Chapter 3: Getting Caught Red-handed

"Finally! Our first day of the school year have ended! There's just so much to do that I couldn't get anything what our teachers have said." Kylie tiringly said as she stretches her arms our on the air as if she's only wakened up from a deep slumber.

"You must have still left your mind on vacation." Audrey protested while finalizing her "Things to Do" list.

"Yes! Together with my heart!" Her best friend stood up demonstrating how an arrow hit her heart badly with her hands. She then added, "Have I told you that I met this guy that made an eye to eye contact with me last month? I mean, he looks so gorgeous!"

"Yes, you already have told me that a couple of times already. You even told me that your world stopped for a couple of seconds just by looking at his 'gorgeous face' just by getting your purse stolen by him." Audrey exasperated the word 'gorgeous face' as she picks her things scattered on her desk.

"Well I didn't really expect that he's a thief. Such a waste for such a good-looking guy. He almost looked like an angel."

"That is why we should be careful especially to good-looking guys. They're more dangerous than regular looking guys. They'll use their appealing face just to rob something from us. They're…distracting."

"Why does it seemed that something has been stolen to you by such a guy?" Kylie suspiciously asked as her eyes looked at Aiden trying to point out that he must be the culprit to Audrey's suspicious lines. "You seemed very bothered the whole day Audrey. Tell me does it have something to do with something 'new' today?" She teasingly said to her almost flushed friend.

"Just to make it clear, can we please not talk about someone who is just sitting behind us?"

"Oh my gosh! You are really not good at denying things! You really are so---."

Before Kylie said another word, Audrey covered her best friend's chatterbox mouth with her hand. She even looked at her and uttered the words without a sound, "You are so dead."

Audrey went to the library to look for the books that was told to them that can be of good use for a reference for an advanced study. She really would have appreciated Kylie's help for there are tons of books that it's kind of confusing starring at them one by one but she said she already had prior appointments for the day.

She checked her notebook and went to the Biology section at the farthest corner of the room where it seems deserted. There are full of books but this place just seemed like a ghost might just pop put of no where considering that there are only few people inside such a huge library. She took a few books that interests her but it still feels eerie.

With the silence that seemed to have slowly turning into fear, she distracts herself with other thoughts. She made use of the silence by taking the letter from Kyle tucked inside her notebook. She looked at the neatly closed white envelope on her right hand.

It's had been years since she and Kyle started exchanging letter. Though she can't remember him at all she started receiving letter from him telling her how worried he was after finding out what had happened to her. It seemed that he is Audrey's childhood friend who migrated abroad. He is nice. She had told him things that she can't tell her brother.

Though he sends photos every now and then, it's all photos of sceneries and beautiful things that looks amazing. He still hasn't sent a photo of himself at all. Though Audrey send him photos of her and different sceneries too in exchange of the beautiful photos, He said that it's better if Audrey is the one who remembers what he really looks like.

Audrey liked the mystery of not having to know what your pen pal looks like so it didn't matter to her. Levi even told her that Kyle is a good person so she doesn't need to worry much about it.

The thought of Aiden suddenly crossed her mind. It's just he's full of mystery himself. And all those emotions that kept on spurring out on her earlier made her wonder why she reacted like that. Maybe he has something to do with her past? But she convinced herself that it really isn't possible. She must have felt his overwhelming emotion that was contagious.

She then began thinking about how beautiful his eyes were when their eyes met. They were deep hazel eyes that were deep green to grayish in color with separate shades of brown surrounding it. It was a mesmerizing color that can capture anyone's eyes just by looking at them. His eyelashes were also noticeably long.

His thick eyebrows match his keen facial structure. Those jaw lines of his are so intense that'll made you think he's some kind of model. And those lips when he smiles, it looks cheeky which looks adorable.

As Audrey continues to ponder how can a person looks so beautiful like that, she absentmindedly began thinking what his body structure might be beneath their sleek uniform. Some muscles can be visibly seen in his polo. His slim type of figure might be a trap if you think of it thoroughly. She wonders what it would feel like if she touches him even a little.

"Excuse me."

"Oh my gosh!" With her shock, she dropped the books that she's been holding together with her notebook and Kyle's letter. She didn't look at who just spoke. She began kneeling on the floor as she gathers her scattered things. The person in front of her started helping her. But when she notices a familiar scent, she looked at the person in front of her which surprised her more. "Oh sh…!" It's Aiden.