Beast Tide

Every beast tide was considered the worst possible situation that Blue Dream City could come across. With each assault throughout the years, these beast tides had put the city into a state of emergency. Numerous experts varying from different families and clans were arranged to and all sides of the city with the Wang Clan leading the main operations.

Wang Qiang and Wang Bo gazes made contact, expressing their worries and anxiety through their eyes. The beast tide would arrive in approximately five hours, if not earlier.

"Why is there a beast tide earlier than expected?" asked Wang Bo, raising his right eyebrow curiously.

"This isn't normal. This current beast tide is larger and a few times more menacing than those before them. Aren't there a few of our members specialized in finding abnormalities during their field missions? Where are they?"

"It seems we have been given a false report by one of our members," replied Wang Qiang narrowing his eyes, quickly realizing some discrepancy from the reports. Within his heart, Wang Qiang sensed uneasiness from this turn of events. He had been living so peacefully, nearly neglecting his duties.

"Find them for me!"

"Yes, patriarch," ranged a voice from afar, a light breeze brushing past Wang Bo's hair.

With the demon beast tide coming to the city at an incredible fast rate, Wang Bo wasn't sure if they could find the traitor on time. This level of disaster was nearly on the same level during the Great Fire and Ice War. They had barely gotten this crucial information, working as fast as they could to alarm the whole city and take the correct defensive measures.

"Sir, every single individual from the exploration is dead. Dried to the point of mummification. It seems they've been dead for a very long time, so I've extracted some type of green liquid oozing from their eyes," informed the mysterious person returning from his scout mission.

"Grandfather, do you know what this is?" asked Wang Qiang as he took the vial from the scout and stared at the slimy green liquid. He slowly swirled the liquid as it gave off a putrid smell while it was still closed with a cork.

"Tainted Alchemy . . ." replied Wang Bo, staring at the vial in disgust.

"This is the work of that man... This is bad! Wang Qiang, alert the Alchemy Division now!"

There was still five hours to prepare until the arrival of the beast tide. Under the commands of the Wang Clan, thousands of experts gather at all four entrances, fortifying it with haste.

Time was ticking away, the fear within the city became more apparent as everyone rushed to prepare defensive measures against the demon tide. Looking afar, a few experts could see a cloud of brownish green miasma rushing towards the city like a rushing wave of water.

The setting sun allowed the green miasma to appear dreadful and cold, filling the air with the stench of blood, rot and death. Countless warriors died, vegetations shriveled like a plant under the blazing sun while the miasma came crashing in. Even the beasts fell into its smog-like grasp.

On the city wall, an individual cloaked in all black could gazed upon the panicked city with delight. If one were looking closely, they could see this mysterious person's delighted face seem diabolical as they held an open vial with green liquid within.

"I should find that person now, but first, let's have some fun!" chuckled the mysterious black-cloaked individual tossing the vial towards a group of experts.

"I hope the Alchemy Division enjoys my latest creation!"

At this current moment, Grandmaster Guiying, Rain and Fen Hua appeared in front of the mysterious individual grabbing the vial, putting a cork in it on time.

"So, you started the beast tide!" screamed Fen Hua pointing at the mysterious person with her right index finger shaking from anger. With a glimpse, she could tell this was her brother's work. Although it was stronger, this exact poison was the same that wiped out their Fen Clan.

"Fen Diao! Why?"

The corner of Fen Diao's eyes glanced at Fen Hua, he shook his head and looked away, vanishing into the ever-growing mist of miasma.

Grandmaster Guiying was the first person to react towards Fen Diao's escape. He instantly threw a sealing talisman from his sleeves into the lingering miasma. Within seconds, the miasma began to clump together once more, revealing Fen Diao's ferocious face. The right half of his face was scarred and mangled as his empty left eye socket remained open with dark green liquid running down his cheek.

"I see your talisman skill has gotten better than last time, Shui Guiying," sneered Fen Diao as a faint line of golden light wrapped around his half foggy body.

"Nice to see you too, Gu Rain and my dearest sister, Fen Hua. I'm happy to meet my three, dearest friends again. How have you been?"

