Ready to Drop


If it's not for the sake of their business partnership Aiden wouldn't really even talk to Angela. He knows that she is deliberately trying to take up all of his time so that he won't be able to spend any to Audrey. But even if she tries her hardest to distract him, he will not falter. If there's a will there's a way.

But honestly, he is getting tired with all the façade that Angela has been doing. He kept on being dragged with all of her personal affairs which he really dislikes for he doesn't even want to be a part of her life. Harsh, but all that matter to him is Audrey and that's it.

For him this all business. This is the many things that he needed to do in order to achieve what he needed, his father's trust for him to officially take over the company. And if he does, he will be able to accomplish one by one all the things that needed to be done all according to his plan.

"Aiden what do you think?" Angela said as she turned around to show if the dress that she tried on is good.

"It's okay." He didn't really think it through though and thought that she might be settled with it hoping that she'll be finished going in and out of the dressing room.

"Really?" She blushed.

"Are you done now? We've been here for hours." He started complaining because she obviously just wanted him to accompany her for the day because she knows he will go to Audrey.

"Not yet. I still have a lot to try on."

"Just buy the whole store. This is getting tiring."

Aiden is currently accompanying Angela at the mall. They've been here for a while now and waiting like this had been very life draining for him though he's just sitting at a corner. He's physically tired with all the non-stop waiting doing nothing but just browsing and playing at this phone.

Exhausted he needed to call someone. He took his phone out and called for help.

"Hey are you free?" He asked hoping that he might be able to rest early today.

"It depends."

"Can you take over in my stead?"

"Ah, it seems that you're with Angela, again aren't you?"

"Yeah. And I know that you're good at such things."

"Haha. Not really but I guess I'm better than you are."

"Oh, come on. You've dated countless of girls already. You've got the experience in handling girls like this."

The word "shop till you drop" unfortunately doesn't even apply to Angela because the sky is her limit. And it seems that she won't stop till the mall closes for the day.

"Yes, I did and that makes me wonder why you my dear cousin is still single up till now."

"You know the reason why."

"Because you're gay?"

"I'm not gay!"

When Aiden said those words unexpectedly a little bit loud, he somehow caught a little attention towards a few shoppers. Some looked at him and gave him a cunning smile. There were quiet a few judgmental looks that he received after realizing that he was too loud.

He then repeated the words as he covered the mic of his phone trying to compress the sound of his voice a little with his hand, "I am not gay." And added, "Geez! Pierre I'm going to kill you! You just embarrassed me here."

Pierre laughed and said teasing him, "You're just too defensive. It's okay to admit if you are. Haha."

"Are you going to help me out or not?"

"Patience dude. I'm on my way now."

"Thanks. I know you wouldn't let me die on my seat right now."

Pierre arrived after some time and saw Aiden looking almost lifeless as he sat at the corner with a bunch of paper bags.

"Yo!" He said enthusiastically.

"You're a life saver." Aiden said as he stood up and gave Pierre a fist bump as a greeting.

Angela just come back from the cashier carrying another set of paper bag. She immediately saw Pierre and greeted him. "Hello Pierre." She gave him a kiss on a cheek as a greeting.

"Hello my lovely Angel."

"Did Aiden call you to be his substitute?"

"No. Haha." He faked a laugh and added, "I was strolling around and saw this guy and figured that you're with him. So I thought that I need to say hello to the beautiful Angel myself."


Before Aiden could even tell Angela that he have to go now, he received a phone call that bewildered him.

"What did you just say?!" He asked in abruptness as his eyebrows arched and his eyes widened with huge surprise. "I got it. I'm on my way there now."

He looked at Angela and said in a hurry, "There's been an emergency. I need to go now."

"Uhm okay. Do you need help?" Angela asked a little worried.

"No." He then looked at Pierre and told him, "Let's hang out some other time."

"Sure. Oh, by the way I just met…"

"Save it up for later I really need to go now." He tapped Pierre's back as he urgently left hastily.

Angela knew that she was being deserted but at the same time she knew that his excuse is real for she saw the seriousness and panic on him. Somehow, she wishes that she will receive the same level of seriousness when he's with her.

Aiden drove fast towards Audrey's house. He just received a call from Levi saying that she's missing. He already called a certain number of people to search for Audrey fast. Knowing that she's just gone missing turned his mind into chaos thinking of the possible places where she could be.

He wanted to start to search for her himself but he needed to talk to Levi first and know what exactly had happened. She can't have just disappeared. He tried calling her phone but his calls won't get through. It unsettles him so bad that he even tightened his grip on the steering wheel as he drove like crazy.

The moment he arrived at her house; he abruptly opened the front door in panic and said, "Levi, if anything bad happened to Audrey I swear I'd..."

He was halted for his eyes captured a scene which he doesn't even know what to feel or think first. He's glad to see that Audrey's home but at the same time he is very irritated with the sight he is seeing. And it was very unflattering for him.