Birth of the Kings

Sounds of clashing could be heard within an island shrouded in a mysterious and dense fog made of qi. Nearing the center of this island, one could see 33 elemental-like golems fighting a young man.

If they looked to their right, they would be stunned to see an enormous black dragon-like beast napping quietly as if the fighting was an everyday thing for it.

A lightning golem appeared behind the young man, but it didn't faze him one bit. Using his left hand, he gripped onto a lightning golem that attempted to attack him and threw it towards the napping black dragon.

Feeling the change in the air, the black dragon slowly opened its eyes in annoyance. Its eyes appeared like the stars in the night sky as it got up in a relaxed manner. Turning its huge body slightly to the right, dodging the lightning golem as it flew passed it.

Staring at the young man before it, the black dragon's starry eyes slightly twitched. With a light snort, it also joined the fight.

"Can't you let me rest for a moment? It hasn't been an hour since I got to nap. Don't you have to create your King's Mark anyways?" snapped the black dragon flying towards the young man.

"Why couldn't you be like the others and quietly cultivate? Even the founder of the Floating Cloud Sect wasn't as annoying as you!"

"There, there Blacky! I still need to comprehend the [Myriad Avatar Technique] you imparted to me. Send me back to the void too. That feeling of being born of nothing, as if free without a care of time and meaningless thoughts is something I wish to return to," replied the young man dodging the claws of Blacky and the incoming elemental golems.

"It may give me the final push in forming the king's mark."

Right after the young man spoke, a second person joined into the fight. They immediately teamed up with him, going against Blacky and the 33 elemental golems. If one were to observe closely, the other person was a splitting image of the young man who spoke.

As these identical individuals fought, the elemental appearance became more tattered as time went on. Feeling frustrated, Blacky let out a furious roar filled with void qi that surrounded both identical young men. With a light angry huff, Blacky sent both into a world of nothingness, the void.

Of course, this seemingly young man was Silver and the identical person beside him was his avatar. After attaining enlightenment from the [Myriad Avatar Technique], he created an avatar with his exact appearance. He did want his avatar to intake and cultivate the [Qi of Heaven and Earth] but decided against since there was no heaven and earth qi in the library.

So instead, during the next two years, they both studied within the library using both the [Ancient Bookworm] skill and [Eternal Soul Refinement] technique. During the second year, his avatar finally reached the peak-stage Null Origin like him.

What Blacky used, from his anger, was a void prison skill to entrap Silver into a small space in the world of the void.

Most individuals would break mentally from being in the void for too long. Yet, for Silver, it was a blessing in disguise due to his [Chaotic Void Skill]. The skill, itself, was truly meant to be cultivated in the void.

Since their bet from the first year, he quickly assimilated 100% of the information in the library into his soul and mind near the end of the third year. Based on what he learned, this world used realm marks for each change in realm.

Starting at the King's Realm, one would create their first mark based on the heart, mind, and soul of the cultivator. The hardest part for everyone, including Silver, is creating the King's Mark that allowed you to become a true cultivator. This separated those who was still chained to their mortal roots than those who broke free from the restriction of mortality.

From then on, after creating the King's Mark, it would continue to involve each realm until you reached the highest realm possible. Although there was many King's Mark, only 9 could have the same mark.

If one died, another person with the same mark is born. Those who defy the heavens and their fate in their path of cultivation could truly create a unique mark.

The only known mark of such is from the Arctic Emperor, the other 8 demonic gods, and the founding ancestors of the super sects across the world.

Even though this world was invaded by the demonic gods, they still followed the world's law even if they sealed it. To keep a strong grip on it, even during its slumber, the world's will still stay in the 9 demonic gods complete control.

Silver and avatar drifted in the void, both attaining enlightenment of the [Chaotic Void Skill].

'The universe began with trillions of lives surrounded by the always existing void.

A sense of solitude crumbling overtime, yet, the universe stood strong as if the nothingness was its lifelong companion.

The river of time, flowing in the ever-aging universe, slowly took away the breath of life from countless life-forms.

Yet time was unable to touch the endless gap of the void.

Life begins, the void continues to exist. Life ends, the void still exists.

When one gains something, that nothing will be filled.

Unless taken away, that something becomes nothing once more.

The void will continue to exist even when the universe crumbles.

How can you gain something if you never experience of having nothing?

Being a nothing?

Truly isolated from your thoughts, yourself, time, life, and surrounded by complete darkness.

Free yourself and accept the void as a lifelong companion.

Only then, could one understand what it means.

Endlessly and timeless drifting.

Unfettered within the complete void.

Nothing can stop you.

Nothing can touch you.

The void has endless possibilities, in between the gaps of life and death, time and space.

Only by grasping it, can allow you to see the beginning.

The ending.

Will you become nothing like everyone else or will you make that nothing part of you, defying everyone and everything?'

Silver silently floated in the void. Within his body, appeared a starry sea as a blurry mark emitted a faint violet light at the center. As his enlightenment slowly came to an end, his violet colored mark started to solidify and materialize.

