Blue Dream City

'What kind of luck do I have?' thought Silver. He was dumbfounded when woke up and realized he was surrounded by a group of bandits with their weapons pointed at him.

"Quit gawking! Give us all your valuables!" shouted a huge middle-aged man with a comical eyepatch over his right eye.

Silver stayed in his spot, unsure whether to laugh or cry in his situation. It had been almost a week since he left White Lotus City onto his journey. Everything seemed normal when he met a few caravans and other travelers on his way. To kill time, he chatted amongst them, ate a feast and drank some wine with these travelers. Somehow, by the time he woke up, he found himself duped by the caravan as he stood up to stretch and yawn.

That was when he realized he was surrounded by a group of bandits when he finally opened his eyes. It seemed he became too relaxed, forgetting the insidious nature of a mortal. Although he kept his guard down, no one could really hurt him since he was somewhat on par with the nine exiles.

"So, you're unwilling to speak? Hmph! Men, beat this cowardly sheep with half an inch to his life and take all his belongings!"

Following the leader's command, the bandits began closing in on Silver, chuckling and sneering with vile remarks.

"Please... I-I, will give you all my food and money. Please spare me… I'm just a warrior that's trying to survive" quivered Silver in a fearful manner, taking off his travelling bag, placing it on the ground. If one saw how he acted, he could win an Oscar with his superb acting skills.

"Cut the crap! Am I negotiating with you? Beat him to death instead!"

With a mean and wicked smiling expression, the big middle-aged man swung the saber in his hand at Silver.

"Stop right there!" shouted a person, jumping over Silver's head, shoving their fist to the bandit leader's face.

A loud thump was heard as the bandit chief was sent flying, twirling into a tree, breaking the tree in half. Several bandits hurriedly went to check him as the others began attacking the mysterious person.

Being attacked by all sides, thrusting their fists, every single bandit was knocked out by one punch. The bandits nearby their leader stood in shock, watching their brethren get knocked out left and right by some random passerby.

The last five bandits did not move from their spot as the others kept attacking. They were waiting patiently, guarding their unconscious leader. They were unsure if he was dead or not but could only watch the attacker fiercely.

Seeing the attacker busy with the others, they sheathe their weapons and carried their unconscious leader away. Sadly, before they were able to run a few more feet, another person flew down and decapitated them all with ease.

Silver stood there, dumbfounded again, watching an odd scene play out right before his eyes. The mysterious duo started walking towards him, a young boy and girl appeared, one smiling the other with a stone-cold face. The young boy's steps were somewhat unsteady, a bright red hand marks on both sides of his cheeks, swollen enough to make him appear like a goofy iron-tooth chipmunk.

"Don't ever rush in like that, our master may be lenient but just because you see injustice doesn't mean you can act upon it" chastised the stone-faced girl.

"And why can't you kill them properly? You just enjoy fist fights too much, a swift kill is how you ensure they won't cause us any future problems!"

"Mmmm, yes sis," grumbled the young boy, tears leaking from his eyes, rubbing his cheeks to soothe the pain. Looking up, staring at Silver, he gave a wide smile.

"I hope you're alright! We were just passing by and I couldn't help myself when I saw your situation."

"I don't see the point of saving a coward," sneered the stone-faced girl. In her eyes, Silver was unfit to become a warrior. She only showed contempt to those who cowered than fight like a man.

"Uhm . . . Thank you for saving me," thanked Silver appearing sheepish and startled. His thought process halted throughout the whole situation because it was truly out of the blue.

"No problems! Hahaha, where are you going? Do you want to join us? We're headi- oof" asked the young boy before being abruptly stopped by a young man who ran in and kicked him right into the stomach with full force.

"Who gave you permission to let a straggler join us? You are speaking out of term for our young master!" snapped the young man still kicking the young boy who was curled up on the ground trying to defend himself from the incessant kicking.

Not long after the young man entered the play, two strider horses appeared pulling a normal, black carriage into view.

Young master, I ask your forgiveness for Yong Satay's brash behavior," asked the young man as he stopped kicking Yong Satay. He gave a bow in front of the halting carriage.

"Not to worry, this happens to often for me to bother, Bu Keng," ranged a young boy's voice within the carriage.

"Yong Dango, take care of your brother. Bu Keng overdid his kicking again."

"Yes, young master," replied Yong Dango bowing towards the carriage. Next she threw a healing pill towards her brother's head, to which he quickly grabbed with his right hand.

"Thanks, young master," grumbled Yong Satay. He bruised all over from Bu Keng's strong kicks, but didn't complain and popped the healing pill into his mouth. A couple minutes later, Yong Satay looked as good as new, standing up and brushing the dirt off his clothes.

"Young master, can this young warrior join us to the next city?"

"Why would we want a straggler to join us!?" scolded Bu Keng folding his arms and glaring angrily at Yong Satay.

"I will allow it," the young master agreed.

"But young mast-"

"Do not question me, Bu Keng. What is your name, sir?"

"My name is Silver," answered Silver pondering over the play he had just seen. He felt like dealing with the bandits seemed better than dealing with a bunch of oddballs. Since the start of his morning, everything seemed natural but somehow it became weirder as the minutes went by.

'Is my life a comedy?'

"Silver? Such a peculiar name . . ." remarked the young master.

"I am Kiu Thao of the Kiu Clan. We are heading to our home in Blue Dream City, come enter the carriage and accompany me."

"This is my first time travelling outside on my own, I'll be glad to be in your care," responded Silver accepting Kiu Thao's offer. He didn't mind these oddballs, so he chose to go with the flow.

