Princess Veronica (Edited)

Maya declares in complete authority tone "Then I order you to call me my name from this moment when no one is around".

Sarah lifts her head slowly and darts her eyes on Maya's smiling face. Her innocent face could make anyone's heart to put in peace. Not to mention her breathtaking beauty! Alas! The Crown Prince never had a chance to see her beauty!.

Maya continues "And I want your help from now on so I order you to help me as a friend not as a servant!".

Sarah purses her quivering lips and nods " Yes...Ma...Maya". She blurts the name looking at Maya's frown.

Maya laughs lightly and sighs seeing Sarah's trembling hands "Lets go.. I am hungry".

Sarah nods and goes following her in a daze. She felt like she was living a dream. She couldn't help but wish.

'Why can't the Royals be so kind like her?!'.

Maya made Sarah to sit with her while having her lunch.

Both had their lunch in complete silence.

However while eating Maya thinks to take a bowl. She is about to touch the bowl but it suddenly broke with a PING sound before her hand could touch it.

Sarah jerks Maya's hand away anxiously "Mam! What happened?!". She hurries and looks at Maya's palms for any injuries.

Maya furrowed her eyebrows suspiciously and stands nervously. She takes her hand away from Sarah immediately and whispers "I need.... Wait a minute! I..will be back!".

Maya clutches her fist tight and runs into her chamber hurriedly. She couldn't believe what just happened to her!. "I thought I got rid of that long ago!".

Sarah couldn't understand anything and starts cleaning the table.

As soon as Maya enters her chamber, she locks the door and runs to search something in her things.

"How could this happen so suddenly without any reason?! Am I losing my control?! I didn't -" She stopped her actions as she remembered something and checks herself in panic. She finds her hand had an injury.

She sighs relaxed "No wonder!" and takes a book from her cupboard.

After few minutes, Maya opens her chamber's door tired and sees Sarah cleaning the table.

Maya purses her lips "I am sorry...".

Sarah turns to face her and says nervously "I have to apologize.. I am sorry Mam...I didn't saw the bowl was damaged..It should have had a crack before...I won't be careless next time!".

Maya is flabbergasted by her reasons as she saved her from lying and clears her throat awkwardly "Alright! Let's continue our lunch...just keep those aside and sit!".

After finishing their lunch, Maya asks Sarah "What do you think about this invitation from Emperor?".

'I don't know who will be there apart from Emperor! Didn't everyone say the Emperor is in death bed? How could he even attend the dinner if that's true?'.

Sarah says "It should be for your post wedding rituals-".

Maya twitches her lips 'Post marriage rituals?'.

Before Sarah could continue Maya interrupts "Tell me about Crown Prince's family! I don't know anyone other than the Crown Prince and the Emperor!".

Sarah nods and speaks "Our Emperor had two wives. Empress Claudia and Madam Mary. Empress Claudia gave birth to Our Crown Prince and Princess Veronica while Madam Mary gave birth to Prince Xavier, Prince Antony and Princess Scarlett".

Maya asks "So...Crown Prince is the eldest?".

Sarah nods "After Crown Prince, its Prince Xavier, Princesses Veronica and... Prince Antony and Princess Scarlett are twins. Princess Scarlett is the youngest as she is just a minute younger than Prince Antony. But Princess Scarlett doesn't like to be treated like a younger one in future Mam should avoid treating her like that".

Maya nods and asks wondering "Then how old she is?".

Sarah says "8 years".

Maya opens her mouth to say something but closes '8 year old kid! Refuses to treat her younger!'.

Sarah continues "Crown Prince is 21, Prince Xavier is 20, Princess Veronica is 15. If you want to know about the ettique-".

Maya notices Sarah's face got uncomfortable while talking about Veronica and asks "Tell me about Veronica".

Sarah is startled at Maya's words "Mam! Lower your voice! If someone hears -". It will be a catastrophe! .

Maya laughs lightly "Doesn't she younger than me? And I am her 'Sister-in-law' now. Why should-". I get scared?.

Sarah ushers her and closes Maya's mouth anxiously "Maya! You should not be at bad side of Princess Veronica! No one in this palace or country dares to call her by her Name alone!".

Maya feels warmth filled her heart seeing Sarah's worried face for her and smiles "Alright.. I won't do anything like that.. but why are you scared?!".

'Servants should feel respect while talking about their master but is she in fear?'.

Sarah looks around doubtfully and says whispering "Princess Veronica is ...little...arrogant and fears no one as Crown Prince dots on her....even Madam Mary will fear seeing her..".

Maya chuckles "Why would Madam Mary would fear-". Veronica is a stepdaughter and why would Madam Mary allow Veronica to trample on her?.

Sarah winces and whispers "After Empress Claudia's death an year before, Emperor Philips didn't gave Empress status to Madam Mary yet...Because...Princess Veronica asked Emperor not to!".

Maya creased her eyebrows 'So the girl could influence even Emperor? Did she stop him because she is not her birth mother?'.

Sarah says concerned "If you could be in Princess Veronica's good side, then you won't face any-". problems in future.


Both gets startled to hear the announcement.

Speak of the devil.. Here it came!