Old Yams Fate

A scenery of a clear lake could be seen as it was encompassed by a light, green fog made of qi. The area was filled with the scent of surrounding medicinal herbs as most of it was concentrated near the edge of the lake.

The lake was surrounded by tall trees engraved with many defensive and offensive arrays. Each plot of medicinal fields was covered in a fog of qi, protected by flickering arrays.

Before the breathtaking scenery stood a group of ten individuals and an old man. Only 9 of them stared in awe as if they've come into a paradise from folklore legends.

They've never seen such a spectacular sight, even within their whole clan. Especially Uni Reahs of the Lotus Clan. Her clan had many heavenly treasures, cultivation manuals and other resources but it could never amount to the resources of the Floating Cloud Sect.

Of course, Silver never cared about the heaven and earth qi. The void qi he used, even though there wasn't much of it, was extremely pure and of utmost quality. Yet he felt somewhat impressed with the founders as this was a high-tier domain array. The array needed a high comprehension of space and life laws due to its complexity.

It really seems that this world was nearly identical to his old world, especially the laws. This world was a lot more complete concerning the laws of the universe than his old world.

With an area circumference of 200,000 kilometers, the small pocket dimension was filled with precious herbs, plants and trees which could cause any super sects to be filled with murderous greed. Even the lake or so-called cultivation pool was smaller in size, stretched out at a circumference of 50,000 kilometers.

Floating Cloud Sect must have a powerful backing or a secret weapon that only those super sects knew despite being the weakest super sect.

Thinking through it now, Gold Spring Merchant Association and Floating Cloud Sect may have a business or brotherly alliance due to their high demands of talents and resources on the main 6 fields.

Anybody with a brain could figure this out instantly. No one dared to offend Gold Spring Merchant Association.

"Find a spot to cultivate the qi of the cultivation pool. The closer you get to the pool, or into it, the more condense and violent the natural qi is!" Old Yam announced in a relaxing manner.

Many of the top disciples cultivated near the edge of the cultivation pool. Only the brazen with a strong will could cultivate in the waters filled with violent qi. No one has gone to the center of the pool since it was created due to the unnatural qi. It was nearly impossible to refine.

Based on some old documents, the center of the pool produced a different qi altogether.

"Just do not go near the medicinal herbs, nearly of all them are protected by the array. Only those qualified with our verification can naturally grab any plants and herbs needed."

With a flick of his sleeve, everyone scattered immediately to find an appropriate area around the pool to cultivate. Old Yam looked at Silver, feeling confused, as to why he was looking up at the top of the dimension.

Following Silver's gaze, Old Yam could feel a faint and familiar presence near the top. Even though the familiar presence carefully hidden them self, it could not escape his divine sense.

What startled Old Yam was the fact that Silver could sense someone up there before he could.

"Divination faction leader, Starfinder, what are you doing here?" Old Yam communicated with his divine sense telepathically. Rarely did this faction leader ever come out unless a calamity was to befall over White Lotus City or the sect itself.

"Old Yam, I was merely taking a stroll and this extraordinary young man brought up my interest," Starfinder answered vocally as he instantly appeared in front of Silver.

Standing beside Silver, he began observing him as if Silver was a unsolvable puzzle.

Exhaling heavily, Starfinder tapped three times in the air and created an isolated space. Such a space could block out anyone trying to peek, listen, and see them. He stood there with a pensive expression staring at Old Yam for a moment and then at Silver.

"You can actually sense me even when I hid my presence. You seem quite young with a cultivation at the 3rd level of Internal Realm. Either you're using a mysterious skill to hide your cultivation, or you truly are an internal warrior with divine sense. What is your true cultivation level? Do not worry, besides us three, no one will know about you as Old Yam's fate is dependent on yours."

"I'm at the Earth Origin," Silver answered unveiling his true cultivation for a minute of time and retracting it. His cultivation returned as if he just another internal realm disciple.

"Old Yam's fate is tied to mine? I'm guessing you're a diviner since only those blessed with the heaven's eyes could see people's fate to an extent."

