The Calm before the Storm

It's early morning but the weather is a bit gloomy. Its rainy seasons now and it means that there will soon be a rain coming in. The winds are getting colder and bolder. The way it hushes is somehow chilling and a little frightening. It's as if serving as a warning that something not good is going to happen soon.

Audrey wore her cardigan for she easily gets cold especially in this season. Her head was still over the clouds about what happened last time. She's less worried now about going home and being followed by some creepy guy because her brother said that he'll be taking her home with him again starting today.

She thought that she needed to tell him how she feels about him but fears that whatever they have now with him might disappear. She's positive now that she already had fallen head over heels for him. She loves him.

Thinking of how to confess, she didn't notice that she's already staring blankly during class. So when she got called out she was surprised but handled the situation like a pro.

"Audrey. Audrey Gray?" Ms. Ramos said.

"Y-yes?!" She said standing up.

"Please solve the problem on the board."

Audrey looked at the white board, went towards it and saw a series of math equations that needed to be solved. She took the marker and began writing on the board lifelessly. She solved it though and was even praised about it.

When she returned on her seat she can hear their teacher praising how quick she solved the problem on the board but she also heard her say, "If you class don't want to listen attentively to my class, be like Audrey. Even though she's spacing out she can still solve the equation properly."

Audrey didn't mind it and just sighed heavily instead.

After class, Kylie immediately asked her what's wrong if she's sick or what because she's acting weird right now.

"Hey zombie bear are you okay? You don't seem a 100% alive right now."

"I'm…okay. I just…" She sighed again.

"It's okay you can tell me what's bothering you. I may not be the best life coach out there but my services are free." She grinned.

"They're not free. You'll later have me treat you some frappe."

"Oh, you know me too well. Come on tell me! You can give me a mocha frappe later."

"Fine but I can't tell it to you now."

"What can't you tell now?" It's Aiden.

Audrey almost jumped out of her seat upon hearing his voice. That is the main reason why she can't tell Kylie what's bothering her heart and mind right now, it's about him. And now she feels that her certain heart is beating fast again.

"It's nothing." She denied.

"Hmm. Do you want me to guess?" He said as he started playing with the ends of Audrey's hair since her seat is just in front of him.

"No. You're just too good at the guessing game and soon you might get me busted out."

"Now I'm really curious of what you are going to tell me." Kylie said as she started playing with Audrey's hair too because it's so shinny and silky.

"I can't say it now."

"Is it something that I should not be hearing?"

Audrey blushed a little and said defensively, "It's a girl talk okay? And obviously you are not a girl."

Aiden became silent all of a sudden and so does Kylie. Then when Kylie suddenly spoke, it surprised her.


"You're fast." Aiden said.

"Oh wow. You're doing well yourself."

"What are you two even doing at my hair?"

Audrey took her mirror out of her bag and saw that there's a small braid that Kylie made at her left. Then as she adjusts her mirror and saw Aiden braiding her hair too. She stared at him for a while through the mirror but Aiden saw it and looked at her and gave her a sweet smile.

She quickly folded her mirror and slid it inside her bag. She can't even look at him straight in the eye right now for she can't contain how she feels for him anymore.

"There it's done." Kylie said as she finished putting a cute small ribbon at the end.

"Well thanks to the two of you on trying to make me look human in my zombie mode."

"You're most welcome." Aiden said teasingly.

"Now if you don't mind Kylie and I needed to be excused outside for our "girl talk".

"Of course Princess." He smiled once again.

Before leaving the room, Audrey saw Angela's dead stare at her. She's actually annoying but she realized that she's just all bark but no bite so she just let her stare all she wants.

Audrey dragged Kylie near the fire exit in order to have some privacy. Before she spoke she looked around to make sure that there's no one snooping around. So when she's sure that they're indeed alone she finally said what's on her mind.

"I love Aiden."

"I know." Kylie said as she's not surprised at all.

"What? Is it that obvious? I mean I think I already told it to you but I'm still on the process of verifying it and all. But is it THAT obvious?"



"It's obvious."

"Gosh. So, do you think he knows?"

"I don't know."

"Do you think he somehow…likes me?"

"Seriously you're asking be of something so obvious?"

"Then what is it? Does he like me or not?"

"Woah calm down. We wouldn't know if you won't confess to him."

"I wanted to confess to him but I'm terrified that I'll lose whatever that's happening between us."

"Whatever happening between you? You mean the flirting? You're just satisfied with that?"

"We're flirting?"


"Shh. Don't shout."

"Oh I forgot how new you are to this dating game."

"I don't know what to do. I'm so confused." She said as she placed both of her hands on her forehead as she tries to gather her mixed thoughts all together.

"Look. Being terrified won't do you anything good if you are just satisfied with whatever that's going on. Don't you want a progress?"

"I do. But…"

"But you're afraid."

"Yes. I don't want to lose him."

"If you don't take any risk nothing will happen. Try and trust yourself."

"What if he rejects me?"

"Oh come on. I mean look at you. Have some confidence. You're pretty, smart, funny. You have your own charms. Let me ask you then. Do you think he likes you?"

Audrey paused for a bit and thought of all the things he's done to her. All those sweet gestures, efforts, and attentions that he's been giving her that he doesn't do to others. Though he teases her most of the time making her this confused and all the other signs saying that he likes her more than she thinks is making her think that he really do see her the same way she sees him.

"I guess you already know the answer." Kylie said as she smiles thinking that Audrey finally realized something so distinct.

"I need to tell him how I feel."

"Yes you do."

"I mean right now. I need to tell him right now."

"Wait as in right now?"


"Okay. I'll call him over."

"Wait no. I'll call him."

"You sure?"

"Yeah leave it to me."

As they were about to head back to their room they saw Aiden outside talking to somebody in a very serious manner. He seemed to be arguing to someone over the phone. All they could hear was when he said, "I won't go! It's not that I'm defying you…no it's…not like that. I can just send her a gift I don't need to be physically there. I never acknowledge her as my fiancé. Wait what? You can't I still…?! Damn it."

It seemed that his call was being hanged up with his very anxious expression. But when he looked on his right he immediately saw Audrey looking at her puzzled but soon he saw tears fall upon her cheeks.

Audrey knew at that moment he needed to leave again. It's just like last time but much worse for she can clearly hear her heart break.