Part VI The Anti socials

I'm in a dream, and I know it.

I don't know where I am, but I'm dreaming.

Blurry. Everything is blurry.

Suddenly everything becomes crystal clear.

The monster, my dad, is standing above me.

He had a sharp dagger, similar to

The one I held over him in real life.

This moment was so surreal.

He stabs me, and I scream at the top of my lungs.

I wake up.

The first thing I see is Alice.

"It's worse than I thought."

"What were we just doing? Were you in my mind again?"

"You need to calm down. Your father wasn't this bad of a seer."

"You're really tactless, you know that?"

"I'm sorry, I just find that sugar coating things is counter productive."

I hear an earthquake but I know it's

My dad.

Growls akin to that of a wild beast can be heard in the background.

"We're going to need to subdue him."



"I need to get me really mad first."

"No, you don't. You just need to use your powers."

"What? Predicting things? Predicting his next attack? I already tried. I'm too immature of a seer. I need to go berserk mode again."

"That's not the way Edward."

"Why not?"

"Because if you do, then he wins."



Me and Alice are silent, as we both hold our breath.

We stay quiet, and we hear the footsteps getting closer and closer...

And then it stops.

A door opens.

Alice tells me "Don't let him get inside your mind"

It's my dad, a normal human. It's as if he was never a monster.

"Son, I just want to talk."

I'm speechless.

"I know it's hard to wrap your mind around, but right now, the only one I see who can understand what you're going through. It's me."

A warm feeling.

Despite all the despicable things that he has done, for some reason, it feels that he was my father. A father who loved me and cared for me.

But I can't forget the fact that he tried to kill my mother.

"Why would you try and kill mom? You truly are insane."

"It was never my intention to kill your mother. I just wanted to see what you were made of. I'm preparing you for your greatest battle."

"My what?"

"Maybe you're not ready for that talk yet son."

I look to see a syringe in his back pocket.

"What are you planning?"

"I'm not sure you're ready for that talk either. But just know that this is for you and your mother. I'm doing this to protect you from humanity."

"Weren't you once human?"

" Humanity is unfair. They cast us away after we did everything to protect them. Your mother was right, I should have thought about the well being of my family first. After one mistake, one small mistake, I was sent to prison. "

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm guessing your mother sugar coated things. I was sent to prison after severely Injuring a Government spy who attacked our base. It was their fault for butting into they bussiness. We were out there saving the world and this is how they repay me."

"What??? She told me that you went off for some research?"

"Your mother never wanted you to think less of me."

"But I still do, you tried to manipulate me."

His face changes from a pleasant tone to one that looks irritated. He tries to control himself.

"Son, you are going to need to open your mind to things. Things that your maturing mind is not capable of comprehending."

"You day I'm immature but I still know right from wrong. You didn't have to injure anyone."

He puts his hand on my throat and chokes me.

Alice intervenes and tries to subdue him.

To no avail.

With his other hand he grabs her by the neck and throws her against the wall, knocking her unconscious.

"Alice!!!!! "

I turn to my dad.

"You're fucking insane!"

"Alice, you must be Jade's girl!"

As I am about to pass out, he injects a syringe into my neck.

A sudden burst of emotions.

I can't grab a hold of them, but they all fade into fleeting memories.

I remember all the times I was bullied, all the times I was made fun of.

All the times that people thought less of me.

Was unfair to me.

"What is this...

"It's something I'm going to give your mother as well. Wait, there's more."

I feel the rage.

I know I'm gonna black out soon.

"These are the times you should remember when you do the right thing. Think of all those people who don't deserve it. Humanity will one day rebel against us. That's why their either with us, or against us."

I black out.

I'm in that dream again.

Everything is the same. Except one thing.

I look to the other side, and the monster. It isn't my dad.

It's me.