Chapter 11: A War Between Her Heart and Mind

It was so hard to think that they're just playing around for she hasn't gotten any experience about having a boyfriend and all. The way he touched her face with his long fingers still remains on her, specially his sweet kiss.

It's as if Audrey had been fatally pierced shot right though her heart. She was complacent enough that she didn't expect to be attacked that sweetly. Though it was a simple tactic being used upon her, she was hit in such a stern way.

She already knew the dangers that she would face, and thinking that it was a treacherous battle ahead was certainly correct. Still not ready to give up, she returned to her senses and thought that the battle had just only started. She then told herself that she needed to retaliate all his attacks like what she did earlier in front of the fountain.

They went to the cinema next. Though knowing that it will be a paranormal horror film, she was somehow confident that it wouldn't scare her. The last time she watched horror with Kylie was really boring because the characters were all so senseless that they all ended up dying.

They entered the cinema early and went to see that there's already a few people inside. It was said that this movie is really good that it's already a blockbuster film. It was also said that it was even nominated for "Best Picture" for the Oscar's. Giving the fact that the body giving awards itself rarely acknowledges horror film outside of technical categories, it was really amazing knowing that it must have a real amazing technical standard.

The two of them sat side by side. And as expected, Tiffany is following them. This time, Audrey saw her sitting two rows above them for she really stands out. She's even bought some popcorn for herself. She was somehow felt intimidated with her as if provoking her. It seemed like she wasn't convinced enough after following them at the restaurant.

Audrey decided to make the first move by clinging on to Aiden's arms while laying her head on his shoulder. Though the hand rest of the chair seemed to be a small barrier between the two of them, she didn't mind. She felt him stroke her hair in a very soothing way making her feel calm. He must have felt her tensed grasp on him so he helped her calm up.

The movie started with a very dark introduction catching Audrey's attention. She was looking intently at the screen so when the first jump scare came, she automatically had her herself grasp for air as if she was the girl in the movie being chased down. The scene for the screen was still suspenseful that she had her hand clutch the arm rest on her right.

Aiden looked at her and took her hand with his left and intertwined his fingers with hers. He is expecting that Audrey will be surprised but she didn't. When another jump scare happened, she even held her hand tightly making him really enjoy the movie.

It's like the movie escalated from 1 to 100 quickly. Some people inside the cinema even screamed with surprise. Audrey didn't let go of his hand even after calming down from a very intense scene. She's aware that she's holding Aiden's hand. She's actually surprised when Aiden took that initiative. She just pretended as if she didn't know it for, she was really scared with the scene from the movie earlier.

Somehow, it's starting to get cold. Audrey likes it for it adds a chilling feel to the movie but when she sneezed, she realized that she could have bought a cardigan earlier. Aiden immediately let go of her hand, took his blazer off and wrapped it on to her. She was real touched.

Thinking that he might be cold himself she asked whispering, "Aren't going to get cold now?"

"It's okay. I don't want you getting sick." He then took her hand again and clasped his hand on it.


"No buts." He then took her hand again and clasped his hand on it.

Audrey's starting to like what they are doing so she decided to enjoy it herself than getting worried about what she's starting to feel. With Aiden's blazer on her, she feels as if she's somehow being embraced by him.

With the movie about to end, the scene started getting more and more intense. Audrey appeared to be holding her breath more frequently now. When the main character decided to hide from the evil spirit it was like she's the one trying to hide from it too. So, when the closet that she's been hiding abruptly opened, she ended getting more surprised than ever.

She screamed pulling herself out, grasped on to Aiden's left arm, tilted her head out from looking at the screen and buried her face on his shoulder. Instead of Aiden being surprised with the movie, he was surprised at how Audrey reacted. He looked at how terrified she is besides him and it is indeed worth appreciating. He then strokes her hair again in the most soothing way that he knows.

Audrey started to calm down from a soothing pleasure from Aiden's touch. She looked at him and met his eyes. He smiled back at her making her comfortable.

The movie ended and it was indeed worth watching. The story itself was intriguing. The characters were not thoughtless like what Audrey thought. The overall quality of the film is really upright good. It will surely have another sequel.

Audrey and Aiden stood at the side and let the other people leave the cinema first. They waited for the people leave the cinema.

"It seemed like you enjoyed the movie." Aiden asked

"Yeah. I actually had fun."

Aiden saw Audrey looking at Tiffany as if she still hasn't gotten the fact that they're really being followed. He didn't like how her attention is being occupied with such worry. It made him feel displeased. When everyone seemed to have left, he was triggered.

He pulled Audrey by the arm and pushed her on the nearby wall. He had his right arm backed up against the wall while he occupied his left hand by hooking a finger under her chin as he lifts it up. He looked at her seriously in the eye and said, "I don't really like getting your attention being taken by someone. Do you want me show you how possessive I can be?"