Opening his eyes, having the exact appearance as Blacky's starry eyes, Silver activated his [Myriad Avatar Technique] to fuse with his avatar to ensure his success in breaking through into the King's Realm.

As Silver attempted to break through, his mark begun taking its true shape at the core of the starry sea. Unknowingly, 3 small and unnoticeable strands of foreign qi entered his mark as he continued to solidify it.

"The laws of the universe and this sleeping world is helping him," Blacky muttered dumbfoundedly peering into the void prison.

"This is the first human to ever succeed in the last trillions of years in the billions of universes I've been taking care of. What luck! The fate of this universe will change to point that even I cannot interfere in. I can finally brag to those four for a very long time. Although you're an annoying human, I wish you the best for now on. The path of the void is one that is extraordinarily rare and harsh to tread on."

A stunning, violet light covered both Silver and his avatar as they begun to fuse. The light increasingly became brighter, illuminating a small portion of the dark void as the two finally fused.

**Hong long long...

After Silver fuse with his avatar, his king's mark finally formed in his endless starry sea. A new feeling of unimaginable power course throughout his body as his starry eyes reverted to normal. His last-minute decision to fuse with his avatar allowed him to reach late-stage Martial King.

There were three levels in the King's Realm. Starting from at the first level was Martial King, followed by Spirit King, and finally True King. Once a cultivator reached peak-stage True King, they can evolve their mark once more to the next realm.

Silver tested his newfound strength in the void for a few hours while consolidating and stabilizing his cultivation.

"You've only stepped into the world of cultivators, as a budding leaf, you need a strong foundation and immeasurable power. You have one more year left, after finishing this fourth year. I will help you to control and build an unbreakable foundation. By the end of last year, I'll be disappointed if you can't reach the Mortal Emperor Realm," informed Blacky inwardly amused at the newly born young king.

"Don't waste all the resources I've given you."

He thought of many ways to boast to his fellow void race. They been belittling him for millions of years ever since the last person he had groomed perished from qi deviation. He was truly betting it all again after he met Silver.

If Silver knew what was on this corrupted, black dragon's mind, he would beat and scold it once he had the power.

With a quick tap, Blacky slowed the time flow within island. With his immeasurable power, Silver wouldn't be able to notice the change in time despite his newfound knowledge and past experiences.

This and that were two totally different things.

Blacky and the other void race had a special ability to play with space and time. In most cases, those who were decent in comprehending the laws of space and time will still notice themselves age even when they change the time ratio. Only those with abilities can escape the river of time.

But with Blacky's abilities, he could alter Silver's senses so only two years had passed. However, one year outside is equivalent to ten thousand years inside the island.

Silver stared at the giant void lizard for a long time, unsure if it was joking or not. After learning the history, he was able to tell that a Mortal Emperor was the strength of the current city leader of White Lotus City.

This was something he deemed impossible to reach within two years. Cultivating void qi was exceedingly difficult, as it took him nearly two years to reach Martial King. If he cultivated heaven and earth qi, reaching the first level of Emperor's Realm, Mortal Emperor, was an easy task.

Little did he know, due to gaining his interest, Blacky had already changed the flow the first time they met. With his low cultivation, he couldn't even sense the change in time. Especially now, when Blacky tapped the air earlier.

The void cultivation path is extremely arduous and impossible to cultivate due the long refinement process for void qi. Blacky already knew that the first individual of the void race took billions of years to reach the King's Realm.

Hence, the first void being created the [Myriad Avatar Technique]. It was the second manual created after the mysterious void skill it cultivated. Each breakthrough needed an frightful amount of void qi.

The upside of being a void being was their immortal body and ability to fight most at a realm higher than them. Unless, of course, they were already a powerful existence.

Upon meeting Blacky, the amount of void qi to refine became incomparably abundant. So, to speak, Silver wouldn't understand which resources Blacky meant.

The only reason Silver was able to get to the Origin Realm within the first three years he reincarnated is due to the place he stayed at. It was one of the natural places where void qi could naturally gather.

Not many beasts stayed there since it could not gather and refine the void qi. In most cases, it caused them to become easily irritated.

"Alright, I'll try my best then," Silver answered still feeling unsure.

After the enlightenment, Silver could finally understand how to use the [Chaotic Void Skill] to the fullest. Sitting down in a lotus position, he began to cultivate the abundant void qi without a second thought.

'This brat can only think of cultivation! I fear he may not be able to have any descendants, or at least find someone compatible,' Blacky thought shaking his head in worry.

Taking his attention away from Silver, he used his divine sense to peer at a young woman cultivating in a small valley.

Carefully observing her cultivate for a few days, she finally broke through and entered early-stage Martial King. Her king's mark appeared out of her body, emitting powerful waves of yin and yang qi.

But before power could spread out and disturb the entire continent, it dispersed into the void. From what it seems, Blacky was protecting and hiding the newly awaken and unique king.

'A flame that can stay burning even in the void and ice that can freeze time forever . . .'