Chapter 25 - A New Home

Jessica was nice enough to let Thomas into her home so he offered to let her sit in the cart while he pulled her along. She just had to tell him the directions. The two of them just chatted on the way. "I didn't think I'd see such a thing when I accepted my friend's request to bring a boy back home."

"Your friend? What did they tell you?" Thomas was curious about why Jessica had accepted the request.

"She told me that her husband--a guard--was tasked with finding a temporary home for a boy that lost his family. She also mentioned something about how you had an injured sister so you probably wouldn't stay for long. She certainly didn't tell me that you'd be having sex." Jessica giggled a bit so Thomas knew she wasn't angry about it. "You know, my daughter's only a couple of years older than you. I think she'd like you."

The sudden change in the topic made Thomas wonder where she was going with this. "Are you trying to hook me up with your daughter? Isn't it a bit odd after what you just saw?"

"It's precisely because of what I saw that I thought about it. After all, the people around here are prejudiced against demihumans. Those types of guys would never be caught dead having sex with a hobgoblin like you were. Also, I have a feeling that if you two have kids then they'll be really adorable." Jessica seemed more open than the people in the village that Thomas knew. Although it was legal to marry multiple men or women there was nobody in the village that would take a second wife.

"If they wouldn't sleep with someone as attractive as Estella then it's their loss. You say your daughter is a demihuman? What race was her father? If you're uncomfortable then you don't have to answer that." Thomas was curious. A part of him was hoping that she had a tail.

Jessica was silent for a bit and then sighed. "I think it'd be better if you saw her yourself. It's not that I'm uncomfortable with you finding out but I don't want you to have any weird thoughts about what she looks like before the two of you meet." Jessica realized that he was near where they had to make a turn. "Ah, just take a left after that shop with the armor being displayed. We're almost home."

Thomas really only wanted to know one thing so he figured it would be best to just come out and ask her about it. "In that case can you tell me one thing about your daughter? Does she have a tail?" Thomas liked the idea of a woman wearing a miniskirt and her having a tail sticking out that caused her buttocks to be on display. Even if they were covered with hair it'd be fine as long as they wore tights. The important thing was the shape being shown underneath the tail.

Jessica laughed as she sat behind him and there was the sound of something knocking against the wood cart. When Thomas looked back he saw her slapping the side of it while holding her gut. "You know, I was right about you. You're definitely different. I never expected that kind of a question. If tails are your thing then I think you'll be happy with my daughter." Jessica sounded amused and was trying to hold in her laughter.

Thomas looked forward to meeting his beloved tail and with that thought quickened his pace. The shop that Jessica owned was just up ahead so she told Thomas to bring the cart to the side entrance. She hopped off the cart and took a key from around her neck to unlock the gate. After Jessica opened the gate, Thomas pulled the cart into the courtyard. There was a small open carriage that had four wheels already parked so Thomas parked his cart next to it. "What should I do with the dirty laundry?"

"Just leave it in the cart for now. Nobody would try to steal them so you don't have to worry about it." Jessica finished locking the gate and led Thomas into the house. Thomas carried his gear in his arms since he didn't want to leave them. The doorway was huge and it seemed like the inside of the house was just as big. The ceiling had to be at least twelve feet high.

There was a normal-sized staircase that led up to the second floor with a much larger staircase leading down. The staircase leading down had two sets of stairs in different sizes--normal-sized ones and a set with each step twice as large. Thomas had a bad feeling about this.

"You'll be staying upstairs with me. There's a guest room that you'll be staying in. You can put your stuff in there." Jessica brought him up and showed him what room he'd be staying in. Inside there was a bed, a small table with a chair, and an armoire. For now he decided to leave the armor on the table.

Just before Jessica left she turned around as if she forgot to mention something. "The bed's a bit small for what you were doing earlier but it's wider than the bench so you shouldn't have any problems. If your hobgoblin friend isn't around and you feel lonely just remember that my daughter lives downstairs." Jessica gave another giggle before leaving to go back downstairs.

Thomas wasn't tired but he laid down on the bed to test it out. It wasn't springy like the mattresses he was used to but it was much better than laying down on a pile of blankets laid out on the ground. Laying down on the mattress made Thomas realize that he was still dirty so he decided to go downstairs to find Jessica.

Thomas heard slapping noises coming from the front of the house and followed them. The front of the house was a shop and everything was designed to fit normal-sized people. Jessica was currently mixing dough while a flame shot up from the ground and lit the oven. "Good job as always." Jessica called down through a tube before she noticed Thomas in the shop. "What do you need?" Jessica was all smiles.

"You never told me where the bath was and I'm a bit dirty right now." Jessica had an expression of understanding and she lightly hit her palm with her fist.

"It's downstairs. I'm a bit busy so I can't show you but Jasmine is free right now." Jessica turned back to the tube. "Heat up some water, your future husband needs to take a bath."

Thomas heard a loud yell coming from below. "Ehhhhh!?" It seemed like Thomas wasn't the only one that didn't know that they were getting married.