Didn't keep the promise!

Maya falls down weakly. She felt numb completely. Both her mind and body didn't let her think.

'I didn't keep the promise...'.

Celina and Sarah helps the weak Maya who struggled to remain conscious to the sickroom again. Soon the doctors were summoned to check her condition.


The Emperor's Pavilion.

"Prince Xavier has arrived"

Xavier enters Emperor's chamber and bows respecting his father.

"Long live Emperor!".

Philips smiles at Xavier "Raise son! Let me hear the good news".

Xavier nods curtly "There is a good news indeed Your Highness! The revolts are suppressed successfully. The Southern Country's King is still favourable to our kingdom. I let Victor to stay back for few more days. He will keep an eye over the Palace and will inform us if he finds anything suspicious!".

Philips creases his eyebrows in serious thoughts but nods "Good".

Xavier bows "Then this Prince will take a leave Your Highness! I have to ensure some other works in Countryside villages!".

Philip frowns sadly "Won't you ask about your Father's health son?".

Xavier bows formally "This Prince is hearing every details from the Imperial Doctor Your Highness! Emperor should be rest assured! This Prince will not allow any mistakes when it comes to Emperor's health and welfare!".

Philips sighs dissatisfied and asks "Will you forgive me after my death my son?".

Xavier looks down and kneels "I beg Emperor's mercy. This Prince has to leave now!".

He darts out of the room leaving Philips in regret.

Xavier gestures the servants to raise who were kneeling. He smiles and walks out slowly allowing his past thoughts to swallow him.

One fine day both Kalki and Xavier were playing with a horse. It was when Xavier just started to ride horses.

Both were spending their time together happily. Each of them loved to ride horses and Kalki was very protective about Xavier as it was new to him.

Kalki made sure that Xavier doesn't fall. Even though Kalki is elder than Xavier by just two years, he acted like his father.

Xavier loved Empress Claudia as she treated both Kalki and Xavier equally.

Empress Claudia made sure that her son Xander to treat all his siblings with love. She even named Xavier so that both of their names start with same letter.

This made their Northern Country to standout from other kingdoms where everyone of the Royal Princes fought for the throne!.

Empress Claudia never mentioned about Xander becoming the future king. She found both Xander and Xavier equally eligible for the throne.

While The Emperor and Empress were watching their sons playing with the horses, Philips asks "Who do you think the best to take over the throne, my love?".

Empress Claudia knew what he would expect her to speak as she is well aware of him.

She says "I prefer Xavier as he is kind. Kindness isn't Xander's thing Your Majesty!".

Philips gets dissatisfied and grunts "I have never seen any mother treating her own son with unjust my lady. Only kindness is not enough to rule the country my lady",

Claudia shrugs "Xavier is also suitable Your Majesty. Poor kid loves his brother more than himself. So Your Highness should rest assured as Xavier will not have any intention in getting throne from his beloved brother in future.. And Xander is already behaving as if he is the country's Emperor. Thanks to Your Highness' endless lessons! Now he can't let his throne go to anyone".

Philips smirks "He deserves it My love..".

Suddenly Kalki's horse fell and everyone looked Xavier holding a spear in front of the horse.

Philips misunderstood the events and concluded that Xavier tried to harm Kalki.

He immediately ordered to lock Xavier in Cold Prison ignoring Claudia's pleads.

Xavier stayed in prison for two complete days without any food. He couldn't understand his father's harsh side that day. But he realized Kalki's importance to his father than him.

Since that day, he decided something involuntarily. He is just a Prince for his father who wouldn't dare to claim the throne from his Beloved brother.

But this didn't make him jealous or hate his brother.

Xavier knew how Kalki loves him.

Kalki never behaves in the way to others like how he behaves with his family.

He even heard of Kalki's harsh punishments given to the servants who locked Xavier in the Cold Prison. The Emperor himself didn't dare to stop Kalki when he gets angry.

Xavier found himself riding Charles presently. He regrets being a Prince everyday but doesn't dare to leave his family. He doesn't feel like Royal sometimes. Especially now. He feels that his family is using country's people for their ambitions.


Oh Lord!.. Wait ..! Did I just say Lord?! Oh that's fine... It's just Maya who doesn't believe in God! Well! We left Kalki in arrow edge!! Let's take a look at what he is doing at this moment!

Would he have killed the enemy? Or the man defeated Kalki? Well.. Hearing and seeing everyone's fear for him..I don't think he could be defeated...

Did you notice how scared was that Southern Country's King?! I bet Kalki would have defeated him!

Kalki wipes his blood stained sword with a cloth and raises it. His eyes shone and turned languidly.

He scoffs looking down the dead person "Thank the Heavens that I gave you an easy death. This Prince is in short of time. So spared you".

He keeps his sword back and walks into his tent. In a minute an another person enters the tent announcing his appearance.

As soon as Kalki came out from his tent, he has already changed into warm clothes.

He hops on his horse and looks at a servant standing beside his tent.

"Next time I come here, I shouldn't see a single house in this whole city! Burn everyone of them! There should be no traces of this city's existence in history!".

'Betrayers should be wiped off!'

The servant kneels "Yes Your Majesty! This servant understands!".

Kalki rides from there. He rode swiftly as he received a curious news from his spying servant. About Stephen's death!
