
That night was exceptionally silent.

Compared to the uproarious and dramatic events of the day, the night seemed pitifully quiet. And I guess that's why it was so difficult to go through -- there was nothing to distract me from my thoughts.

I laid awake in my bed. Looking over at Mabel's. The events that transpired that day kept replaying in my head -- the party. The talk with Great Uncle Ford. Breaking the news to Mabel. The slap. Grunkle Stan and Great Uncle Ford's argument. Grunkle Stan's sadness. Mabel leaving.

It all seemed so unreal. It happened all too quickly. I couldn't get it out of my head no matter what I tried to distract myself with. The thoughts just wouldn't go away.

With no other choice, I got out of bed. Luckily enough, I had on socks; otherwise from the chill I felt seep into my sock, I would have regretted planting my feet on the ground. It was always so cold up here in the attic. I guessed it had something to do with the higher altitude. And tonight it seemed even colder.

I slowly made my way to the door. All too obviously noticing the lack of Mabel's things in the room. The guilt once again swelling up…. I'd have to get used to it.

I cracked open the door and peered out. Nobody was in the hall. That was good news. I didn't want to bump into Grunkle Stan. Not after what I just did to Mabel. I guess everyone else had went to sleep.

I crept down the stairs. As I descended, I heard voices from the living room, masked by the sound of the TV. I got closer and I could make out that it was Grunkle Stan and Great Uncle Ford. But I couldn't hear what was being said.

I crept further down to the bottom of the stairs. Just enough to not be seen from the living room but close enough to hear now.

"Ford, I still can't believe what you did."

"It was necessary. And you'll come to see it too."

"You don't seem to care at all about their relationship after this."

"I do, Stanley. I care a great deal. But training Dipper is even more important. For the future."

"So I've heard….."


"Look, Ford. I know you think what you did was right and all, but I just can't see it. And I'm not going to stick around to watch them become us."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm leaving the Mystery Shack, Ford."


"I can't see a repeat of what happened to us. Living through it once was painful enough. I don't think I can handle it twice. Besides, I only came to Gravity Falls to help you. I got sidetracked for 30 years, Ford. 30 long years. And I plan to get back to living my life."

"I see.... What will you do? Where would you go?"

"....I don't know. Wherever there's a quick buck to be made, I guess."

"When will you be leaving?"


"So soon?"

"I figured the sooner I get out of here, the better. I don't want to get in your way."

"Have you packed your things already?"

"Mostly. Just a few more things to go."

"....would you like my help?"

It seemed like this was Great Uncle Ford's effort to leave the relationship on somewhat friendly terms.

"...sure….But only because some of the stuff is heavy and I can't carry it alone."

I heard Great Uncle Ford chuckle. "Okay."

I heard them getting up and starting to leave the living room so I dashed back up the stairs as quietly as possible. I opened the door to the attic and mentally frowned at the creaking noise. I found my way to the bed and under the covers the moment I heard them reach the top of the stairs.

After about half an hour I heard the car start up. I rushed to the window to see Great Uncle Ford standing by the window of Grunkle Stan's car. They seemed to be sharing goodbyes.

Great Uncle Ford took a couple steps back and the car pulled forward. He stood and watched at the car rolled away. Just before it got out of sight, he waved goodbye.

….and the horn of the car replied back.

I got into bed and lay in silence. I was wrong…. It seemed the night was just as eventful as the day. I went to sleep soon after that.

The next morning I woke up and headed down stairs. I looked around the house and no one was inside. I looked out and gaped in shock.

An entire fence had been built around the shack. It looked big, electricuty, highly sophisticated and well...dangerous. Not to mention the threatening "No Trespassing" signs that were all around the fence every 5 meters.

And I spotted Great Uncle Ford. He was putting the last sign on the fence.

It read: Mystery Shack Closed. Forever.

I walked out the door and over to Great Uncle Ford.

"What's going on? Where's Grunkle Stan? Why are you closing the shack?"

"Drop the theatrics, Dipper. I know you were up last night. I never fixed that door and it seems Stanley didn't either."

He continued to turn the bolt into place. Thoroughly latching the sign into place.

"Now go get some breakfast. We're going to start your training as soon as I finish out here."

I felt slightly guilty trying to fool Great Uncle Ford, but I quickly made my way back into the house and had a bowl of cereal. Fruity Pebbles mixed with Cocoa Pebbles. A genius idea if I do say so myself.

I finished up just as Great Uncle Ford walked into the house.

"Follow me"

We made our way to the basement and stopped at the second floor. His private study.

"This is where we'll start your training."

"Ummm. Uncle Ford. What exactly will I be doing?"

"I've already gotten the groundwork planned out. We'll start by sharpening your mind -- Math. Literature. Science. Real history. Philosophy. Paradoxes. Negotiations. Manners. Politics. The whole nine yards. As we do that we'll also be strengthening your physical body. As well as teach you martial arts and weapons mastery."

My eyes grew wide in amazement at the things I'd learn. I couldn't wait to get started.

"What do we do first?"


He slammed a textbook on the table.

"What is it?"

"The Start. The rest is over there."

He pointed towards a pile of books and paperwork my height and probably 4 times my weight with a grin on his face.

"It's your 8th grade classwork. I've taken out everything you don't need to know or is just downright wrong. I asked your parents for it last week just in case you agreed to become my apprentice. It got in yesterday morning. Oh and one other thing. I fully expect you to complete it by the end of next month."


"Chop, Chop. Get to it. We have a lot to cover."

His grin seemed so sinister.

…...what did I just sign up for…..