Chapter 19: Adding Fuel to The Fire

A couple of days had passed. The fire had slowly started to be extinguished. Though the current weather was getting a little dim, it was starting getting peaceful again. It was one of days that would make you want to just stay at home and sleep all day and do nothing.

There were less and less talk about Audrey's and Aiden's photo. Audrey was glad to know that she can enter the school gate without any ruckus. It seemed that Aiden's Bees started getting tired now. His mystery girl still has remained a mystery since there were no other angle of the girl that can help her be identified.

The days went on like how it's supposed to be; wake up, go to school, hang out with Kylie and Aiden, then go home and, be a good sweet little sister to Levi. That's how Audrey's day went on. She thought that her days will continue to be as peaceful as it can but then it started getting chaotic again.

Audrey was heading towards the library to return the book she had borrowed. She took the shortest route she knew. But as she heads near the entrance of the building, she noticed someone suspicious looking. It was a girl wearing a huge pair of glasses with a scarf covering her whole face up. She stared at her like what other students does. It seems that she's waiting for somebody though.

She then didn't mind her and started walking minding her own business. She was perplexed when someone suddenly spoke besides her and said, "Hey, You!"

Surprised enough, Audrey tilted her head like a robot as she slowly shifts to her left to see who it was. It was the suspicious looking girl. She then asked, "Uh…yes?"

"You are Aiden's friend, right?"

Just hearing Aiden's name made her feel like this is something not good. Audrey thought that this girl might be one of Aiden's fans. She must surely ask her if she knew something about his mystery girl. But as she stares at this 'mystery girl' it made her think that she somehow looks kind of familiar.

She then replied honestly, "Yes?"

"Great! I'm relieved to see you. You're the one who's always with him, right?"

"Not really. But we often meet at the library to study. Why?"

"Come with me."

Before Audrey can even say no, she was already being dragged towards the parking lot where there were only few people around. She was so confused about what is going on. They then stopped under a tree. The girl started taking off her eyeglasses and scarf and there, Audrey was almost mind blown. It was Tiffany!

She even took a step back to her surprise. The person whom she thought she would never have a conversation with is currently in front of her! She was flabbergasted. Tiffany saw her reaction.

So, she asked, "Do you know me?"

"Err…uhh." Audrey thought that she can't just say that she knew her because she was the one following her and Aiden last time. She was so stunned seeing her face to face like this. So, she just said, "You were the famous model, right?"

"Oh! Yes. I never thought that I'd be known here." She said with a beautiful smile.

Crap, she is beautiful. She almost looked like an angel. Her porcelain features made her wonder more why Aiden would turn down a girl who is as beautiful as her. She even has a good figure! Though she's just wearing a white cropped t-shirt and a short red pleated skirt, it emphasizes her model figure very much.

Before her thoughts started wandering off somewhere, she decided to put her defensive mechanism on before anything unpreventable happen. She then gave her a sweet smile and said sarcastically, "Yes, you actually somehow stand out. You really look suspicious earlier."

"You think so? I'm really bad at disguising myself. Anyways. Have eaten already? I'm kind of starving. I never thought that I'd end up being lost in your school."

Couldn't believe of what she is hearing, Audrey was left more shocked than she was. It seemed that Tiffany had no clue that she was the one who pretended to be Aiden's girlfriend at all. Somehow, she's starting to feel that this girl is not that bad at all.

"Do you want to eat at our cafeteria?"

"Sure! Let's go!" Tiffany said as she wraps her arm around Audrey's arm.

The two went out to the cafeteria. Audrey couldn't believe about how many Tiffany ordered. There were two slices of cake, spaghetti, burger, fries, chicken wings and two cups of tropical shake. When Tiffany started eating, her mouth almost dropped because she seemed like no model who's supposed to be picky with her food, she seemed to be a normal person at all.

Tiffany saw Audrey staring at her so she said, "Don't mind me. Go ahead and eat with me."

"Are you sure it's okay?"

"I ordered for two you know. Come on, join me. I don't feel comfortable having the only one who's eating."

Audrey then started savoring the food wondering what would she need with her. It was really suspicious. Because the cake was so delicious, she started forgetting her worries and decided to focus on the food itself.

"By the way…" Tiffany said as she paused and looked at her. "I didn't get your name."

"Oh…I'm Audrey. Audrey Gray."

"Nice meeting you Audrey. You seemed to be a good person. I think you and I will get along well."

That somehow made Audrey feel bad for she didn't really have any idea who she was. It somehow made her conscience slowly shutter down. She then smiled back at her and said, "Yeah. I hope we'll get along."

"Anyways. I'll go straight to the point."

In some way, Audrey started to get nervous about what Tiffany will say. For sure it will be a favor or something else. Now she thought that she shouldn't have started talking with her, that she should have just go straight to the library and pretended that she didn't hear anyone calling her out. She felt conflicted.

Tiffany clasped her hands together as if praying. She looked at Audrey in the eyes hoping that she will agree to what she will ask. She then said, "I was waiting for Aiden at the library earlier. He told me before that he often stays there before going home. I wanted to confront him. I wanted to talk to him but he kept on avoiding me. I know that he just wanted to somehow get rid of me. Though I have seen him with his girlfriend with my own eyes, I'm not convinced! He must have just paid some random girl to pretend that lovey-dovey with him!"

Audrey was stabbed badly after hearing those words. She wasn't some paid actor! She wasn't acting for money! She just wanted to help a friend out! But thinking about it again made her wonder how on earth did she even acted like that. She can't even believe that Tiffany didn't fall for that trick. She then remained silent not knowing what to reply.

"That's why I needed your help."


"Yes, I needed your help. Please, I know that you are good friends with Aiden. I've seen you two hanging out together for the past few days. And you seemed close."

"Woah, you're stalking him inside our school?"

"I know it sounded bad but I only have a few days before going back to America. Please help me out. Please? You're my last hope. After this, I might never get the chance to see him or be with him again. I'll forever be grateful if you help me out"

Having someone ask a favor like this is just hard to say no. Audrey looked at her and saw that she's almost pleading. Audrey then said, "How do you want me to help?"

"Help me make him fall in love with me."