most elite raiding party to achieve the first Dungeon completion and fastest time record. Instead of trying to clear the dungeon on Normal Tier, the elite party named The Five Lords chose to beat the hardest difficulty available, God Tier.

Killer used his passive skill Trap Sense to locate the numerous dangers surrounding him. All the traps glowed green due to his max level in this skill. He used Disarm on each trap, slowly but surely picking his way towards the end of the corridor where two large glowing doors awaited him.

The remaining ten feet of mossy cobblestone stayed dark, no traps glowed beneath the floor or behind the walls. Killer was level 450, previously the highest level before the latest expansion pack released. After almost three years of playing Lords' Realm, his past experiences made him a veteran player with elite skills, secret fighting techniques, and highly prized gear. This empty area just before the staircase up to the glowing doors was most likely a developers joke.

"Ha! They weren't expecting a max level Assassin, now were they?" Killer grinned to himself and used his most prized class skill, Improved Omniscient Sight. "Huh?" he muttered to himself.

"What's wrong Killer?" Healing Heart, the party's' Cleric, hesitantly asked him over the party chat.

After hearing the concern in Healing's voice, the party stopped their recent conversation over the latest victor of the Ultimate Arena.

"Probably nothing, my sight skill isn't working, it's not showing any traps," Killer thought about reporting this problem to the Game Devs, but quickly shot it down.

"Not so good now are you?" Smashing's mocking tone caused everyone to roll their eyes. Smashing and Killer had a well-known feud between them after Killer had won the Guild Tournament at level 241, embarrassing Smashing's level 332 at the time.

"Hmm, yeah we'll see about that. How's your Tournament Statistics coming along, Smashing?" Killer retorted while trying different trap evaluation skills.

The party didn't contain their chuckles this time as everyone remembered Smashings 49-1 tournament record. Although it was impressive, it was just below Killer's who was undefeated at 50-0.

"Funny..." Smashing's unhumorous tone displayed his lack of amusement.

"I thought it was," Killer said as he lightly inched his toe towards the final steps in front of him.

Instantly Killers vision flared bright red, signifying activated traps above his detection level. All he had time for was an exasperated "Shit..." before hundreds of flying shurikens shot towards him from his right.

Instinctively he activated Evade followed by Dodge, simultaneously drawing his short sword and knife. His hands were a blur as his weapons flashed left and right, his body ducking and weaving. Out of the entire shuriken wave, none struck Killer. His lighting reflexes and superb footwork saved his health bar from dropping below green. Not that any of the projectiles would have significantly damaged his 26,000 his points, to him it was a matter of pride.

Slow clapping filled the party chat as everyone became thoroughly impressed with Killers show, however, it wasn't over.

Two poisoned laced spears flashed towards Killer from either side, he jumped back just in time as they penetrated deep into the stone in front of him, forming an X.

Behind him a cartwheeling scythe flew soundlessly at his blind spot, he anticipated this attack, assuming that the two spears were only a diversion.

Killer fluidly dropped forward into a pushup position, the scythe narrowly nicking his hood. Had he tried backflipping over the scythe, he would have found himself down a now opened acid filled hole.

Instinctively he rolled twice to his right. Where he had previously laid was now peppered with small darts. Utilizing his extreme strength and dexterity values, he shoved himself up into a standing position and glanced at the ceiling.

Four pairs of red eyes stared back at him.

"Boo" was all he said as his wrist snapped two frost covered throwing knives at one pair of eyes. Little did the ceiling Assassin know, but only one Ice Knife of Slowing was visible.

The Assassin expertly moved his head only an inch to avoid the first knife, Killer had anticipated this. The second knife caught the bewildered Assassin in his left eye socket.

Battle System: Critical Hit x 2 Damage (3,000)

Battle System: Target Slowed - 80 % movement speed reduction.

"One down, three to go" Killer grinned at the nerve of these dungeon protectors. He was surprised his critical throwing knife didn't instantly kill the Assassin, but with the movement speed reduction, the agility based class was completely ineffective.

Even as this encounter only lasted a second, the three other assassins leaped down the walls towards Killer with blinding speed. Two rushed his left while the other attacked his right.

Killer breathed in deeply. Just as the right assassin's katana pierced Killers rib cage, Killer disappeared. The assassin had only damaged the after image of Killer.

Killer was too fast, as he activated acceleration one, he performed his Rushing Water technique. Instantly he was behind each assassin, it appeared to them as three different Killers. After entering acceleration one, these expert level assassins were no match for Killers speed. With five slashes each, his after images created fifteen blade displays. All three assassins dropped dead, their life health bars all resting at zero.

Battle System (5): Critical Hit x 4 Damage (24,000)

Battle System (5): Critical Hit x 4 Damage (24,000)

Battle System (5): Critical Hit x 4 Damage (24,000)

Although he had focused on these assassins, the one above him had not been forgotten. Killer looked up and saw nothing.

The Assassin had activated Stealth and was currently perched above one of the gods' statues head. In the shadows, he was almost undetectable, almost.

Killer activated his trump card, Improved Omniscient Sight, he had killed the Goddess Theia, goddess of sight, and stolen her eyes to obtain this God Tier skill. The Assassin's Absolute Stealth skill was no match.

"Gotcha" Killer smiled victoriously as he located his hiding prey. He himself activated Stealth along with Spider Climbing and ran up the corridor wall invisible to the Assassin. Just a half second later Killer performed Coup De Grace on the Assassin with his knife, instantly ending the concealed Assassin's life.

Battle System: Critical Hit / Successful Skill (Instant Kill)

"Light work" Killer gloated in the chat "Everything's Clear".

"Yeah yeah whatever, we're coming" came the party reply.

Once all five had rejoined, Smashing Shield stepped up the steps and put his hand on the slightly glowing silver doors. "Are we ready?" with the parties nods of approval, he pushed the double doors open.