Chapter 26: How to Spare A Soul with Another Soul

"We were…acquaintances." Levi said giving Audrey a brief reply.

Aiden smiled and saw that Levi doesn't seem to want him around anymore. So, he said, "Don't worry. I don't think I'll be staying that long." He then stood up and said, "Audrey can be discharged after finishing her IV drip. I've settled everything already."

Levi just looked at him and gave him a death stare. He was really not happy to see him. It almost looked like there were electric sparks floating above their heads interjecting each other's presence.

"By the way." Aiden said as he put a hand on to Levi's left shoulder. He griped it and said in an almost inaudible whisper, "Don't forget, you work for me." Then he left.

Audrey saw how agitated her brother looked at him. He was glaring at him like a hawk ready to kill at that very moment. She wondered what grudge does he have with him. Curious, she said in a joking manner, "Brother, if your stare might kill, he already died."


"What???" Surprised to hear her name getting called out.

Levi sighed deeply and said, "Just rest. I'll drop by at your department tomorrow and tell them that you'll be resting at home for two days."

When they got home, Audrey rested immediately. Levi was uneasy knowing that Aiden had come back. He was the least person he wanted to see. He despises him a lot.

(Seven years ago)

He was the kind of kid who was being watched closely by his parents. He seldom goes outside. He has a few friends at school but playing with them long is very hard for him for he gets tired easily. He was born with a congenital heart disease. He was what they call a "blue baby". There was a problem with the structure of his heart.

As an only child, he was well taken care off but the expenses were gradually increasing that it's making his parents worry. His mom was a stay at home wife. Though she wanted to work to help with all the bills and medical expenses that are going on, her husband insisted that Levi needed her care more.

One day after going to the doctor for a regular check-up, Levi saw her mom crying while talking to the doctor. He was so young back then but he knows that something must be wrong to upset his mother like that. He ran towards her, hugged her and asked what's wrong. But as expected she said that it was nothing.

After a couple of days just after his visit to the doctor, he felt a squeezing pain on his chest that feels like swallowing his whole body in such a pressure. He was having a hard time breathing. The last moment he saw was his mom running towards him before he blacked out.

His parents were devastated. They looked at the young Levi looking hopeless for he had another one of his "attacks" but this one is more severe. The doctors said that he needed an open-heart surgery as soon as possible or he won't make it.

After his parents asked how much would it all cost, they knew that even if they sell themselves out just to save their child it would not be enough. Looking at all those tubes and apparatus being used on him at the ICU is already breaking their heart. They prayed hard enough for a miracle to happen.

Just at that very moment, an old man who was passing by saw the couple crying sitting outside the Medical Intensive Care Unit facility. He saw how broken they were as he look upon their faces. He figured out immediately that someone dear to them was inside the ICU. He knew exactly what to do.

"Excuse me Sir, Ma'am." The old man said.

The couple looked at him with wonder but still their tears were falling. They were completely enveloped by sadness.

"Sorry, it seems that were already disturbing other people." Mrs. Gray said as she tried to wipe her tears off.

The old man sat beside them and said. "No ma'am you are not. It's just that looking at the both of you breaks my heart for some reason."

"It's just…it's our son. He's inside and… we won't be able to save him." Mr. Gray said.

"May I know what happened?"

"We knew that he had a weak heart and we're doing anything we can do but then he had a heart attack this morning and…we rushed him here and…" Mr. Gray stopped for his tears flooded with such intense emotions.

"He needed an open-heart surgery as soon as possible or else he won't make it. But after knowing how expensive it will be it seems that we really won't be able to afford it or even find that much money to pay for it." Mrs. Gray continued trying to compose herself.

The old man clasped his hands and looked down and said, "You know, my granddaughter was caught in an accident a few days ago. She was young, just 10 years of age. Both of her parents died in a tragic car crash. She was also involved in that crash. My grandson was following them at that time because he forgot to give his farewell gift to them for, they're about to migrate overseas. But when he called and told me what had happened, I was confounded with huge fear."

"My granddaughter was taken here and was said that there was only a small percentage that she might be saved. I told them I'll pay as much as I can just for them to save her. But all my riches and money couldn't do anything to save her. They just told me that all I need to do was to pray. So, I prayed so hard that she would be spared. I already loved her as my own and losing her was like losing my own grandson."

"Now, she's still asleep but the doctors said that she will wake up soon. It was one of the happiest moments of my life."

"That must be nice, having your prayed be answered." Mrs. Gray said.

"Yes, that's why I'm here."

Mr. Gray's tears suddenly stopped after hearing what the old man had said. He looked at his wife with wonder as if asking if what he heard was right. So, he then asked, "What do you mean?"

"Weren't you praying hard earlier? I'm here to help you with all the expenses that you needed for your son's medication."

"But it costs a lot. How will we repay you? Even if we both work our entire lives, we won't be able to accumulate that kind of money, we're not that well-off." Mrs. Gray said.

"You may not know me but I own lots of buildings. This time, money can help save your son. Take it. But of course, it won't be free of charge."

"Good Sir tell me what you need and I'll do anything just please save our son." Mr. Gray said.

The old man gave them a smile and told exactly what they needed to do for him.