Chapter 5 - First Love?

Thomas's head was only throbbing a little bit when he woke up but after opening his eyes he quickly forgot about it. There were metal bars all around him and Thomas couldn't even stand up straight. It seems like that bandit leader hadn't killed him but now there's no way to escape.

{System, how do I use the Advanced Arsenal?}

{Let me see the available weapons and equipment}

Although Thomas could still see the bars surrounding him, it felt like he grew a second pair of eyes. Inside his mind was a wall lined with medieval weapons and when looking around he could see saddles, armor, and all sorts of ancient tools of war. There was even an old war chariot, even though its design was very basic. None of the equipment was fancy but on closer inspection all of the blades seemed sharper than what was possible in the ancient times. Even in modern times it'd be difficult to find such perfectly-crafted weapons.

After looking through the available equipment, Thomas couldn't come up with any plans to free himself. The armor could protect him but his body was too weak to run with it on and it didn't seem like there was enough room to put it on in this cage. Thomas felt that as long as he kept helping the bandits they'd keep him alive.

For now it seemed like he'd have to stay in the cage for an unknown amount of time. As someone that grew up in the Information Age, Thomas got bored quickly.

{System, do you have any entertainment available?}

{Sure, let me hear it}

{That was bad. I regret asking you to tell me a joke.}

{Please don't.}

With no real entertainment, Thomas was extremely bored. Thankfully the AI's bad joke was occupying his mind so he never thought about the fact that he had just killed someone for the first time. He couldn't help but think that whoever programmed the AI had a weird sense of humor.

In his boredom, Thomas started tapping the bars and humming a song he had stuck in his head back when he was still on Earth. It wasn't a particularly good song but it was catchy so he couldn't forget its tune. As for the lyrics, he never really remembered them since they were singing in another language.

Thomas wasn't really used to his new voice but yet it still sounded better than his old voice. Perhaps it was because he was still young so his voice had that angelic quality to it. After getting a bit more comfortable with his new voice, Thomas started singing an older song he could remember the lyrics to.

♫There is a house in New Orleans

They call the Rising Sun

And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy

And God I know I'm one♫

♫My mother was a tailor

She sewed my new blue jeans

My father was a gamblin' man

Down in New Orleans♫

♫Now the only thing a gambler needs

Is a suitcase and trunk

And the only time he'll be satisfied

Is when he's all drunk♫

♫Oh mother tell your children

Not to do what I have done

Spend your lives in sin and misery

In the House of the Rising Sun♫

♫Well, I got one foot on the platform

The other foot on the train

I'm goin' back to New Orleans

To wear that ball and chain♫

♫Well, there is a house in New Orleans

They call the Rising Sun

And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy

And God I know I'm one♫

The song sounded a bit strange in this new language to Thomas but that's only because he was used to it in English. To the ears of someone from this new world listening in, it'd be an interesting song unlike the ones they were used to. When combined with his lovely immature voice and his well-sculpted face, it would surely make a young woman fall for him.

With Thomas being on the other side of some crates as the bandit leader's daughters it's only natural that they heard him singing. None of them were that much older than Thomas and had no immunity to boys. The only men they've met before were their brothers, their father, and those rough bandits that they could see when helping pack and set up the tent. If they had seen his face then perhaps they would have fallen in love with him. The only girl that had seen him could only see his unkempt hair, ragged clothes, and blood-covered skin.

Perhaps it's for the best that none of them fell in love with him at this time. All of the bandit leader's daughters would be unattractive in Thomas's eyes as they were too young and with their upbringing they'd end up causing endless frustration to him. There's no way they would be compatible.


On the outskirts of the bandit camp just outside the destroyed village, many shadows of people could be seen hiding in the edge of the forest. Their outline was mostly human except that their ears were long and pointy. Their long ears gave them exceptional hearing and it's thanks to those ears that they were able to hear what seemed to be an angel's singing.

"It's beautiful." A young woman leading this group was listening closely to the song before it abruptly ended. "We've got only a couple of hours before the sun comes up but it's too late tonight. We'll retreat for now and wait until tomorrow to start the attack."

The other poiny-eared people nodded. "Yes, princess." All of the princess's subordinates seemed to have a great amount of respect for her.

"One more thing." The princess looked towards that large tent that the singing came from before telling them her new command. "I want the one that was singing kept alive if you can find them."