Her Evil

Maya felt his body over her and pushes him controlling herself "Stay way you imbecile!".

'He is courting his death!'.

But he holds her injured hand to control her.

Stephen feels Maya's hand moving and tries to hold it back in place by pressing on the injury in her hand rudely.

Maya felt herself losing control over her body. She closes her eyes to control her mind.

Between this struggles, suddenly Stephen sees Maya's face wearing an evil smirk and hears her hissing "So you want to snatch me?!".

Before he could realize, he was locked by Maya. She held her hands to hold his shoulder by both sides.

Stephen is looking at her in shock as he was completely in her control. He couldn't move an inch as his shoulders are almost ripped off by her solid grip.

He couldn't find how did she suddenly become so powerful!.

Maya speaks in a coaxing tone "What happened soldier? Is it hurting? Don't you want to snatch me from someone? Tell me..Do you have a wife? It won't be convenient if you have one".

Stephen looks at her in panic as her face unrecognisably devilish now. And staring art her beautiful eyes didn't help this time. As they were mudering him just by looking.

He manages to shake his head as 'no' which was his body's involuntary movement. She was very intimidating!.

He didn't intent to open his mouth seeing something very shocking in front of him!.

'HER HANDS! They are...glowing?! How...what is happening?!'.

Maya chuckles seeing his fear filled face "So you aren't married? It's good... I won't be cursed again for snatching a husband from her wife then!".

Stephen cries for help desperately.

Maya felt his week struggle under her arms and smirks "You shouldn't have angered me soldier! See..Now I lost my control and you have to pay for this".

Stephen wiggles in horror and yells "Leave me! Who are you?! What are you?! You can't be a human!".

'From where did the Crown Prince bring this evil monster?!'.

Maya laughs and caresses his chin playfully "Isn't this what you wanted? Whay are you scared now?".

She traces her hands slowly towards his neck and looks at him darkly placing her hand on his chest "Is this the place where you have a heart? I doubt you still have one?".

Stephen has no idea as he has frozen in fear.

She places her left hand over his chest correstly and presses her fingers hard hissing "Didn't you say this hand was my weakness?! Let me prove you wrong!".


Stephen screams in pain as Maya was in the process of 'checking' whether he has a heart!. Her hand presses hard hearing his screams. His sound only encouraged her to hurt him more!.



She takes her hand back from him hearing the slamming sounds from the door. Someone is banging at the door.

Stephen looks at the blood oozing from his body and starts to scream.



Stephen stoned to see Maya's eyes turned its colour!. She looked like a ..strange creature. Not a human! At least not like what he saw few minutes before!.

She was behaving as if she was possessed by evil!.

"W-Who..What are you?!".

Maya laughs coldly "The Queen ! Aren't you the one who mentioned me as such?! Did you forget Stephen? Don't you remember? How did you hurt me just before few minutes?".

Stephen gulps in horror and gasps "Your eyes...".

'They are changing! Her strength is ridiculously dangerous! What did I end up with?!'.

Maya raises her eyebrows and chuckles "They are glowing aren't they?".

Stephen begs "Please My Lady..Please let me go..".


Maya laughs loudly sending shivers through his spine and clicks her tongue pitifully "Poor Stephen..You have created this end for you. I warned you,didn't I? Now you even found about my secrets! Don't you want to stay quiet now?".

Stephen nods hurriedly "I swear! I won't tell anyone about this! I won't even stay in this country! Please! My Lady- AAAAHHHH".

He screams as Maya tries to strangle him.

Before she could use her strength, her hands starts to glow.


Maya looks at Stephen's body fell on the ground dead.

She steps back from him and felt herself coming back to reality. She holds her head and creases her eyebrows.


Maya screams suddenly as if her head is exploding. She looks back at her hands in shock. She opens her eyes wide as if she was seeing her hands for the first time in her life. The bright light looked like there is some fire coming from her hands.

And her body's temperature was matching with them!.

She steps back still in shock and holds her hands away from her. She stumbles and falls back. She hits her head to a furniture which shattered by this action and falls on the ground unconscious!.


In a second, the Shadowman appears from the wall. He looks at the room seriously and mutters under his breath displeased.

'What's wrong with this girl?! Why can't she control her powers?! Now she killed a man and I have to help her! I really don't want to help this Rookie....but it's Goddess's order..to assist this girl till she returns to the country!'.

He looks at unconscious Maya in disbelief and grunts "She didn't even notice?! I stopped the time!! So that she could kill this man and didn't get caught in the act by those humans outside!".

Only then we can see, the whole environment was stopped!. This man can stop everything?! That's wonderful! I wish I could have him as my friend too! *cough* Back to the story Hateera!.

The shadowman looks at Stephen's dead body. He rolls his eyes and forwards his hand elegantly. Just by moving his fingers slowly in air, he lifts stephen effortlessly.

He observes his grave injury caused by Maya and chuckles "She has a evil side? I thought she was just a pretty face with cowards heart!".

He snaps his finger (Yes just by a snap! Can't you just enjoy the magical power dudes?!).

Stephen's injuries starts to vanish slowly and he was thrown to the ground lifeless again.

The Shadowman looks back at Maya and sighs 'I don't know how long I should clean your messes Rookie!'.

He disapears suddenly into the air.