Part IV My Mom

So later on that night, me and my mom got home.

I don't know how, but it turns out that despite that horrible crash that me and my mom went through, the car still worked fine.

"Old things do last, Edward."

"Yeah they do, like your constant fight to "Bring back dad". None of this makes sense!"

"I was always afraid that if I told you the truth, you might not see me the same way."

"Mom. You should know by know how much I love you. I will never think badly of you."

Pause. She hesitated to speak after that point. But then she did.

"Your father and I. We were members of a ragtag team of researchers. Misfits, kicked out of every institution that we were in. It was probably because we were all chasing after what society thinks is "impossible"."

"Why do I feel like I've heard that in a show somewhere, with that red dude who runs super fast."

Gosh I need to stop making jokes at the wrong time, especially this one.

"The Roswell crash of 1947."

"That's a real thing?"

"Yes it is. Our group believes that the ufo wasn't from outer space. It was from another universe. It's speculated composition was that of 100 percent unknown elements. Elements that are not capable of existing in this universe. "

"This is one of several different occurrences, which were beginning to occur more and more frequently as we were doing our research. They weren't all air crafts. Some of them were just pieces. No lifeforms were ever recorded, indicating that they may have been decimated during the trip.Camera footage cannot obtain good quality images because these objects are vibrating at frequency unable to be recorded on any device."

"Me and the group had a base we called "Area 51"."

"Named after Area 51?"

"No. The original Area 51."

"Mom, how old are you really?"

" 123 years of age."

"How old am I?"

"How old do you think you are?"


"That is correct."

"How are you 123 years old?"

"Exposure to foreign matter slowed down all of our aging."

"You said you have no powers."

"Aside from the slow aging, I don't have any. Your father on the other hand, he began to see things."


"He saw multiple probabilities of the world falling to ashes. From there on out, he swore that all of our work would be spent trying to prevent every single one of these probabilities."

"We were able to prevent several catastrophic events, volcano eruptions, asteroids... We were earths last line of defense. We knew that the government would not agree with our methods, we were on our own."

"Then what happened?"

"I became selfish. After years of "Protecting". I think that word sounds too arrogant and self righteous. I wanted to settle down and have a family. Many years passed and there were no threats to humanity."

"Then you had me."

"And it was the best moments of our lives, having a healthy baby boy. It was like heaven. I felt like we deserved a break for once, ya know? But we realized that you had your dad's gift. Having the powers as a baby, you were extremely unstable. Your dad knew that we had to do something or you would grow up to be insane."


"You were beginning to manifest your powers at a very early age. The tender age of 2 months. Your father got to work as soon as he found out. That's why he experimented on you. He wanted to make sure that you grew up to be a normal man. He did not want you to carry the burden.He tried his best, up until one day, when he sensed that an imminent threat was coming to earth. Omega level. That was the point where we were split in half...I knew I had to stay behind and make sure that you were progressing with your powers. I myself made my attempts to relieve you of the burden. But sadly, my son, I have failed you."

"Your father teamed up with some of our old teammates. We always had constant communication. We were still madly in love and he cared for you . He did everything for us, Edward. But inevitably, his work consumed him. He told me that the threat wasn't from outer space, or from another dimension. It was the human race."

"So he wanted us to go extinct?"

"No. He just wanted us to be different. He wanted us to evolve. He wanted us to join him in becoming the next dominant race."

"And you haven't had contact ever since?"

" I chased after him. We've faced off worse than what we did today. But today was the first time that he ever tried to kill me."

"Sounds like he's not the same man you fell in love with."

"I'm still hoping. But for now, it's you and me."


I knew that this was an emotional moment where barriers were broken down and all... but I couldn't help but ask:

"How do my powers work again?"

"All I know is that it's like your dad's.

He can predict events before they happen. They can be as recent as an incoming blow from an opponent, to as far into the future as upcoming events."

"Should we still get rid of it?"

" We might need it. You're father will be back. And now I know why."


"Because he knows you're the only one powerful enough to stop him from ending humanity."