
"Our next item is a spatial artifact found in the ruins in one of the oldest civilizations during an exploration. After a week of tests, we can absolutely say this spatial artifact can contain life!" announced Cui Pang as the bunny masked woman held it up.

"To prove its authenticity, we'll do a demonstration using this grey-eyed wolf!"

The bunny masked woman inserted her qi into the artifact which allowed the grey-eyed wolf to enter the spatial artifact. After waiting for five minutes, she brought the wolf back out onto the stage. Everyone in the audience awed in astonishment, muttering over such a spectacular artifact. Some ever showed a trace a greed, carefully observing for any bidders.

"We have attempted to see if we can send in a human, but it only allowed beast type beings to live within the space. Inside the spatial artifact is a small paradise, around hundreds of cubic meters of livable land with vegetation, water and air. These beasts can live within indefinitely if you are able to feed them periodically. Of course, if they could fit inside this small domain. In most cases, we cannot fathom the mystery on how it is constructed as this is why we chose to auction it. Do we have any bidders?"

"1.5 MILLION SOLS!" exclaimed a male voice within the audience.

"We have 1.5 million! Anyone else?"




. . . . . . . . . . . .


"We have 78 million sols from one of our esteemed private guests! Any bidders?"

A wave of silence pervaded the audience, none of them had the audacity to go against someone from the private rooms or else they would find themselves meeting Grandma Meng right after the auction. There were many a time during the past, certain well-known individuals would disappear an hour after the auction, never to be heard nor seen again.

"Sold!" exclaimed Cui Pang nodding his head in excitement.

78 million sols was the highest bid so far after the last seventeen items that had been auction. Although spatial items were common, those that contained a small paradise was truly rare, sadly not many would want to have a spatial artifact with restrictions and of unknown origin. Just having it sold for that much was quite good enough, if it could contain any type of beings while including legendary functions, many would slaughter gruesomely just to have it.




Silver heard a few knocks coming from his door. Without thinking much, he stood up and walked towards the door to open it. A petite and young woman stood there as he held the door open as she held a small wooden chest.

"One of our guests would like to present this to you," informed the young woman.

"They wish that you accept it as a form of an apology."

"En. Thank you, tell them I value the present," instructed Silver using his divine sense to inspect the wooden chest. Within the chest, a green spatial ring laid on a small silk pillow. The green spatial had intricate and detailed mountains inscribed onto it as it gave a faint greenish glow that could only be discernible by him.

He then grabbed the wooden chest, nodding at the young woman with a smile of acceptance and closed his door. Walking toward his chair, he sat on it and began to inspect the spatial ring more thoroughly.

To his surprise there was a strong seal within the details of the mountain. Using his qi, he broke the seal with little resistance. He felt quite satisfied with the present he had obtained after giving a second and more thorough inspection. The world within the ring became majestic and vast, spreading out for hundreds of thousands of miles of vegetation. Not only that, the ring began automatically collecting vast amounts of qi as it poured into the ring like a cascading waterfall into a large riverbed.

Before anyone could sense it, Silver created a restriction around him as the ring continuously absorbed the qi. With the seal broken, its true abilities took flight, allowing any beings to live within. However, it needed to store vast amount of qi to truly allow the add-ons to take effect.

'Hmm, its name is Green Peak... who knew this ring which I thought was insignificant was actually a true spatial treasure. Now I don't need to worry and just slowly refine it,' thought Silver chuckling out loud. Without further ado, he placed a small drop of his blood on it. A tiny green light devoured the blood, instantaneously becoming Silver's sole ring. Seconds after absorbing the blood, the ring lost its glow as if it were just a normal ring.

"Did he get it?" asked Wang Bo staring at a young and petite woman before him.

"Yes, he thanks you for giving him a valuable present," answered the young woman respectfully.

"En. Good, good. You can go now."

"Thank you, esteemed guest."

Wang Bo smiled delightfully, even though a spatial artifact as such was useful to him, it was rather limited after he inspected it. But, if he had the experiences and incredible perception like Silver, he would never give such an invaluable treasure away.

"Next is our final item, concluding this month's auction! Although rare, we do bid slaves of quality and value. We have two very special humanoid beings. Although they may seem like mortal children, they are young and very rare half-beasts that are highly sought after. We would like to sell them individually, but they must go as a pair based on the information given by our client."

Hearing the announcement, Silver felt piqued by these so-called half-beasts' children. Without much thought, he decided to linger a bit longer to see these so-called rare half beasts. As he stared at the stage, both masked beauties brought a cage with two small kids in it.

One appeared skinny boy and malnourished. His body was ridden with horrifying scars as if he had been beaten and tortured for years. But within his eyes, a fierce expression of resent and wrath emanated. For such a frail looking youth, he was quite menacing to the crowd.

Behind him was a female youth who showed eyes of resignation. It seemed she was a tad more nourished than the male youth, as she clung to his arms in fear. Her clothes were covered in dirt, as so did her face. It appeared that the male youth had been taking the beatings, as she had no scars and bruises.

