Eight God’s Fanboy

A part of me felt bad for Prim. She obviously gave her all to make this as easy for me as possible but all of it would end up being wasted effort.

When nightfall came I would already be lying in my own bed again, reading a new book using the light of a candle. Or I would sit on the couch with my mother, in front of the fireplace, and have her try to soothe me from my supposedly bad day. I already looked forward to it.

"May I ask for your invitation please, Sir," one of the guards asked me when I was close enough.

I wordlessly handed it over. The man checked the contents before looking at me for a few seconds as if trying to confirm that the words and my appearance where indeed matching. Obviously, there was nothing that could give me off.

Soon enough, he stepped aside and allowed me to enter. "It is an honor to have you here, Sir Baringdale. Please enter."


«It would be more of an honor if you would lead me outside instead...»

I wasn't that lucky. The man just let me enter the hall, where I was greeted by yet another stranger. This time, it was a woman that wore an almost pure white and grey robe that made her look like some kind of priest. It was only a few small runes on her sleeves that marked her as a magician instead.

«Earth and water...»

There were only six main elements in magic and dozens that derived from them, but half of them had no actual use outside of warfare. Earth and water were somewhat of an exception as while they could be used in war, they could also be used for good causes like for working fields or finding water and digging up wells.

This woman had likely never done any of these, as teaching a bunch of nobles to become half-decent men and women in the future had to be time-consuming, to say the least. Looking at her wrinkled face and the grey hair on her head, she probably was exhausted enough by just doing that. Her voice, too, sounded as if she had a rough day so far.


"Greetings, teacher," I answered her politely.

A small smile grew on her lips. "Did you have your admission tests yet?"

"No, I arrived just now."

"I see. Your travel must have been a hassle."

"It certainly was."

"That is no problem, we have all the time in the world." She pointed at three girls and a boy standing behind her. "Please wait here with them. I will search for a few more candidates."

Somewhat reluctantly I walked towards the four. I greeted them and told them my name, but only two of the girls felt like answering me back. The third one, a rather thin girl with red-brownish hair and a black dress was too busy talking to the boy who in turn locked as if he was like me wishing to be everywhere but here in this noisy place.

The boy wore some kind of uniform that used mainly silver fabrics with a few accents of black and gold. I recognized the get-up to be the very same I would receive myself if I couldn't prevent getting admitted to the Academy.


«Looks like his parents were rather confident in him making it.»

Although he didn't say a single word to either me or the girl getting on his nerves, it didn't mean he wasn't paying attention to me at all. When I leaned against a wall nearby, sighing over the tumult surrounding me, he couldn't help but speak up to me.

"It is noisy here, is it?"

"Who are you telling this? I just want to get this over with as soon as possible."

The boy seemed started for a moment, but he shook it off almost immediately.

"Your voice is like a girl's."

"And you look like this invitation was the best thing that ever happened in your life."

Yet again there was silence, then he suddenly burst into laughter.

"I totally look like an Eight God's fanboy, do I? They made me wear this! I knew I would look stupid!"

"You are going to look stupid for a whopping five years, then."

"You will look the same soon enough! I will laugh at you then!"

"No chance."

"It is the Academy's rule," he answered, his voice becoming slightly to playful. "You will have to live with it~!"

"It doesn't apply to those who fail the tests."

Something in the face of the boy changed. He scratched his head with its wild, hazelnut-colored mane before he examined my body.

"You are that weak?"

Faced with his pitying expression, I couldn't help but swallow my salvia.

"Yes," I somehow managed to spit out, "I am."

"That sucks."

"It can't be helped."

"And I thought there would actually be a normal guy enrolling with me. All those nobles think they are something better just because of their father's achievements!"

"You are not a noble?"

"My father is a merchant. He trades fabrics, leather and clothes of all kinds and shapes."

"Did he made that get-up for you?"

There was another moment of silence as he thought about a good answer.

"His tailor shop makes the uniforms for all of Eight God's students..."


"He just likes uniforms, you know?! It can't be helped!"

"But silver, gold and black..."

"Please don't tell anybody!"

"Don't worry. I won't be around to spill it."

"Really? It is that bad? There has to be something you can do!"

"No, there isn't."

"No magic?"

"Not the slightest bit."

"Can you fight?"

"I am good at running."


"Don't worry, I am sure you will be fine without me. That girl was all over you, after all."

"She wanted to know if I could show her the summer collection that isn't released yet..."

I couldn't help but laugh at his weak reply. First, it was almost inaudible, I tried to hold it in, but when his face changed in color to display a faint red instead, it simply burst out of me.

"Sorry," I laughed, "sorry!"

"Don't say sorry and continue laughing!"

It took me a moment to get over his funny reactions, then I used the chance to introduce myself again.

"I'm Sera. It is nice to meet you."

"Even your name is girlish..."

"What is yours then?"


"Alkon? Like in balcony?"

"Balcony?! If I'm the balcony you will be the princess sitting on me!"

Just as I tried to suggest him to rephrase that line, bright laughter could be heard coming from the three girls nearby. They had heard it all.

"I- I didn't mean-"

"It's too late, sir balcony."

"AARGH! It's all your fault for giving me that silly name! I will make you pay!"

"Pay? By making me wear funny clothes?"

"Ye- yes," he immediately decided. "And I will start with the Academy's uniform!"

I couldn't help but grin at his threat. "I won't be around for that~"

"I will make you pass those tests! Don't you worry! I will make you pass and then laugh at you wearing this uniform!"

«I'm stupid ...»