Hunting Trip

Elder Ning "Ning Mo, Ning Bo keep watch on him. Don't provoke him and maintain distance?"

Ning Mo "Elder, what?"

Elder Ning "He is dangerous and very cunning?"

Ning Bo "Is he involved in the incident?"

Elder Ning "I don't know about his involvement, but he knows about our involvement and our plans."

Elder Ning "There is a great chance that he is waiting for a chance to eliminate you."

Both Ning Mo and Ning Bo were scared, hearing this. They know about Jiang Chen's fighting capabilities. Jiang Chen will not even need his weapon to eliminate them. Their cultivation is in the same realm.

Elder Ning "His cultivation is already at the 6th stage of the Martial Artist realm."

Ning Mo, Ning Bo, and Bai Mo were shocked hearing this, his cultivation is way faster than their cultivation.

Ning Mo "What? His cultivation is higher than ours. His cultivation technique only Mortal rank technique."

Ning Bo "His progress is way faster than ours."

Bai Mo "Also he can jump ranks." he said smirking.

Ning Mo "He already knows about our involvement in his murder attempt, if he grows stronger he will not leave us alive."

Elder Ning "Do you think I don't know about that? I am very well aware of this threat. We can't make an attempt on him in this sect. We have to do something outside the sect only."

Bai Mo "But, if you fail your losses will increase to paramount." Bai Mo said, his heart was beating mad. His instincts are warning him about a big threat.

Elder Ning "What are you suggesting us to do then?"

Bai Mo " Forget about it and try to preserve forces. You should not forget about the threat too, real killers are still roaming freely. We don't know anything about them."

Elder Ning "Bai Mo, we have to think about both of them."

Bai Mo "Elder Ning, even for that we have to make our preparations, there are already a lot of people who want to kill Jiang Chen."

Bai Mo "So, we can wait out, our forces are already thinned down."

Bai Mo "Ning family should have been one of the top 6 forces, your family was strongest after the Yin family. Your family contained the Lightning attribute, which was rare and strong."

Bai Mo "You got involved in too many unnecessary fights thinning your lines. Now, this disaster fell upon us. We should try to preserve first. There is a good chance, that Jiang Chen may not target us."

Ning Mo "Elder Brother Bai is right, we are already facing a crisis from Feng family and Yan family."

Ning Bo "Jiang Chen already offended the Han family, Xue family is also in the edge. Xie family may get involved anytime. Jiang Chen is not a threat alone. By the time he grows he will have more enemies."

Elder Ning "But there is none among you who can challenge him."

Ning Mo "Xue WuXia is there she can fight equally with him nut...."

Elder Ning "But..."

Bai Mo "She wants to ally herself with Jiang Chen."

Elder Ning was in deep thoughts thinking about this.

Elder Ning " In this peak, there is no one that can challenge him, try to think of changing his peak. If you can manage to send him to outer Sect, there would be many powerful disciples that Jiang Chen can't handle."

Ning Mo and Ning Bo were shocked hearing this. True, there would be many more disciples in other outer peaks, there would be few disciples of the Martial Soldier realm.

To become an inner sect disciple, you have to be a Martial soldier before 30 and have to pass the inner sect test that happens once a month. There are many who fail to meet the criteria. They can attempt until they are 35 years old.

So there are thousands of Martial soldiers in the outer sect.

Breaking through to the Martial Soldier realm is already very tough, they have to reach small perfection in all their techniques they practice. So, many will get stagnated in the 9th stage for many years. Only geniuses with high perception in martial arts can reach it faster.

Ning Mo "Jiang Chen practices over 6 techniques, his fist technique, his sword technique, his spear technique, and two archery techniques. Do you think it will affect his progress."

Bai Mo "No, it is rumored that he already reached small perfection in all of his techniques. When he was a marital Disciple itself, now he just needs to progress in fewer techniques."

Elder Ning "You should contact other geniuses and convince them to promote him to outer sec sooner."

They then discussed their plan more thoroughly.

Ning Mo "We will immediately contact others. This way we will not be directly involved and can cause a few troubles to Jiang Chen."

Elder Go "Jiang Chen, outer court disciples are not allowed to that hunting ground."

Elder Go "Let him go, there won't be any trouble for him there."

Jiang Chen was eagerly anticipating for permission.

Elder Go "Hmm. I can allow you to go to, Nether island hunting ground only."

Jiang Chen "But..."

Elder Go "Jiang Chen it is best we can do to you, even allowing you to the nether island is risking a lot."

Jiang Chen "But, most of the beasts in that island are 1st rank beasts?"

Elder Go " In the outer region, in the core region scenario is very different. Don't underestimate nether island though."

Elder Go "You can complete your sect mission in this process."

Jiang Chen "Sect mission?"

Elder Go "Jiang Chen, you will encounter it for sure there. Eliminate it. I doubt anyone else can deal with it other than you, did you finish your movement technique."

Jiang Chen "Elder, I haven't started practicing it yet."

Elder Go was a little nervous hearing this.

Jiang Chen "Elder what am I going to face."

Elder Go "Jiang Chen, don't go to the core region until you learn it."

Jiang Chen "Fast?"

Elder Go "Jiang Chen we are not sure about it, it is very cunning though. We need someone very quick on his feet to know about it."