Gu Rain and Shui Guiying stayed silent, staring at their so-called friend.

"Tell us why you would do this to your home?" asked Fen Hua, breaking the awkward silence.

"Since the beast tide is coming, some of you may not survive, so why not? I'm here to take my revenge from all those years ago," answered Fen Diao grinning wickedly.

"I've finally finished my creation and soon this whole place will become a slaughter fest with mindless people catering to my will! I will show you what I've made! I'm not tainted! I'M NOT TAINTED! AHAHAAH! I'M AN ABSOLUTE GENIUS IN ALCHEMY! And you cannot stop me!"

"You're still the same foul man! I will rid this world of you!" screamed Gu Rain unable to control his anger.

"Heh, still a man romanticizing justice," sneered Fen Diao, crushing a small jade between his fingers, breaking the talisman entrapping him. His body quickly dissipated, escaping the trio.

"We'll meet...if you survive my disaster... HAHAHAHA."

"He escaped," sighed Gu Rain in disappointment. They were very close, but not close enough to catch him.

"Let's clean this mess up and help the rest out," commanded Shui Guiying, shaking his head in disappointment as the miasma vanished.

"We may come across him later. Let's go."

Finally, the beast tide arrived. Everyone fought against many ranked and evolved beasts coming their way. Even a few were attacked by their own brethren due to the odd concoction created by Fen Diao. Chaos ensued in and out of the city while the stench of blood filled the air mixing along with the miasma coming from outside the walls.

'A malicious guest is here,' thought Silver as he neared the east city gate.

Brownish-green miasma could be seen sneaking under the crevice between the east gate. Within mere seconds the green miasma began condensing quickly into a silhouette of a person. As this person quickly became corporeal, they got rid of the nearby guards with the same miasma, opening the east gate.

Thus, allowing the beasts to rampage about as they stampeded through the now opened gates. Accomplishing their mission, they flew off to a nearby tower.

The horizon of the sky became lit with an eerie rising moon as the last glimmer of sunlight vanished in below night sky. Looking towards the sky, flocks of flying beasts could be seen under the moonlight as they charged towards Blue Dream City.

"I wonder who this guest can be? May I ask why you're visiting my humble self?" asked Silver in a low tone. He took a light glance at Fen Diao's horribly scarred face as they reached the top of one of the city's highest towers. Without much thought, Silver turned his head back to face the moonlit sky.

"Hehehe. I am Fen Diao, I've come to take those siblings you bought earlier. Those specimens are mine," demanded Fen Diao, raising his head in arrogance. Although he was very well prepared for any situation, Fen Diao still felt cautious against this weak yet lonesome young man in front of him.

"Interesting!" exclaimed Silver smiling eerily, keeping his back towards Fen Diao.

"First my sworn brother's clan met their demise from a lowly idiot, now an arrogant man deranged from his demon heart is threatening me. My patience is wearing thin. You cannot have what I deem already mine."

Fen Diao felt a cold shiver run through his spin, branching throughout his nerves. Cautiousness became an instinct but this time it brought upon his fear. It was as if he was pitting against something far more dangerous than the beast tide and his concoctions combined. His instincts were telling him to escape quickly.

Cold sweats began sliding down his back as he proceeded to get further from the young man, step by step. He slowly stopped his steps near the edge of the tower.

"Hmph! What can a weakling like you do?" sneered Fen Diao finding the little courage within his heart.

His confidence grew as he threw a bottle filled with his strongest concoction at the strange young man. Every strong being he met had fallen under the effects of his creation, thus inflating his ego over fear.

. . .

Far away from the east gate, roars of thousands of beasts echoed throughout the city. Many gigantic King ranked beasts began appearing in different parts of Blue Dream City. As the king ranked beast appeared one after another, the city became silent in fear.

Usually one or two King ranked beasts would show up, but this year contained an irregularity. With so many king ranked beasts invading the falling city, the maddening beasts became more excited as they tore up their opponents with incredible vigor.

The fate of Blue Dream City may come to an end.