Child’s Play

It was lunch time. Audrey didn't bring lunch today because she promised Kylie that she'll treat her some frappe and of course snacks are included. She lined up at the long queue and waited patiently for their turn.

As she was about to be called next in line, an airhead looking girl with her earphones on bumped onto her hard that she almost fell on the ground. Unfortunately, the girl's drinks splashed onto her staining her clothes.

The girl apologized many times though but something seemed off. The airhead girl refrained looking at her in the eye and it's making her doubt that her apology is real. In exchange, the girl lent her some clothes that she was storing in her locker.

But after Audrey took it and was about to take a good at it if it'll fit her or what the girl immediately said that she needed to leave now because she still has an appointment.

Strange, Kylie felt it to be a little suspicious. And she was right for when Audrey went to the comfort to change her clothes, that's only then that they realized what kind of clothing they were.

"Oh gosh Kylie I can never go out wearing this." She said as she pulled the skirt down of the dress that was given to her for its too short but notices that it'll be too low if she keeps on pulling it down for her cleavage is already starting to show. It's either too small for her or it's just that this clothing was meant for it to be that way.

"Goodness! We should have checked what kind of clothes those were before accepting it. We didn't even know the name of that freaking girl! And she even ran away!"

"Well, it already has happened. I should really be putting some spare clothes on my locker myself."

"Same. Wait! I think I have some but they've been there for a while now. Do you mind if I leave you here for a while?"

"Go on. I can't wear my frappe soaked clothes anymore nor go out wearing such scandalous clothing."

Audrey then returned inside the comfort room fearing that someone else might see her in such dress. But as she saw waiting for her friend to come rescue her, she was startled to see a small black envelope being pushed under the cubicle door towards her.

She looked at it carefully and saw her name written in bold letters in red marker. Before opening the door to see if anyone is outside, she heard running footsteps and a door abruptly being opened. She then saw no one outside.

Curious, she took the envelope and opened it. There was a letter inside and it only says a few words in huge fonts. But those words are already enough for her to think that someone is after her.

"Ugly. Social climber. Gold Digger."

She closed it and put it inside her bag but was surprised to see another one. She can't remember someone putting anything inside her bag. But since it's already there she decided that she might as well read it.

It says, "Know your place!"

She closed it and hid it inside her bag. She paused for a bit and exhaled in such a deep manner and cleared her mind. She was a little bothered but wasn't even provoked by it. She knew that this is about Aiden.

She expected this. She knew that it will be such a long road ahead and this is just one of those days where she needed to raise her head up and stand straight and prove that she's worthy to be by Aiden's side.

The best response to people who try to put you down is to ignore them. It will only make them look miserable and that's what Audrey plans on doing by ignoring them.

Kylie arrived as fast as she could and before she gave her the spare clothes that she got, she took a photo of her as a memorabilia. But little did Audrey know that she sent Aiden a copy.

"Thanks for the clothes. You're such a lifesaver." She said as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

"You are welcome. It's a good thing that you always bring your perfume with you." She said as she saw her spraying some perfume on to herself.

"You know how much I like vanilla scented perfume." She grinned.

"Yeah sometimes I wonder if you grow your own farm for your stocks never seems to dwindle." They laughed.

Audrey went home together with her brother. She wondered though why he looks a little agitated for he kept on looking from left to right and is being very careful of her. She doesn't dislike it in fact she felt pretty pleased to have such a brother.

On the way home, Levi stopped by at a convenience store to buy her some Lasagna. He's a little worried that she might be under the weather especially about what happened to her a few days ago. He knew that having such a frightening experience cannot be easily forgotten. He hopes now that he can cheer her up with food.

"Are you trying to spoil me?" She asked as she saw Levi took a pack of lasagna from the convenience store's freezer.


"Then I think you should get another pack for I think it would really satisfy my lasagna needs."

"Fine. If that's what you want. Just make sure that you'll behave."

"Sure thing! I'll be your angel."

"Don't exaggerate. I know you'll only be good as long as you have these snacks and after they're all finished you'll return to your original naughty state."

"Ow come on. I'm not that bad right?" She looked at him with puppy eyes.

He looked at her a little grumpy proving that Audrey's good meter depends on how long her snacks last.

She then pouted her lips and looked at her right and saw something that she also likes.

Levi saw where she is looking and went towards it and took a huge bottle of one of her favorite drink, a lychee flavored drink with coconut jelly. He felt like he was somehow being swindled but after leaving the store he was satisfied with how happy she looks at him.

"You look happy." He said.

"Yes! I'm really so lucky to have such a brother like you." She smiles as she clung on to his arm for she appreciates him greatly.

The word "brother" reminded Levi of how he should be towards her. He can't have more, that's what he told himself. But it's hard. But he needed to endure if he wanted to stay with her.

He owes her his life and that's what he's going to give her, his entire life of serving her as his "brother".