The Annual Tournament Begins

As the sun rose, sunlight shone upon the Ethereal Expanse, thus beginning the annual tournament of Wok City. There were many participants for the annual tournament, whereas the audiences for this year were countless. Tens of thousands of people came to watch this year's competition for one sole rumor. The divine marked individuals who obtained recognition from the divine beasts were competing this year. The tournament stage was surrounded at the first rays of light.

Even those who had lived in Wok City their whole life couldn't help but be awed by the spectacular changes brought about this year.

Upon the stage, there were only a hundred participants. Each of them gave off an aura of confidence once they gathered onto the stage. These individuals who joined this year's competition were of the strongest. The weakest out of them all was at the mid-stage of Axis Realm, Intermediate Mark Fighter*.

"Where's Silver? How come I can't see him!" Kong Nori depressingly said. The whole stadium was completely packed, it could also be described as stranded among the sea of people. The fact this year's tournament had too many new and exciting factors involved in it, so the many people present here was not strange at all.

Every year was almost the same, very few will get into the sects they want nor were many noticed. This new type of change in the monotonous current was something many wanted.

Fu Arus, Xin Yanhua, Kong Galbi and even the parents of the divine four were present. They were all squeezed into the crowd, looking at the large tournament stage. Fu Arus had already told them their kids had cloaked themselves. It took a few guesses to tell who they were as many of the other participants kept their appearance hidden too.

All one hundred had already been registered with a number once they signed up. The limit was one hundred, unless you had a backdoor, it was nearly impossible to appear at final stage. Many would be tested and had to fight thousands of other contestants to obtain a spot. Those who entered through different means were naturally frowned up by ordinary participants.

But as long someone had some form of power or backed by someone powerful, then they could only grind their teeth in silence. Everything is fair under the might of absolute power.

Long Zhen and Fey Luden stood beside each other off the tournament stage, awaiting their turn to fight. Long Zhen carried the number five with Fey Luden carrying six, respectively. Fu Wonton was further away, sitting on a chair, sound asleep. He was number nine.

One by one, exclamations burst out from the crowd as the participants fought on the tournament stage. Everyone was waiting for their number to be called up next. As the latest fight ended, participant 81 won with one poke of a finger. This was one of the cloaked individuals, their name was Faa Mu.

An elder stood at the middle of stage, waiting for the unconscious loser to be brought off the stage.

"Ahem, next is participant 18 and 93! Yan Li and Sun Jiao, to the stage," announced the city tournament elder.

Very soon, Sun Jiao's tall and sturdy figure had stepped onto the stage. Across from him, Yan Li hidden in a maroon cloak, stood on the stage. Fu Wonton, Fey Luden, Long Zhen and Silver looked up at the very mention of Yan Li. She was the weakest of their group and they knew very little of her skills.

Since traveling to Wok City, Blacky warded off many beasts around the premises. So, no one truly knew each other's skills. The only thing Silver knew about his childhood friends were there cultivation level. Yan Li had broken through the night before, reaching the late stage of the Axis Realm, Expert Mark Fighter. The other three reached the early stages of the Terra Realm, True Mortal.

'I can't help but to admire Yan Li. Whatever she is cultivating, it's giving off a vibe that she can battle those two stages higher than her,' thought Silver as he meticulously examined Yan Li hidden under the cloak. Although the mask could hide their cultivation, it was nothing to his black mask.

The day before, the black mask was an artifact he created in his past life. He couldn't help but be surprised when he first inspected it. A seal was placed onto the mask to ensure that nobody could use it to its fullest potential, unless it was the creator themselves who was using it. However, this gave him many unanswered questions as to why an artifact of his was in Ethereal Expanse.

As he couldn't find a clue from his many speculations, he unsealed the mask, unlocking its true abilities. It only had two functions; conceal one's cultivation and appearance and transform one's appearance. It was his most used and prized possession, next to his halberd, that had helped him escaped many greedy bastards. He created this after obtaining "Wolf Beneath the Wool", implementing it into the mask. With so many identities, it was truly hard to find him, except for those who deemed life and death friends.

"Hiding your appearance before you lost, eh," sneered Sun Jiao as he made his way towards Yan Li. His eyes were cold, full of unbounded pride.

"Boy or girl, you'll fall under these fists of mine."

Before Sun Jiao could get near Yan Li, he felt a strong killing intent coming from her. Shivers of cold ran down his back, he took half a step back, sweat on his forehead. His instinct was screaming to back off from the mysterious person.

Silver was pleasantly surprised; he didn't realize that Yan Li could have a strong killing intent already. Sun Jiao wanted to scare her, but it hadn't worked, and now he looked like a buffoon for saying such prideful words.

Sun Jiao was furious, releasing more qi and struck out his right fist.

"Take my Iron Fist!"

Yan Li stayed silent, taking a step forward, appearing behind his back. The crowd had gone silent, unsure of what happened and how Yan Li got behind Sun Jiao.

All they knew was that his right hand was missing, and the mysterious person was beyond ruthless. Sun Jiao clench his teeth, holding in the pain he felt after realizing he lost his hand.

