Three Years Later

North of the ruined shelter, within a small area of vegetation, Silver could be seen fighting a boar half the size of an elephant. Cautiously dodging the demon boar's charge, sliding under it, he struck his sword at the boar's stomach into its heart. A deathly squeal could be heard from the demon boar, falling to the side, never to make another noise again.

"Finally, avenged Kong Xing's shameful death," chuckled Silver standing up and brushing the dirt off his clothes.

"There are many beasts roaming around that I can use to train this body. From what I can gather, this area has small amount of [Void Qi]. A lot of the ranked beasts tends to avoid it since they can't process this odd qi and wander elsewhere. I can safely train here for the meantime and hunt when I need to. Seems I was lucky enough to reincarnate in a small area filled with [Void Qi]."

Silver turned to demon boar he slain, immediately grabbing its tusk and dragging it back to the shelter. Since he only cultivated to the first level of External Realm, he could barely move it, much less carry it back.

'With the ample meat of the boar and the [Void Qi], I should be able to reach the fifth level easily . . .'

Once Silver reached his shelter, he felt delighted to finally obtain meat. One can only do so much with two days' worth of rations. Such meat would undoubtedly benefit him until he reaches a high enough level to hunt the stronger ranked beasts. The [Chaotic Void Skill] allowed him to fight those two levels higher than him. Once he reaches the Origin Realm, based on the manual, he'll receive a huge boost in strength allowing him to fight two minor realms higher.

There is a total of 5 minor realms, each with 3 stages except the 5th, in the Origin Realm. Once you break into the Origin Realm, you'll become a Minor Origin, then Earth Origin, Star Origin and Nova Origin. The 5th and final minor realm, Null Origin, has a total of four stages; early-stage, mid-stage, late-stage and peak stage. To break through to the King Realm, one must constitute a king's mark.

Sadly, Kong Xing's knowledge stopped at the King Realm since they were the highest known realm in the city he lived in before, White Lotus City. He had never travelled too far from his city when hunting.

Silver could only increase his strength before returning to the city to search for clues on how to form a king's mark. Throwing the thought in the back of his mind, he started a fire and begun cutting up the meat of boar with his sword. After portioning it out, he used the sword as a roasting stick, immediately cooking the meat. While the meat cooked, Silver sat down to cultivate, circulating the [Void Qi] through his meridians as it tempers his body continuously.

A couple of hours passed; Silver opened his eyes as the scent of cooked meat wafted through the shelter. Licking his lips, he began devouring the delicious meat like a starved beast who hadn't eaten for days. He repeated the process of eating and tempering his body from day until night.

[Three years later . . .]

Silver could be seen with a focused expression, closed eyes and furrowed eyebrows. He began pushing the [Void Qi] against the final meridian point, intensely ramming while massaging it with his qi at the same time, intent on breaking through. Using his fine qi control, concentrating at the weak part of his meridian point, he finally pierced through as [Void Qi] gushed through like a broken dam.

*Hong long long . . .*

A nostalgic experience of being filled with power rushed throughout his body.

"I finally broke through to the Origin Realm becoming an early-stage Minor Origin," smiled Silver consolidating his foundation.

"With the buffing abilities of [Chaotic Void Skill] increasing my strength by 2 minor levels, I can defeat Earth Origins and hold my ground against Star Origins. Breaking into the King Realm will be harder from the lack of knowledge of what a king's mark is or what it does. I should head out to White Lotus City and gather more information regarding it. Hopefully they have a library, if not, I'll have to join a sect. I really need resources and knowledge before I travel, so it really is best to join a sect. I should gather more information about these sects too. My list of things to do only increases."

Since Silver broke through to Minor Origin, he decided to use a secret immortal technique to hide one's aura. A cautious nature is needed based on his personal experiences as he retracted his cultivation to the Rookie Internal Warrior within the Internal Realm. If the people in White Lotus City knew that an orphan without resources came back as a Minor Origin from External Realm within three years, those greedy yet influential individuals and groups may come after him to find out how he broke through so quickly.

Such attention is naturally unwanted considering that the powerful reigns while the weak cowers is a well-known phrase in the cultivation world. Staying low profile is the best way to go, especially since he wasn't a naive individual, unlike Kong Xing, but a powerful being in his past life.

With a one of kind cultivation hiding skill he learned from an extremely lazy, low-key and powerful immortal, Wolf Beneath The Wool, Silver can easily bypass any discerning eyes. Those with a powerful soul, known as divine sense, would be able to see his true cultivation.

But during his training, he not only increased his strength, but also increased his soul power which allowed him to use divine sense before reaching Minor Origin. Eternal Soul Refinement was one of the skills he found during his early days within a dimension that open every 100 years. The soul refinement skill was rare, war would rage within the cultivating world if one were to let it be known accidently.

The skill allowed the cultivator to continuously strengthen their soul indefinitely, it will only stop if one hit their external body limit. To further increase their soul strength, the cultivator would either increase their external body or find a stronger host. Silver never used those type of evil skills, so he resorted in tempering his body to the next stage.

Maybe it was due to his powerful soul that allowed him to reincarnate into this sealed world.

"I'm glad I made a deal with that immortal, Old River, for this amazing cultivation hiding manual. I need a better weapon too… a halberd would be nice," murmured Silver looking at the damaged sword he held in his right hand.

Slowly standing up from his lotus position, he walked outside the shelter leaving warmth of the campfire behind him. Stretching out his body, staring at the snow-filled wasteland, the sun shone in the sky above.

"Now that I've cultivated to the Minor Origin, this biting cold area is no longer cumbersome. I'm sure many things have changed since I been away these past three years, so it's best to head back to White Lotus City. Walking by foot, it should take me a 2-3 days to return. I'll take this time to practice the Star Mirage Steps and find some formidable ranked beasts to increase my strength."

Silver stood at a height of 1.9 meters with an exceptional and noticeable toned physique under his beast's fur clothing. His light-brown skin illuminating under the rays of the sun with an above average face, chiseled jaws, straight nose and slightly thick sword-shaped eyebrows. His brown eyes, deep like pools of honey with a shade of violet hiding within the irises, hinting a mysterious impression. Throughout the span of 3 years, his raven black hair grew past his back, tied up into a simple ponytail.

Walking back into his shelter, Silver smothered the campfire and gathered all of his belongings into his rucksack. He took one more look in his shelter, smiled, and finally took off on journey back to "his" home.