Highly Dramatic

"What is this plan you're speaking of?" Wang Bo laughed, unsure of the order that Yong Satay had given. He had been living in Blue Dream City for many years himself yet never heard of such an odd plan. Why should they wait in the center of the city and do nothing like sitting ducks in a lake full of crocodiles?

"I'm quite unsure why he would give us this order, but we believe in him," explained Yong Satay.

"It is your choice to follow me, but I will dutifully do what I am tasked to do. Let's hurry and finish this battle."

Without hesitation, Yong Satay gathered his qi and punched out another red fist at Emperor Blue Feathers. Wang Bo gave a thoughtful look and proceeded to attack too.

Before they could throw in another attack, an enormous transparent fist slammed Emperor Blue Feathers to the earth below. Both were alarmed, turning their heads to where the fist came from, they saw a pale child flying towards them.

"Hurry and finish the master's task. I'll deal with this blue baby chicken," scoffed Che Myoga as he glanced at Emperor Blue Feathers getting up.

"Don't bother with questions or I'll knock on your rock filled heads with that same fist."

Yong Satay blankly nodded and left quickly, he didn't dare to take on one of those fist art. Wang Bo stayed quiet and chose to follow right after. If he could, he would have thrown an insult back, but the pale child emanated a strong killing intent. Thus, he chose to swallow his words and leave too.

'That pale child exuded not just strong killing intent, but I couldn't tell their cultivation either. That wicked aura reminds of some old texts I read long ago. Why haven't I heard of that pale looking child. Even so, it seems this master must have some ties to Blue Dream City to save it. Who is this master of theirs? '

"Hmph, that shitty master wants you alive. So, I'll hold back a little you lucky drumstick," sneered Che Myoga watching the two useless lumps leave the battlefield.

. . .

On Bu Keng and Yong Dango's side, they had no problems leading their small group to the center of the city. As they continued, about a hundred meters away from the center, a few members of their group began acting up.

A thick purplish miasma oozed out of their body, transforming them into a hideous demonic being as they attacked the nearest person beside them. Even though the remaining Wang clan members didn't know why this was happening, they had to act fast and attack the demons. Those that were too weak or injured backed off instantly, giving the rest ample room to fight.

"Hehehe, you humans will never survive! Our great emperor will eradicate you all," one of the few demons declared, intent on killing Wang Lei nearby.

"Too slow'," sneered Bu Keng, slicing the demon in half saving the stunned Wang Lei.

"Grab your sword and help."

"Alright," Wang Lei agreed, unsheathing his sword from his waist. He stood back to back with Bu Keng to counter the attacks from the other demons.

Out of the blue, Yong Satay suddenly jumped over Bu Keng while striking the demon Wang Lei was fighting on the right shoulder, instantly blowing it off while switching into a kick at another one. Meanwhile, Wang Lei swung his sword at the two that Bu Keng was defending against, beheading both in one fell swoop.

Both Wang Lei and Bu Keng turned around on the last one asYong Satay smashed his fist against the demon's spine, pushing them towards the duo as they slashed the demon in pieces.

"Alright everyone let's hurry," informed Yong Satay casually strolling towards the center of the city.

"We're almost there."

Wang Lei let out a sigh of relief as he and the rest followed Yong Satay towards the center of the city. Although he had a lot of questions, he could only wait until they were truly safe.

'Never thought I would ever fight like that' thought Wang Lei staring at both Bu Keng and Yong Satay's back. It felt as if they were both guiding him into the right direction, complementing their battle style despite never having fought together before. He didn't care much for cultivation but loved being a prodigal young master and what it offered him.

Somehow, after fighting alongside this stranger, a strong will to become stronger emanated deep within his heart.

'Father always told me if I ever met such a stranger like that, they are worth befriending. A friendship for a lifetime.'

Wang Qiang hasn't spoken once, even when Yong Satay joined in the fight. He wanted to ask once they got to somewhere safe as they continued to travel. As they came closer to the center building, he stopped his thoughts. From afar, Wang Qiang could see someone familiar standing by the entrance there in a calm composure.

Immediately, both Wang Lei and Wang Qiang ran to the familiar figure and dropped to his knees in kowtow in front of them.

"Great grandfather! I, Wang Lei, could not save most of our clan members," exclaimed Wang Lei trying to spit the words out as his throat constricted.

"Please punish this unfilial great grandson!"

Even though it had been barely a day, he couldn't defend his clan members to the best of his abilities. Half of them used themselves as decoys to ensure that their Wang Clan could continue safely in finding an escape route. He wished he could have met the trio before, at least they could have lessened the casualty. Even so, he fought alongside his father with complete faith they would survive till the end.

"Wang Lei . . ." murmured Wang Qiang, his eyes becoming red as he fought his tears back.

'It seems you have finally grown up.'