"Thank you for being merciful," Sun Jiao shuddered as a group of doctors came up and took him off the stage. He felt his luck was good and the fact he wasn't too arrogant. If so, he would have never made it off the stage.

Once someone signs up for this tournament, there were a high chance of being severely injured, crippled or even dying. This was not a place for fools who couldn't understand what cruelty truly meant.

The crowd just stared at Yan Li with various expressions, most were of fear and awe. What made it more mind boggling was the fact they couldn't see the technique used. It was too fast for their mortal eyes!

A few of the sect elders that were sitting at first few rows of the stadium showed astonished expressions. Some of the disciples looked at their elders in confusion, trying to understand the situation.

Finally, one of the elder composed himself and explained. Since many of the cultivators had good hearing, they listened in on this said elder. He seen this technique once during his path of cultivation. Mainly, a certain kind of assassin clan used this blade technique and are well known for it.

This clan was naturally the White Raven Clan. Despite their clan's odd name, it was a clan that brought fear to many powerful individuals and sects. They assassinated anybody who caused trouble to their friends, family and the clients that hired them. They wouldn't even turn down confrontational duels, but no matter, it was always a life and death duel.

But they were very respectful, unless you provoked them first, they won't provoke you. They were the number one assassin clan in the Ethereal Expanse, a very mysterious group. A minority of them are quite well-known already, publicly declaring themselves, but no one dared to cause them trouble.

Near the middles section of the stadium Fu Arus could be seen glaring at a young, plain woman who gave him a pleasant smile.

[I can't believe you taught her your clan's killing techniques] spoke Fu Arus to the plain woman telepathically. By using his divine sense, he naturally able to communicate to her without saying a word vocally but mentally.

[Aren't you afraid your clan's patriarch is here looking for you, Yan Hui? You've hid yourself for 14 years! Not only that, you've let her use your clan's assassination techniques too. She'll be kidnapped by the White Raven Clan.]

[Hmph, let that old man find me! What can he do to me and his granddaughter?] retorted Yan Hui using her divine sense.

[She won't get kidnapped by the members of the White Raven Clan. She has my token, and if they dare touch her, I will be instantly teleported to her! If he wants me to return, then he must apologize for banishing her father out of the Ethereal Expanse! Let's see who dare touches my daughter.]

Fu Arus shook his head and gave a light sigh after listening to what Yan Hui said. She had come to his Windfall Village to hide from her clan, pregnant, with nowhere to go. He had been great friends with her and her husband, so didn't hesitate when he let her live in his village. When she told him the news of her husband, he was quite angry, almost storming to the White Raven Clan in anger.

Yan Hui had begged him not to, so he could only consider her feelings and stay composed. Since that year, before Yan Li was born, she never smiled and changed her appearance to a plain village woman. But ever since Yan Li was born, she always smiled and taught Yan Li her clan's technique. She was strict when she trained her daughter, but she also showed her love and care as a mother to her daughter.

"He's actually here," said Yan Hui with smile that wasn't a smile taking a quick glance to the west of the stadium. There sat an old man wearing plain, faded grey clothing observing Yan Li with utmost attention.

'Who is this Yan Li? She knows our White Raven Clan techniques and her surname is also Yan… I don't remember hearing of child prodigy like her in our clan…' thought the old man.

At that moment, the old man sensed that someone was looking at him. He turned his head to the general direction where Yan Li was sitting at but couldn't pinpoint who it was. Thus, he kept quiet and returned his focus onto the stadium. Especially, towards the maroon cloaked Yan Li.

Everyone raised their heads and saw that the sun was directly above them, indicating that it was high noon already.

"Participant 18, Yan Li has won," said the referee "Participant 5, Long Zhen and participant 27, Xin Chuo to the stage!"

Both Long Zhen and Xin Chuo felt surprised at the match up when their names were called. At any rate, they proceeded to the middle of the stage. Like Yan Li, Long Zhen was also hidden within a maroon hooded cloak.

"Alright, same rules as always. Begin!" shouted the referee after moving off the stage.

"Phew…" Xin Chuo took a deep breath, hiding his mouth behind his opened fan. Long Zhen got into his stance, knuckle cracking as tighten his fist. He knew Xin Chuo was stronger than him, but he felt it was exciting to fight finally. Adrenaline rushing throughout his body, he was ready.

Xin Chuo glanced at Long Zhen; a coquettish smile hidden behind his fan. Closing it the fan, he quickly turns around.

"I give up," announced Xin Chuo walking off the stage. He returned outside of the stage, where those who lost would do a redemption round.

"Sorry, I don't feel like fighting this guy."

"Ahhh… Participant 5, Long Zhen wins!" exclaimed the dumbfounded referee after assessing the situation and composing himself. Even the crowd was thoroughly stunned, never had they seen someone act this way in the tournament of the past years.

Intentionally giving up to a person without batting an eye. Who are these mysterious maroon cloaked people?



Those in the Axis Realm are generally called Mark Fighter's.

Names as followed:

1st Axis to 3rd Axis - Beginner Mark Fighter

4th Axis to 6th Axis - Intermediate Mark Fighter

7th Axis to 9th Axis - Expert Mark Fighter