Silver opened the carriage door and entered to see a bright and gentle smile on Kiu Thao's face. He could tell the Kiu Thao did not mind another person accompanying them, in fact Silver could feel that Kiu Thao was intrigued by him.

Silver stared a bit longer at Kiu Thao's face, suspecting something was off with the young man. Using his divine sense, he figured it out and gave a warm smile back at the young master.

'Quite an interesting fellow'

Bu Keng grumbled quietly and sat at the front of the carriage as Yong Dango followed right after him. Yong Satay closed the carriage door and joined Bu Keng in the front of the carriage. His eyes moved left to right, vice versa, surveying the surrounding areas for any form of threats.

Thus, they continued their journey to their destination, Blue Dream City.

Silver sat in front of Kiu Thao while Yong Dango beside her young master. Kiu Thao appeared young, sharp jawline with a touch of baby fat on his cheeks, short and thick metallic-white hair lifted slightly to the left. He had a pair of sharp eyebrows with a sword-like tail above his asura red eyes that had a tinge of grey mixed in. Their collar bones were quite pronounced as it complimented his toned physique in his marginally loose black clothing with red silk robe worn over it.

Right beside him was Yong Dango, a stoned-face beauty emanating a very isolated aura. Even around her young master she seemed cold and aloof. Yong Dango had black hair with the left side braided. Her hair was quite long, hanging over her right shoulder. Even then, her sky-blue eyes shot daggers at him, patiently waiting and ready to attack at any given moment.

Silver sat there lightly coughing, hoping Kiu Thao would initiate the conversation. He really wanted to get rid of this intense atmosphere from Yong Dango. Especially Bu Keng, who was radiating a killing intent openly.

It felt like allowing a few mosquitoes fly around you, as it patiently decides the next spot to suck up blood from.

"Where are you from?" inquired Kiu Thao as if they noticed the cue. He was quite unbothered by the awkward atmosphere, like it was a normal everyday thing for him.

"White Lotus City," responded Silver, casually smiling back.

"Quite the journey you have going, any reasons?"

"I just wanted to broaden my horizons. The world is full of opportunities, so instead of waiting, I rather seize the chance myself."

"I feel a bit startled by your insights, not many warriors such as yourself would think this way."

"I had a small enlightenment during training, so I gathered up a few necessities and left onto this journey this week. Didn't expect to encounter bandits on the way nor foreseen a kind stranger to give me a ride."

"Well it seems like we are fated to meet, so I have no qualms offering a ride to you. Luckily, Blue Dream City isn't too far off. Only an hour's ride to get there. If you like, I can lend Yong Satay who can give you a tour of the city during your stay."

"That sounds great, but I would like to know if there are any alchemist associations?"

"ALCHEMIST? YOU'RE AN ALCHEMIST?" shouted everyone in unison, even Yong Dango couldn't keep her stoned-face in check, showing an adorable yet astonished expression.

"Yea, my master taught me alchemy before he left on a journey a few years ago," fibbed Silver, startled by their spontaneous exclamation.

"Is there something weird with the alchemist profession?"

"No, no, no. It's just that rare to have one! Especially in the Desolate Tundra Continent," explained Kiu Thao, smiling brightly with an excited expression.

"After the war a few months back, many alchemists were killed during the assault, making them rare but not as much as a phoenix's feather. Floating Cloud Sect of White Lotus City is the only sect with the most abundant amount of alchemist left! They evaded the alchemists purge and from hearsay, have sealed off their gates to the outside world. Even the other super sects followed their lead! Nearly all those large sects, hidden sects and super sects that follow suit have become even more mysterious throughout the whole continent! Just being able to befriend a tier 1 alchemist is quite fortunate.

Right now, we have at least three alchemist who survived in our Blue Dream City. Two of them are from the Gold Spring Merchant Association while the other is in the Yen Clan, which is the Kiu Clan's greatest competitor in the city. Due to the ice wall covered in black flame splitting the continent in half, we can only depend on what we have on our side. Many of the surrounding cities have tried to remove or at least subdue this strange wall but none has prevailed. We're just glad that the Goddess of Ice and Flame protected us with all her might . . ."

Silver nodded at Kiu Thao, keeping his mouth as the young boy spoke highly of his mighty goddess and her amazing prowess during the Great Fire and Ice War. Never would they know, Silver knew this goddess of theirs and they were fellow disciples at the same sect. Sadly, he no longer knew where she was and when she reincarnated.

Luckily, no one had a solid description of her physical features beside that the hero was a female and clad in black flames and gelid ice.

"Uh, sorry about that, I got carried away," apologized Kiu Thao, grinning in childlike manner. He was daydreaming aloud, hoping to meet his celebrity one day.

"Continuing on, you can get certified and take the alchemist exams at the Gold Spring Merchant Association. As I have matters to attend to, I will not be able to join you until a later time."

"We're here young master," announced Bu Keng as the carriage slowed to a stop in front of Blue Dream City's gate.

"Here's my personal token if you want to come by and visit," smiled Kiu Thao. He brought out a red token from his spatial ring and it to Silver.

Looking at it, Silver could see 'Kiu' on the red token.

"Just present this to the guards in front of the Kiu Clan gates and they will immediately let you in."

"Thank you. If you need any help, just ask," hinted Silver. He then took the token and placing it into his white robe. He would usually throw it into his spatial ring but to ensure he didn't arouse much suspicion, he kept in the pocket of his robe.

Rocking slightly, the carriage proceeded through the gates and headed into the city towards the Kiu Clan. Silver stood beside the main gates and spoke to the guards there. After paying the fee and showing his identification, he followed Satay onto the busy streets of Blue Dream City.

Their destination, Gold Spring Merchant Association. It was best for him to have a good background, so he chose to take the alchemist exam.