Within the center's main building, the groups that made it took their time to heal as they waited for their savior's announcement. Wang Bo took in a deep breath, groaning inwardly about how many Wang Clan members were left. He raised his head, scanning the groups and counted who made it to the building. The trio had been coming back and forth with small groups in the past few hours.

Most were remnants of clans and citizens who were luckily enough to meet their saviors. At the most, only a few thousands were able to make it safely with minor injuries, while others became disabled.

Horrific shrieks could be heard as another group barely made it through the entrance. Swarms of beasts began surrounding the poorly made walls protecting the last line of defense. Most of the experts looked a bit pale-faced, but still readied themselves for another battle. It was either survive or die trying.

Seeing the situation going for the worst, Wang Bo ran quickly to the center of the main building to activate the emergency arrays. At best, the array could handle two attacks from an emperor ranked beast. With it activated, it gave enough time to rally everyone to the secret escape tunnel under the city.

Just as he was close to activating the arrays, Emperor Blue Feather's humongous body smashed through the building along with three other emperor ranked beasts. Alarms went off in Wang Bo, instinctively dodging the huge bodies in the nick of time without a chance to activate the arrays. He stared at the limp Emperor Blue Feather in front of him in astonishment.

'Not only Emperor Blue Feather is here laying like a sack of rice, the other three are of similar rank in strength! These four ruled the Great Range surrounding our Blue Dream City. Who could have done this?'

Finally, Wang Bo noticed a pale child laying down on Emperor Blue Feathers back like a lazy cat. His eyes opened wider in surprise finding out it was the same expert who came to help them previously. Before he could blurt another question, he picked up a powerful qi from where Che Myoga pile of emperor ranked beasts came through.

Outside of the front building where the pile crashed through, a mysterious figure floated down in front of the raging beasts and lifted their right hand. Their right thumb and index finger touched in the shape of an O, flicking the empty air followed by a gale.

Within the crowds' very sight, every beast disintegrated wherever the gale blew. Even the king ranked beasts were tossed into the mix, especially the one nearing emperor ranked. At their darkest moment, a single person wiped out nearly all the beast in the city with a flick of their fingers.

They watched as the mysterious figure turned around and landed in front of the broken building. This mysterious figure stood at a height of 1.9 meters in black and white robes with violet colored hair cascading past their shoulders. Their face was covered with a glossy black mask with an odd eye shape symbol near the center forehead. Nearly everyone turned their sights from the symbol in fear as if it could peer into their soul.

However, most tried to ascertain the identity, carefully looking at the eye holes of the black mask hoping to figure them out by their eyes. Sadly, all they got were the stars within the vast yet beautiful night sky.

'Why does this scene feel highly dramatic…' thought Silver as he observed the dazed crowd before him.

After changing his appearance, he created a special array around the edges of the city walls. Afterwards, he went to the center of the city and cleared all the beasts including the hidden threats. Everyone stayed in their spots in a quiet daze, waiting for further news as they watched Silver in a fervent reverence. In their eyes, his entrance was like a deity wiping out all threats against his people. He was able to light up the fire of hope within their hearts to keep living.

"We greet Master Kong Xing" announced the trio composed of Bu Keng, Yong Satay and Dango.

Silver inwardly chuckled as he looked at the three following his last-minute script. He could have used his real name but ended with Kong Xing as his alias since Blue Dream City was in ruins. Under careful thoughts, he decided it was worth saving them and to start a secret faction under the noses of the nine emperors. Within a dire situation, many individuals affected by the tide will have an unmoving resolution to become stronger, a blessing disguised as a calamity.

"We will begin reconstructing Blue Dream City," informed Silver, acting in a mysterious manner.

"I will activate the arrays and deal with the small issues."

"What do you mean?" asked Wang Bo trying to figure out this Kong Xing in front of him. However, Silver vanished and left Wang Bo with an open question. With no answers by the city's savior, he turned to the trio who greeted their master. He stared at them, waiting for a type of answer from one of the three.

"I will explain for our master," informed Bu Keng in a stringent manner.

"If you take the chance to stay, you'll not only be safe but hidden from the rest of the world. At best, Blue Dream City will become a forgotten city buried under the foot of the beasts. Those that choose to stay will not be able to return outside for a few years since our master will seal this place into another space. From here, we will rebuild our city and await further news from our master. Furthermore, everyone has a choice to leave or stay. Choose carefully."

After Bu Keng informed survivors, he quickly left to finish his other task. Both Yong Satay and Dango left right after Bu Keng to do their tasks too. Upon seeing they were gone; everyone began to relax and discuss among themselves if they wanted to stay or go. Most of them were human citizens and clan members of the lowest cultivation.

Even though Wang Bo had more questions, he could guess the objective of the trio. Similarly, he began delegating tasks to abled clan members to help.

Che Myoga glanced at Wang Bo approvingly from afar. Only those who are smart with what to say and what actions to take could control the situation appropriately. If they were to make rash decisions, they would have been killed by him. This was one of the tasks given to Che Myoga by his master.