Bill the Pokemon Maniac

Upon crossing the bridge to Route 25, Ash battled 5 trainers who stood on the bridge waiting for challengers. At the end of the bridge, a Team Rocket Grunt disguised as a Poke Mart worker challenged him to a battle and lost giving him a Nugget before asking him to join Team Rocket. After refusing the offer, Ash sent the Team Rocket Grunt flying before battling another training then proceeded to catch some wild Pokemon

After successfully capturing Oddish, Bellsprout and Venonat, Ash searched around for the best Abra he could find. After running into a dozen or so Abra's, Ash caught a few females with the Timid Nature however they all had bad IV's

After a while, Ash finally found an Abra with Timid and decent IV's to use.


Name- Abra

Gender- Male

Type- Psychic


Nature- Timid

Ability- Synchronize

Item- N/A

Hp- 26

Atk- 11

Def- 9

SpAtk- 28

SpDef- 19

Spd- 26


Hp- 20

Atk- 19

Def- 23

SpAtk- 27


Spd- 29




Sending out Pikachu, Ash quickly defeated it using Thunderbolt then threw a Pokeball at it and waited for it to shake 3 times before eventually capturing it. Ash then picked up the Pokeball on the floor then went to the Pokemon Center along with Brock and Misty to heal his Pokemon and put the Pokemon he captured into the PC then continued to head towards Bill's house on Route 25

After battling some more trainers, Ash skipped straight through Route 25 and arrived in front of Bill's house. As the trio headed inside the house, they spot a Clefairy talking to them. "Hey there, the names Bill, may I ask you guys to press the switch on my computer once I step inside the machine behind me?" it said

"What the! A talking Meowth and now a talking Clefairy?!" Brock and Misty shouted in shock, "Sure," Ash replied as he walked up to the computer and waited for Bill to enter before pressing the switch. Beep* Beep* From the other side of the machine, a tall man with messy hair and a blue shirt steps out from within the chamber of the machine and walks up to the duo waiting at the entrance

After Bill left the machine, Ash joined his friends at the same as Bill walked up to them. Bill then spoke to them, "Thank you! Once again, my name is Bill. Others refer to me as Bill the Pokemon Maniac. Anyways as thanks for helping me, here's a ticket to enter the SS. Anne!" he said as he puts his right hand into his pocket and scrummages around inside the pocket to look for it

"No problems! Also, I've heard that you were the one who created the PC's that we all use to put our Pokemon into, you're a brilliant man!" Ash said with praise. "Hahaha, thanks, kid," Bill replied. "Ah as an extra gift, let me add these three Pokemon as entries into your Pokedex, they're namely Flareon, Vaporeon and Jolteon!" Bill continued

"Thanks! We won't interrupt your research anymore, see you another time Bill!" Ash said as he leaves with his friends. "Sure!" Bill said as he sat on the seat sitting behind his computer and starts typing away

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

On the way back to Cerulean City, the trio encounter some kids bullying a kid wearing the same uniform. Ash runs up to them and hears the kids say "Oh come on Joe!" and other things, he then stands in front to protect the kid and stops them from bullying Joe. One of the bullies said "Hey! Who are you, don't mess with our business!" before sending out his Pokemon

Ash then sends out Bulbasaur and takes care of them before a beautiful girl who introduced herself as Giselle and is the leader of the students in uniforms, sends out her Graveller and battles Misty. Though she had type advantage, Misty's Starmie still lost the Giselle's Graveller, Ash then sent Pikachu to battle the Graveller and eventually won after a hard fought battle

After losing to Ash, Giselle explained that the students are from an institute called the Pokemon Technical Institute and that after graduating, even without having collected any Gym Badges they were allowed to participate in the Pokemon League and have a chance to battle with the Elite 4. Suddenly the Team Rocket Trio, make an entrance and once again attempts to steal Pikachu

Giselle and her classmates all throw their Pokeballs at the Rocket Trio causing them to run before even sending out their Pokemon. At the end of the day, Giselle learns something new and Joe says that he'll return to his hometown and start again with his starter Pokemon

Afterward, Ash and his friends say goodbye to Giselle and friends as well as to Joe as they headed back towards Cerulean City