99 Years Later

An extremely well-known and powerful immortal, 100 years ago, challenged heaven's will and broke through their world's boundary to ascend to higher plane. A legend amongst legends that birthed the era of the ascending immortals while ending an era where heaven reigned supreme.

That day called for celebrations from all over the cultivation world!

With many immortals ascending, only a few stayed well-known immortal cultivators stayed back to heal the hero of legends to complete their cycle of karma.

They used their most precious medicinal treasures, caring for the hero for many years. As a century crept closer, many left to ascend and wait for their hero to create another legend.

Yet, the flow of time continued and only 2 remained by his side.

The immortal opened his eyes for the first time in 100 years in a unique and beautiful chamber that an emperor would only dare to dream of. He slowly got off the bad, balancing himself to stand up straight and walked towards the window beside his bed.

His face and body appeared as a young man with a hint of age and wisdom in his honey-brown eyes standing lost in a reminiscent daze. He attempted to use his divine sense to figure where he was but felt surprised that he could no longer use his divine sense. Not only that, he couldn't circulate any qi through his meridians.

Even though he lost his abilities as a cultivator, he could still feel that his body kept its strength of a powerful immortal. Throughout the century, during his slumber, many of his friend gave up their life-saving treasures to keep him stable thus enhancing his immortal body.

If he used the leftover energy of his immortal body, he will continue to weaken and return to a mortal once again. It would take a long time until his energy depletes unless he were to come against another immortal.

Gazing out the window, deep in his thoughts, the door swung open, yet he paid no attention to those that came in.

Two individuals, a young man and woman, stood there by the entrance waiting for the hero to snap out of his thoughts. In their eyes, a longing could be felt while their heart's pumped in jubilation.

"I am no longer able to cultivate, and I can feel that my lifespan will only last me another 100 -150 years," the hero spoke aloud breaking the silence. He turned his head towards the young man and woman with loving yet distant eyes.

"Tell me Naeba, what has changed since I lost conscious? What happen to those old friends of mine?"

"Disciple greets, master! It has been nearly 100 years since you fell unconscious, since then you have been within our care. Master's old friends ascended 3 years ago, with strong resolution, hoping to send an avatar to bring back treasures to return your cultivation.

Many older generations ascended while the younger aspire to be someone like you. You've been named a hero that is told in stories and textbooks," the young man named Naeba responded after he bowed.

"With so many life and death friends, I'm already happy enough to know they gave so much. Naeba and Iris, ascend and relay my information," the hero instructed hiding the pain in his heart.

"Tell them to live their new life, I've lived for too long. After going through hundred thousand of hardships and trials, I should finally retire. I'll hope to meet everyone once more in the next lifetime!"

"Disciples Naeba (and Iris) will do as instructed, Master Silver," the siblings replied acknowledging his instructions.

With such a stubborn and straightforward personality, no one in any of his lifetimes could change his mind. Yet, Iris and Naeba could only feel a bitter, heartbreaking sadness. Their kind and passionate master took care of them for millions of years, but they knew they would eventually leave his side.

They were unable to even mourn over their master and send him off to meet Grandma Meng.

"Do not worry about me, Naeba and Iris," Silver spoke knowingly of how they felt.

"You're both my children. I've taken care of you pair of brother and sister for a very long time. Like the Great Kun Peng, swimming in the oceans for years, you must learn to fly out of the waters and see the world."

Naeba and Iris stood by the chamber's doors, tears slowly escaping from the corner of their reddening eyes. They watched the fading back of their master taking a step, shifting into the air like a mirage as if they were living in a daydream.

Facing each other, the siblings a gaze were filled with sadness yet newfound hope and determination. Both sat down in a lotus position, drawing in streams of qi into their dantian to ascend to the higher plane immediately.

Silver stood on the peak of a mountain covered in snow, gazing at the shining lights of his disciples ascension. The light finally dissipated, marking the last immortals to have left the lower realm. Once more, Silver turned towards the east and vanished in a single step.

Many years later . . .

"Grandpa! Grandpa!" a young child exclaimed as they ran into a small, wooden cabin.

"Grandpa! You owe me a spiritual pill! I've advanced to the 9th level of external realm, gimme my pill! My Foundation Setting Pill!

"Ahh, I did say that to you last week! Who knew my little Feng Feng would already reach the 9th level so quickly! Only 10 years old, such a natural and monstrous genius that even I cannot compare!" the grandpa said enthusiastically.

With a wave of his right hand, an exquisite translucent pill appeared between his right fingertips. He gave it a quick look and gave the pill to Feng Feng.

"Thank you, grandpa! This will help me form my qi sphere before breaking through the internal realm!" beamed Feng Feng as he accepted the pill and begun leaping around the living room in joy.

"En. Make sure your foundation is stable and keep cultivating your skill!" mused Feng Feng's grandpa.

"Take it slow when you form the qi sphere, if you're unstable, you may lose your life. Tell me when you are ready to reach the internal realm and form your qi sphere. I will keep an eye if anything runs astray."

"Yes, grandpa!" Feng Feng replied seriously in a odd, humorous way. It was rather hard for him to keep a serious expression with such glee twinkling in his eyes.

"I will go out back to train some more then!"

"Good, good. Definitely an amiable grandson I have!"

'I wish your parents could be here to look over you, but their future life is elsewhere," thought Feng Feng's Grandpa waving his hand to dismiss the young child.

'I only have a decade or so left until my life runs out. I shall take a short trip to the mountains to clear my mind before telling Feng Feng the truth.'

He wrote a small note on the table to Feng Feng, telling his grandchild he would be gone for several days and disappeared from the cabin.

Ever since he left the cultivation world to live a life of a mortal, Silver met a young and beautiful village woman on his aimless travels. His heart, although seeing and meeting many beauties that can crumble the nation, had fallen in love for the first and last time.

After their meeting, he always stood by her side. Like a stream that only flow forward, time began to tick once more for him as lived as normal mortal. Eventually, they married in that girl's village and lived a comfortable life.

Years later, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, yet disaster struck a year after their baby's birth. His wife was struck with a deadly poison that couldn't be cured due to a strange, abysmal like creature. Once Silver found the creature, he fought the unknown creature to the death.

Because he broke the boundary of the heavens, many unknown beings were able descend to their realm after the immortals left. He was unaware of the cause and effect of his actions to ascend to the higher plane.

As his wife's health kept declining, he had traveled far and wide in search for many types of pills and life-saving treasures, but the poison could only be stalled. Silver was at his at the end of his wits, but with the comforting words of his wife, he could only take care of every menial task until she passes.

20 years later his wife finally traveled to the yellow springs to meet Grandma Meng, leaving Silver and her son alone. He took care of his son, watching him grow up into a splendid young man and taught him cultivating.

His son went out traveling to further his cultivation and brought home a young, beautiful women. He intended on marrying her and wanted Silver's blessing. His son's wife soon became pregnant, bearing a healthy baby boy and stayed for 3 years.

Their sect sent out a notice for all disciples to return for an emergency and so they left their child with Silver to take care of.

From then on, Silver continued to stay in his wife's tiny village, caring for the now 10-year-old Feng Feng. Feeling many complex emotions, Silver thought he would live his life in remorse but with Feng Feng, he felt happy.

Resting on top of a mountain, Silver ponder through his memories as the sun and moon continued to greet for many days.

On the 9th day, Silver stood up after waking from his reminiscing daze. Turning around, he began strolling the down the trail back to the small village while humming a melodic tune.

As he got closer to the village, a strong devilish killing intent permeated the area. Horror struck him as he witnessed an unbelievable bloody scene.