"You know of the blessing from heaven? Who are you and what do you want in our sect?" Starfinder demanded as he begun to exert 20% of his cultivation pressure towards Silver.

Only those who comprehended Heaven's Divination Art, the only powerful divination art in the whole world, could know the secret of the heaven's eyes blessing. Although he was probing Silver with 20% of his power, he truly wished that Silver wouldn't be the cause of the grim future of the Floating Cloud Sect.

He would kill the young man right then and there if he said something wrong.

"I had met a powerful old man who saved me from a life-threatening injury. I became his disciple because he noticed my potential. During my three years, he imparted everything he knew to me. He once spoke of a rare and powerful art that could give the cultivator the eyes of heaven. Only those who practice it are rarer than a phoenix feather and qilins horn. Their existence can only be counted on a single hand.

After the 3 years of teaching me all that he knew, he said our karmic fate was finally finished and vanish during a disastrous blizzard. That's why I knew of it. Hearing you speak of fate brought some memories back," Silver answered with a fib with an earnest expression.

He already knew that every faction had a strong undying loyalty for the sect, especially the divination faction and their leaders from Old Yam explanations to the top ten.

"But why is my fate connected to Old Yam?"

"Old Starfinder, why did you mention this?" Old Yam questioned after Silver.

Apparently, he felt shocked and confused about the current situation shrouded in mysteries. Old Yam already knew the secrets of the whole Floating Cloud Sect, yet it was rare to have a young, new disciple to be extremely knowledgeable.

"You are not lying; I wish I could meet this master who has taught you. Your memory, talent, and potential even surpasses the founders of our sect! I've read the written exam before I got here. You used many profound and strange yet satisfying steps to each of the experiments that went wrong. Even to the point of coming up with new ways to use less treasures and more common materials to leave a similar effect. It bested most pills by a 15% increase!" Starfinder praised Silver higher than the heavens. His divination could usually tell lies but he could only play it off.

Starfinder couldn't read Silver fate and his facial expression at all.

"By the way Old Yam, his fate is mainly connected your daughter's. Although this new disciple fate is nearly unreadable, I can see a faint thread connecting to you and your daughter. He probably have the answer to the cure you've been searching for."

"WHAT!?" Old Yam shouted as spun faster than a rank 3 treasure top tossed by a god.

"Silver, my lad, can you please look at my daughter? She had been extremely ill since a young age and all the medicinal treasures I given her has barely kept her alive. I'll doing everything in my power to help you, even though I cherish the sect deeply, it can only be second to my precious daughter!"

"Alright, alright. All though I want to be low-key, read and relax, I'll check your daughter's condition," Silver spoke respectively.

He knew the pain of not being able to see or know what is happening to their child, as his disciples of his past life were of such kin to him. Silver can only hope they're alive and doing well.

'It seems like fate is throwing cow dung at me, taunting afar, and enjoying the show.'

"But I have one condition, I must have the access to the sect's cultivation library!"

"Deal!" Old Yam accepted the request immediately.

He was the sect secret trump card and the sect protector. Even his cultivation was higher than the current leader of the Lotus and Purple Bamboo Clan. Which was a very well-kept secret between Starfinder, the patriarch, and him only.

A black and red medallion with a pure white Huli Jing embedded into it floated out from Silver's robe. Old Yam tapped it three times and returned it Silver earlier.

Silver took a glimpse at it and noticed the embedded Huli Jing became more lifelike with pure and majestic aura radiating from it. Happily nodding, he put the medallion back into his pocket.

"We'll go now since there is no time to waste! Starfinder please find someone to keep an eye on the disciples here!"

"Alright," Starfinder answered and sighing softly. Breaking a transmission jade, a masked individual in all black instantly appeared before him.

"Watch over the disciples and give them an extra day to cultivate. Please ensure those who earned it could stay longer. As the rest, they must leave after completing the extra day. Also, figure which individual here has a talent for divination as their aura is protected by the same aura of the heaven's. You know the signs."

"As you wish, Master Starfinder," The masked individual answered.

They stood there in a slight bow until Starfinder vanished quickly leaving an extremely tiny, yellowish sparks that lingered in the air for a mere nanosecond.