With a glimpse, something within his heart and soul told him to buy them. It was as if a connection that could not be broken from the river of time. This time he didn't want to vocalize his voice as he grabbed a transmission jade nearby his chair, that was placed on a small table. With no time wasted, he sent his bid through it using his divine sense.

'This will definitely give me no competitors,' thought Silver calmly staring at the caged pair on the auction's stage.

"These two are brother and sister! Their origins are unknown, but they are already powerful beings at a very young age. You may be thinking what makes them special? They both have a very unique ability! A drop of the boy's blood can increase your lifespan by a hundred years. The downside is, this drop of blood will only work once. As for the female, her blood can heal your wounds faster and better than a medium tier healing pill! Their blood alone can even allow the success rate of your pill making reach an outstanding 30%."

"I want them," exclaimed one of the guests in the audience.

"Hmph! What if those up there bid? What can you even get? We'll be lucky enough for them to auction those beasts' blood!"


**BANG (sound of a small mallet being stuck on a table)

"The bid starts at 5 million sols! Any bidders?" announced Cui Pang as he silenced the excited audience of bidders.

"8 million!" exclaimed a voice coming from one of the four private rooms.

"10 million!"

"20 million!"

"60 million!" exclaimed Wang Qiang as he eyes shone with gleam. If carefully trained those siblings into his clan, obtaining absolute loyalty from them, his position within the city could be considered solid.

"We have 60 millio-- wait, we have a silent bidder from one of our esteemed guests!" announced Cui Pang in jubilation.

"It's … my heavens! 300 Million Sols! Is there any bidder who like to outbid this individual?"

"Crazy!? Who would buy these children for that amount?"

"Can that person buy my virginity instead for that much?"

"What if they're not a woman?"

"With that much money, I couldn't care less!"

An uproar surge throughout the audience as they vocally debated on who this esteemed guest was. They all wondered if this individual was male or female and if they were a powerful expert. Some even guess it was Wang Clan bidding for these half-beasts. With that amount, it would ensure that no one would attempt to bet with them or even the famous Alchemy Division.

"WHAT!? 300 MILLION!!??" shouted Wang Bo as his eyes nearly popped out of his eye sockets. Why would anyone bid that much? At most, the pair of siblings could be sold for close to 100 million sols. Who would have such extravagance and throw away so much money?

"Who is this madman? Our Wang Clan cannot bring out that much sols in one go!"

"400 million sols!" exclaimed a monotone voice from one of the four private rooms. Inside sat an individual fully clothed and hooded in black. Their face was covered with a demonic looking mask as they stared silently at the very room that made the bid.

"400 million sols from one of our other esteemed guests! Any risk takers that would outbid this guest?" exclaimed Cui Pang in jubilation. With every item he auctioned, a 10% cut will be given to him, so it was in his best interest to excite the bidders.

"Going once! Going twi-! Our silent, esteemed guest has placed another bid! 600 million sols!!"

Everyone within the auction became silent, fully shocked by such a high and luxurious bid. Even one of the richest clans wouldn't throw their money away for a pair of beasts. It was truly incomprehensible, no one would ever think someone would waste so much money.

"600 MILLION GOING ONCE! GOING TWICE? SOLD!" shouted Cui Pang unable to control his excitement.

"This ends the auction! We will deliver the pair of siblings to you, esteemed guest!"

Many individuals got up, leaving the auction while shaking their heads. They were depressed throughout the auction as they were unable to buy what they needed due to their lack of funds. Others got up, hoping to find a glimpse of the madman who bought a pair of siblings for 600 million sols. In their eyes showed a hint of greed, ready to kill for momentary gains.

"Here you go sir," spoke a young woman as she dropped the sleeping beast duo off in front of Silver. After bowing politely, she walked away quickly and closed the door.

Silver stared at the sleeping duo and waved his hand, instantly transferring them into the spatial artifact he was gifted, Green Peak. Because they were unconscious, he could easily put them in without their consent, allowing him to move out without being suspected by anyone.

Opening the door, he waltzed down the stairs, through the auction area and out onto the busy streets.

Once he got outside, Silver turned his head to the direction of the Kiu Clan, eyebrows scrunching. A sense of dread filled his heart, taking a step forward, instantly vanishing within the bustling and crowded street.

"Looks like I have no choice," chuckled the mysterious, demonic masked individual as they stood up. Their head turned towards the closed door as the sounds of subtle footsteps came closer and closer.

"I will find you…"

Moments later, a young male attendant opened the door and dropped the requested items onto the floor as he witnessed a bloody scene before him. Pieces of limbs and gore of both female and male covered the walls and the floor of the room as a nasty smell of rotting flesh assaulted his nose. Shuddering, the young attendant quickly ran downstairs. With each shaky step, he stumbled on his way to inform his manager.