Chapter 16: If There’s a Honey There’s a Bee

Not everything will always go according to plan. Most of the time there will be flaws. If you get too attached with these flaws you might end getting stuck up. Then you'll realize later on and you'll ask yourself why'd you agree on the first place. Is it because it benefits you? Is it because you think you're trying to help somebody? Or is it because you've fallen for the trap that you yourself have thought that might fool others?

There was enough confusion going on that it's already getting too hard to digest everything that's happening. Audrey froze up not knowing what to do or say. She can't figure what to say because her mind is in total chaos right now. She doesn't even know what to feel right now because there were so much unexplained jittery and fuzziness that she's been feeling already.

Idle, she asked Aiden to repeat what he just said for she thought that she heard it wrong. "Can you repeat what you just said? I think I somehow misheard it."

"Audrey, be my girlfriend for real."

And this time he added her name! Now this is really too much to take in that Audrey slowly slopped on the floor melting like a real butter saying, "I'll…call you back."

"Woah Audrey. What happened? You looked like you lost a bet or something."

"Oh my gosh Kylie bear this is definitely bad!" Audrey said looking back at Kylie.

"Is there anything worse than having your photo yesterday being posted on social media?"

"Aiden asked me to be his girlfriend for real."

"Woah?! What is bad about that?"

"We're not romantically attached or attracted to each other so it won't make any sense and besides he's Aiden Wang! Imagine what his parents will do if they found out that their son is dating somebody like me?"

"Ah it seems that you already did a little background check on him. But, don't belittle yourself. There's so much that meets the eye darling. You are beautiful, wonderful and amazing just as you are."

"Aww thanks munchkin but I don't think I should take that as an option. He must feel guilty after dragging me with him like this. Yeah he must just feel guilty and nothing else." Audrey said trying to analyze why Aiden would suddenly say something like that.

It reminded her about what Aiden told her about his previous girlfriend that he dated without love. She doesn't want anything like that to happen to her. If she would happen to date someone, she wanted to be with someone who loves her and not date her because of guilt. It'll be like committing a crime of passion, it'll all end ugly.

She then thought of another option that might be the best for both of them. She then immediately called Aiden and said, "I have a proposal, a third option."

"Sure, tell me."

"Since we both wanted to act natural like nothing happened, we will indeed act like nothing happened. We will act like we don't know that we already figured out that our photo was posted online. We will still talk with each like we used to. I really don't like the idea of distancing myself form you just because you allegedly had a girlfriend. That will make me look like I was aiming for you."

"So, you don't want to be my girlfriend?"

"It's not like that. I understand that you're just guilty about what had occurred that you wanted to take responsibility about what happened. I don't want you to be stuck up because of me."

"Hmm…It's not like that? So, you mean to say that you want to be my girlfriend but not with the current scenario because you thought that I'm just guilty?" Aiden teasingly said.

"W-what?! Don't tease me or I'll tell everyone that you used me as your fake girlfriend!"

"Sure. Go ahead. If that happens, I'll tell everyone how happy I was when you kissed me."

"Aiden I'm so going to kill you!"

"Hahaha. Sure, I'll welcome you with open arms."

"Stop teasing me!!!"

"Okay, okay. Sorry I'm just trying to wake myself up for I couldn't sleep well yesterday."

Audrey couldn't actually sleep well yesterday. She kept on recalling about everything that happened with her and Aiden. She can't believe that she did something that she could only read inside the books. She kept on feeling his touch on her that seemed to be embedded on her. But what she couldn't forget the most was the kiss that she did. It was her first! She then thought that it couldn't be possible that he experienced the same agony that she felt.

The truth is that Aiden felt the same agony that she felt, but much worse. He kept on staring blankly into space thinking about what had happened as he smile like a crazy idiot. It was good that he's alone in his room or somebody might have thought already that he's already gone nuts. He kept on imitating the scene again and again.

He's so high specially about that kiss. All those times yesterday, he kept on thinking that he wanted to kiss her when they arrived at the park because everything seemed so perfect there. The scenery, the moment, the time, the person who's he with, everything is perfect. He just still couldn't believe that Audrey will do something so surprising. Though she's just pretending, it was already enough for him to feel a temporary feeling of love from her.

Since it seemed to be the best option to choose, Audrey and Aiden have then agreed with option number three.

Audrey and Kyle went early for school after eating Levi's delightful pancakes. They both wanted to avoid Aiden's fangirls. They're like a group of bees swarming around the campus, stalking Aiden like some he's some delicious honey.

As expected, they're scattered around the school entrance looking at each and every one of the girls who is entering the school. It also looked like they're holding a photo on their hand. It must be Audrey's and Aiden's photo.

Audrey and Kylie went to every entrance of the school to see if they can enter in a peaceful manner but they're really everywhere! It seemed like there is no other choice but to just pass them like they didn't exist.

As calm as she can be, Audrey walked right towards that school entrance with Kylie on her side. They walked normally like they do. They're now about to pass the gate when somebody suddenly grabbed Audrey's arm.

"Hey you. Stop right there!"