Chapter 38: Taking Risks

"Hi Audrey! Are you busy right now?"

"A little. I needed to do some research about a new project and a couple of assignments. Why? What's up?"

"Do you want to eat out?"

"Wait, you're still here?"

"What is she saying?" Kylie asked Audrey almost whispering curious about what they're talking about.

Audrey then covered her phone and put it under the table making sure Tiffany wouldn't hear her say, "She wanted to meet me."

"Say no!"

She then returned to her call and said, "Sorry, what were you saying the reception wasn't good."

"I was just saying that I've found out a newly opened crepe shop downtown and it was said that they serve the best blueberry crepe! I'm so excited to try it out before I leave."

"Did you just say crepe? Blueberry crepe?!"


"I'm on my way now."

"Perfect! See you!"

Audrey hanged up her phone as she hurriedly finishes her lemonade. Kylie looked at her with disbelief. She then said, "You are impossible! You're bailing me out just because of food."

"It's not just food. It's crepe! Blueberry crepe! I've already heard about this newly opened shop and had wanted to go there."

"You could have told me. I could have accompanied you there myself. You know how much I like crepe too."

"Aww…" Audrey smiled at her bestest friend who seemed to be sulking. "Don't worry. If this really worth our taste buds I'll definitely come back there with you, my treat."

"Well, you could have said so earlier. I'll just be at the library for our science project."

"Thanks. I'll surely make it up to you."

Audrey saw Tiffany sitting already inside the shop. She was surprised to see how short her hair is now. She still stands out because her pixie cut hair suits her style well. She almost looked like Alice Cullen from Twilight only with a different hair color.

"Woah Tiffany. You surprised me. I don't think I might ever rock a hair like that like you do."

"Thanks. You know how broken hearted girls go. They always let their frustrations out by cutting their hair off."

"Your long hair was very pretty though."

"I'm starting to miss it but I know that it will be taken care of somebody soon."

"Did you perhaps donate it?"

"Yes! I donated it at a charity for cancer patients. I was happy that I don't really like coloring or having my hair chemically done or anything similar to that because of their strict quality control. I understand it though because medical wigs should really be safe to use."

"That's very inspiring of you. You really have such a huge heart."

"Thanks. Life is short. I believe that we should do good all the time. We don't hold time. We certainly don't know when our time will stop too. I was afraid that when my hair was cut that I might look ugly that I might regret it but then I thought that I've always wanted to try it even for once so I did. I asked myself if I don't do it now when?"

"A friend told me that "regret is more painful than not taking risk at all.""

"Yes, that's why we should not be afraid of going out of our comfort zone. We're all afraid to fail but when we fail we learn right? I think that's already worth the risk."

"Thank you. That made me feel better."

"Hmm? Is something the matter? Did you and Aiden perhaps had some sort of misunderstanding?"

"W-what?! Where'd you get that???" Audrey panicked. She looked real guilty especially when she blushes like she does right now. "We should order something first right? Let's go and order some crepes now."

"Geez. You really are the type that if you committed a crime, you'll certainly be judged guilty in an instant."

"I know. I'm not good at hiding things or even lying. Gosh, I must have been cursed. I must have done something very bad from my past life. I must have love lying back then."

"So? Tell me, what's going on with you and Aiden now?"


"Really?" Tiffany lifted an eyebrow up for she's suspicious for Audrey looked like she's telling a lie right now. She's even nervously flipping her phone at the table.

"Please stop looking at me like that."

"Something certainly has happened. Maybe I should go and call Aiden myself and ask…" She took her phone at the table and was about to call Aiden when Audrey suddenly took it. She then smiled after catching her red handed. "I knew it."

"Okay fine. There was a misunderstanding between us. We haven't talked now for like 3 days already."

"Oh my G! How could you do the silent treatment on to him? If I were you I would have already thrown my arms around him as we live happily ever after!"

"Apparently I'm not you so…"

"So??? Geez what's wrong with you love birds? You're making the people around you anxious!"

"Now you are mad."

"Gosh who am I to talk about love. I was the one here with the broken heart and needed some comfort but I ended up wanted to lecture you about love! How ironic."

"By the way we are not love birds."

"Sshh. Don't say anything more about it. Gosh. Can we just order some crepes now? I feel like my head is about to ache now."

After ordering the said best blueberry crepe they already both looked satisfied with the presentation itself. It was served in a cone form and was topped with a scoop of ice cream drizzled with chocolate syrup and was sprinkled with white chocolate kisses with some little blue frostings at the side. There was even a small wafer at the very top of it that is bear shaped that made it very cute.

"This is so cute."

"Certainly. Now, before we both eat this let's first take a commemoration photo."

After Tiffany took the photo, they immediately started eating the crepe out. After taking the first bite, they hastily took another bite as if making sure if what they thought was right. They then looked towards each other with awe. It was settled. It was definitely the best blueberry crepe.

"I'm definitely going back here."

"I wonder how much their franchise will cost if I take it abroad?"

"You seriously are rich."

"Just kidding. I now have another reason to go back here now."

"Another reason?"

"Yes. First is to meet up with my wonderful friend again and this crepe." She smiled.

"You sure are friendly."

"I was referring to you silly."

"You're such an angel."

"Not really. But anyways, I actually asked for you to meet me here to give you this." Tiffany took out a small paper bag that was sitting beside her and lent it towards Audrey. "This is for you."

"Wow, thanks. My birthday is not till a couple of months but thanks."

"This is a thank you gift, sorry gift and a see you later gift. 3 in 1."

"Sorry gift? What for? I should be the one who should apologize because I feel like I deceived you. Actually I…"

"I know. Don't say it. My heart just broke. No need to overkill it. Just, take good care of Aiden for me will you? I've watched that person from a distance and he might only look tough on the outside but he's actually soft inside, like a cookie."

"Thank you. Don't worry. When you wanted to eat here again, I'll always be here. I'm just one call away."

Audrey was thankful that she's been surrounded by such good people around her. She may feel lost and afraid but she knows that she's not alone. There were a number of people that she can rely on. She knew that at that moment, she needed to stop worrying too much about things. She needed to step up and take the courage that she needed. This must be just infatuation or simply admiration but if she doesn't really find out what it is nothing will happen. She needed to take a risk, a risk worth taking for.