Revised Formulas

[If your array is blinking red, please exit the room as you have failed the first round. If it is not, congratulations on passing the first round.]

[The second and third round will be a back to back exam. You can choose to improve a current alchemy formula or create one at your own risk. Once completed, two examiners will be sent down to your room to check your formula and creation.]

[A cauldron is already provided on the shelf to the right of your desk, on the grey shelf. You can choose to write onto the array. If you want to maintain secrecy, then check the drawer of your desk. Inside the desk will contain ten scroll papers, black ink, twine, a wax seal, alchemy division stamp and a rainbow feathered quill pen.]

[Once you begin your creation, list all the ingredients you need, the array will blink blue three times to inform that the ingredients are on their way. They will be contained in a spatial bag. Please remember to retrieve them. You have 12 hours to complete both rounds.]

'Hmm, which formula seems the best,' thought Silver, perusing through his memories. His options were not limited but making a heavenly pill would garner much attention from unwanted individuals. Especially if the other demon emperors got wind of it.

Per usual, taking the easiest route is beneficial to him as he chose the most basic of all, creating two sets of improved formulas: Body Strengthening Medicinal Bath Formula and Foundation Setting Pill Formula. Both original formulas used rather uncommon materials but could be easily recreated with common and easily found materials while tripling the efficacy for those who are within the external realm.

His main goal was to ensure the younger generation could prosper during this chaotic era, so they had some means of surviving. By using the Body Strengthening Medicinal Bath Formula would allow one's body to become sturdier and stronger. Of course, with each use, the effect would generally weaken. However, it would assist those in external realm to build a body foundation.

However, the Foundation Setting Pill was a heavenly pill that allowed a person to breakthrough with ease into the Internal Realm. Not only can it assist in breakthroughs, the pill has many great medicinal properties to nourish and strengthen the meridians. Thus, allowing one to easily breakthrough into the internal realm without harming oneself.

Silver began jotting down the Body Strengthening Medicinal Bath Formula [Revised] onto the array. Listing over 49 common herbs. Soon after he finished jotting the ingredients, Silver continued onto the next formula. Once both formulas were written down, he contacted for an examiner to deliver the ingredients needed to create the Foundation Setting Pill. It was best to complete both at the same time to ensure his success in passing the second and third rounds.

If those alchemists knew what Silver was thinking, they'd foam out of their mouth as working on two different formulas was aching to defying the heavens. It was difficult enough to focus on making a pill.

**Ring (sound of a bell)

"Room eighteen has finally requested for ingredients," announced a tier 7 alchemist examiner.

"Which pill is he going to make?" asked Grandmaster Guiying. He turned his head towards the tier 7 alchemist, ignoring the notes he was studying. If one were to look over his shoulder, these "notes" were the answers of Silver's exam papers.

"It says the Foundation Setting Pill, but the materials he requested are . . . unusual."

"Unusual? Must be trying to improve it then. Alright send the material down! I want to see if this boy is a genius in theories or an individual that could become a great grandmaster alchemist in the future."

"Yes, Grandmaster Guiying."

**Knock, knock, knock

"That was rather quick," mumbled Silver in surprise. It had been barely ten minutes and all the 27 ingredients he asked for were already gathered. Opening the door, an examiner held a tray with a spatial bag laying on top.

"Here are the materials you requested," informed the young examiner with a poker face.

"En, Thank you."

Closing the door, Silver went back to his desk and begun preparing the materials. After ensuring he had all the correct ratios and herbs, Silver grabbed a bronze dragon cauldron off a grey shelf. Soon, he sat in the middle of the room and placed a floating technique onto the cauldron. Within seconds, the bronze dragon cauldron rose into the air to where his collars were at.

Adjusting his breathing, Silver began condensing his qi. Wisp of qi floated around him, gathering under the cauldron. Soon, a purplish-black flame formed while emitting soft waves of heat. After a quarter of an hour, the bronze dragon cauldron became blisteringly red hot. However, the heat seemed contained, leaving the room unaffected.

Seeing that the temperature was right where he wanted it, Silver began grabbing the materials and carefully adding them into the cauldron. To ensure there were no mishaps, one needed a high level of concentration and powerful divine sense. Once everything was in the cauldron, he finally placed the lid on.

'Sigh...The first step was finally completed with no mistakes occurring. I'm a little rusty compare to back then'

Under Silver's manipulation, the purplish-black fire wrapped around the cauldron like a dragon's tongue, ready to devour the treasures within. At the same time, he slowly rotated the bronze dragon cauldron that was floating in midair, constantly aware of what was happening inside with his divine sense. Finally, the purplish-black fire concealed the cauldron into a ball of roaring flames.

As time passed by, after hundreds of adjustments, the bronze cauldron released a medicinal fragrance that could stir up a person's spirit from the grave. Such a medicinal fragrance could make a rock salivate. With his thoughts, the purplish-black fire under Silver's control became even more intense. It was as if the flames wanted to consume the entire bronze dragon cauldron into ashes.

Like the spring breeze that carry the scent of blooming flowers, an exceptionally strong medicinal aroma emanated outside of Silver's room. The scent wandered all within the Alchemy Division causing many of the examinees to become minutely distracted. Despite the minute distraction, this caused many to lose focus and blow up their cauldron in succession.

Most of them were shocked by the strong medicinal odor and wondered who could have made a monstrous concoction, while the others felt horror and fainted once their cauldron exploded. It could be said, this exam could be a blessing in disguise. But to Silver, it didn't matter as he was focused on his pill making. Even if he knew many failed because of him, he still wouldn't care. How can one call themselves an alchemist if they couldn't endure some setbacks and mild distractions?

Silver knew without a thought that the Foundation Setting Pill, in liquid form, were beginning to coagulate into a pill. This time around, he had to be extra careful in slowing the rotation speed and the amount of flames needed. Moments later, the lid of the cauldron began rattling, causing Silver's mind to be on the alert, focusing on the last push onto the final step of the concoction.

***Bzzz . . .

Silver smiled while nodding his head after hearing the light buzzing noise. Carefully removing the lid, while the cauldron was levitating towards him, Silver peered inside. Nine lustrous red pills sat at the bottom, emitting strong waves of energy as he carefully placed all nine pills into a jade bottle.

After completing all of this, Silver went back to sitting at the desk and sent his two simplified formulas. Now, all he had to do was wait for an examiner to test his pill.

Within the examiners room, two old men were shocked beyond belief after unfurling a scroll in a secret room. However, outside of the room, their team of highly skilled tier alchemists fainted from sheer exhilaration from the revised formula room eighteen had sent. Of course, these were the revised versions of the Foundation Setting Pill Silver and Body Strengthening Medicinal Bath.

Both grandmasters stared at the formula in awe. Only a single thought crossed their mind:

'Who is Silver?'