Chapter 45: You’re An Angel

"Hello? Is there anyone there???" Audrey asked almost panting.

She never expected that something like this will happen. She just wanted to go to some party to have fun with Kylie but she never thought that one day she'll be trapped like this. Maybe this is her punishment for being too selfish but being stocked like this is ridiculous specially when you're at someone else's house.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Please help. I'm stocked." She asked again hoping that someone might hear her.

"Where are you?"

The moment Audrey heard someone spoke she felt as is an angel fell on to Earth and heard her plea. She could almost cry out of happiness but she needed to get out first before her phone's battery turned to zero percent.

"I'm here! I'm inside a storage locker." She said almost crying.

There were a bunch of noises outside coming from the door but it seems that the door itself was too stubborn to open up. Somehow, it's starting to make her feel nervous.

"This door is stocked. Hold on I'll go and find the key." The kind guy said.



"You are not going to leave me alone right?" She asked with fear.

"No, silly."

"I need to know your number."

"My number?" He asked wondering.

"Just in case you didn't come back I'll be able to call you and tell you how much I've suffered when you left me and haunt you."

"Hahaha. What? Oh my. You're making me laugh unexpectedly." After having a good laugh, the guy gave his number to Audrey. He almost couldn't believe that someone suspected him of running away.

"My name's Audrey." She said after they exchanged numbers.

"The name's Pierre. Now Audrey, I know that you're scared. Trust me. I'll come back for you."

"Okay…thank you."

Audrey heard his running footsteps getting fainter. She gazed at her phone's battery and it's doing no good. She really hoped that she bought her powerbank with her before she left Kylie's house. She really felt so stupid right now.

A couple of minutes had passed and her phone's light slowly faded away. Everything is now pitched black and it's making her really uncomfortable. She closed her eyes and tucked her knees but still she can't calm down with how eerie her current surrounding is.

Her mind is slowly playing tricks on to her. In some way she couldn't keep her thoughts clear. It's not just 'fear' that's swallowing her up but it's something more severe. She felt as if someone's choking her. The more she looks at the apparitions, little by little it's materializing into something scary.

The confined darkness is now starting to suffocate her as if confining her. It's reminding her of how terrified she is of the dark.

"This is not real…go away…please" She said almost sobbing. "This is just all in your mind. This is not…real." She tucked her knees more and buried her face on to her hands as she tries to calm down.

"Audrey! It's me. I got some keys!" He said rushing towards the locker. He bought up a bunch of keys. He wasn't sure what to get so he brought up the whole stack.

"Pie..rre?" She asked as she heard clanking sounds from the outside.

"Don't worry I'm getting you out. I'm just having a hard time trying to find the right key. Ahh damn not this one either." He said frustrated as he tried one key with another.

"Please…hurry. Please."

After a couple of tries the door was finally opened. Pierre was just about to sigh with relief but was surprised when Audrey suddenly busted the door open and jumped on to him as she trembles like a scared cat.

He fell on the floor as he lost his balance being caught off guard. He was so startled to be suddenly hugged by someone like that but when he felt how much she trembles he felt concerned. He then supported himself to sit with his right hand. Still, Audrey wasn't letting go. And it seems that she doesn't plan on to.

"Scaredy-cat it's okay now. No need to be afraid." He slowly pets her head as he brushed her hair with his fingers. Somehow Audrey started calming down.

"I…I'm sorry." Audrey said as she pushed herself away from him.

When Audrey raised her head to look at him, he was dumbstruck. This is bad. Definitely bad…for my heart. That's what Pierre thought.

"I'm...really sorry for suddenly jumping on to you like that." She said as she arranged her disheveled hair with her hand. She seemed to have calmed down a little but still, her hands were trembling.

"Uhh…are you okay?"


Pierre stood up and gave her a hand. Audrey took it but the moment she stood up she lost her balance. She was expecting to fall off the ground but was caught immediately by Pierre. He wrapped an arm around her waist preventing her to fall off.

When Audrey looked up, she met Pierre's beautiful pair of eyes. It was a pair of crystal looking eyes. It was so beautiful that you'd end up getting absorbed by it. It then made her be aware of the beautiful features the man in front of her has. It's not just his eyes that were pretty but also his porcelain looking skin.

"Are you…really okay?" He asked bashfully. Pierre thought for a moment as if a goddess suddenly emerged to shaken his already disordered world.

"Y-yeah." She said as she stood up and sat on nearest chair.

"Wait here. I'll go get some water for you." Pierre hurried and went to the kitchen to a glass of water. He handed it over to Audrey who currently looked like she went through hell inside the locker. He wanted to ask what happened to her but he chose not to.

"Thank you. You're an angel."

"I'm no angel."

"To me you are. Thank you. I really thought that it was the end of me." She said with a smile.

"Uhm…do you need anything? You don't really look so good right now. I can drive you home if you want."

"No need. I've already brought you enough trouble but can I borrow your phone instead? I needed to call my friend. My phone just died so…haha." She said trying to laugh off the situation that she's currently in to.

Honestly, she's still feeling terrified. She doesn't even think that she might be able to walk in the dark for a while now even if there's a little light on. She felt really stupid getting herself in such a mess because she's just trying to avoid Aiden.

"OMG Audrey what happened to you?" Kylie asked panicking when she saw how downcast her friend looks right now.

Audrey turned around to look at Kylie but the second that she did, she was so surprised to see who she's with that she even stood up staggered.
