Challenging the Heavens

Floating high above a towering mountain was a majestic golden palace that radiated an inviolable divine might. Outside, pagodas and gardens lazily floated through the air among the clouds. It was a perfect representation of prosperity and tranquility. However, this breathtaking sight was ruined by the large army just outside it. Numerous creatures of various races blocked the sky and covered the earth against the greatest threat that they've ever faced; a single woman.

It was just a single woman that stood opposed against the sea of soldiers. No one else.

The woman could only be described with a single word: perfect. It was impossible to find even a single blemish on her jade-like skin or flowing green robes. She floated steadily in the sky and gave off a gentle and pure aura that would cause people to mistake her for a goddess.

The woman looked past all the creatures standing before her and focused her attention on the golden palace behind them. She gave a mournful look as she whispered, "Do you really have nothing to say to me?"

The woman knowing that she had been heard sighed deeply. It looks like she was not going to get an answer.

The woman now turned her sights on the army before her. Among them, she spotted numerous old friends that looked back upon her with both wariness and pity, but this didn't deter her in the slightest. She would have her answer.

With her jade-like hands, she gently drew the slender sword from her side and lamented, "Old friend, I'm sorry. I never meant to make you choose between me and them, but this is one fight that I can't avoid."

The sword rang out with a gentle sound akin to bells as if to reassure the young woman. It wouldn't flee nor betray her trust in it. It would rather be destroyed in battle today than to rust for eternity in some corner. It would stand with her one final time.

As soon as she drew her sword, the tensions between both parties raised. Every second stretched into eternity as both sides faced each other and secretly hoped for this to end peacefully.

The woman looked towards the golden palace and yelled out, " Is this really all I deserve? You truly won't come out to meet me?"

Just like last time, there was still no response. The woman looked towards the skies as the last hope in her heart vanished.

"You don't play fair." Muttered the woman as she took a single step.

Everything changed with just a single step.

Space seemed to shrink as the young woman that was once thousands of li away appeared in front of the army. She lightly waved her hand and a brief flash of light appeared. With that one strike, hundreds of soldiers were killed, and their blood rained down.

As a dance, the woman took a step and waved her sword. Ever flash of light was accompanied by the death of a multitude of soldiers. However, there seemed to be no end as the army appeared to be limitless. If one were cut down, then ten would take its place.

Slowly, the once pure aura surrounding the woman began to change. With every life she took, her aura only grew darker and more wicked. First, it was only a single speck, then two, then three. When the number of soldiers that she killed reached the millions it was impossible to see any white left. It appeared as if she was now surrounded by black flames. The woman had changed from a goddess to a demon.

The woman wasn't the only one affected by all this killing. The body of the white sword that has never left her side soon turned black with blood and started giving off a malevolent aura. The sword that once sought to incapacitate now looked for blood.

The woman noticing the change flew far away from the battlefield leaving the army far behind. Her face grew solemn once she realized what happened to her companion. She gently touched the now corrupted blade as her heart clenched with guilt. The sword, awoken from its bloodlust tried to ring out cheerfully once again, but the sound grew distorted and grating.

The army that finally caught up stopped far away from the woman and stood ready once again. Suddenly, an earth-shattering roar rang out from the palace as an impossibly huge black dragon flew out from the palace. It took the dragon only a few breaths to cross the vast distance before arriving in front of the woman. The dragon surveyed the battlefield and gave a lamenting look to both the woman and the fallen soldiers.

"This has gone far enough! Elder Sister, how could you do this? Look at what you've done." Bellowed the dragon.

Even though the dragon lowered his head down closer to the woman she had to arch her head all the way up to look in his eyes. She gave a sad look towards this dragon and could only say, "I do what I must."

The dragon gave a pained expression as he said, "Sister, I know that you were truly wronged in this matter, but you must stop this. Look, you're covered in karmic sin and even little white was dragged into this. She's on the verge of becoming a demonic weapon. Come home. I will mourn your husband alongside you and plead on your behalf to mother. Not even she wants this."

The woman lowered her sword as her resolve wavered. She truly wanted to drop her blade and return with her brother, but it lasted only for a moment. She would only tarnish her husband's memory if she simply gave in to his killer. A single glistening tear fell down the woman's cheek.

The dragon showed a relieved and happy expression as the woman lowered her blade. He was finally getting his sister back. He gently moved one of his talons over to wipe the tear from his sister's face. However, before he could reach her a jet-black sword blocked his talon mere centimeters from her face.

"If she didn't want this, then why did she kill him?" Angrily asked the woman as she swung her sword and his talon aside. She proceeded to walk towards the palace but was soon blocked by the same talon that she swung away.

"I can't let you go sister. There has been too much death already." Said the dragon with a hurt look.

"Long Sha, move aside before you get hurt." Coldly said the woman.

"Sister, I respect you but I will not move."

"So be it."

Time slowed to a standstill as the brother and sister looked at each other. Finally, after what seemed to be an eternity, the woman's dance was started anew. Hundreds of blows were exchanged in a mere breath of time. Even though the woman was smaller than a single talon of the dragon, it was the gigantic dragon that was slowly losing out to the woman. The once pristine scales of the dragon were slowly being cleaved apart and rivers of blood flowed from the wounds.

Even though the woman was winning, it was just barely. She was wasting too much strength here and would not be able to continue if she didn't end it soon.

"Sorry little brother, I cannot let my path stop here." Said the woman as she held the sword with both hands. She hardened her heart as she gathered her energy to finish it in one blow. The woman slowly raised the sword above her head and swung downwards.

"Sky Render!"

A bright light flowed from her sword as the surrounding space itself was cleaved apart. Effortlessly, the right wing of the dragon was severed, and the dragon plummeted to the earth. Uselessly, he flailed in the air as he crashed into the earth. A giant crater was formed as the earth shook from the impact.

The woman flew down to the giant crater left by the falling dragon. It was a devastating sight as his blood flowed freely from all his wounds and he was bounded to the earth.

"Why? Why are you doing this elder sister? Must you go against the heavens? Must you go against mother?" Asked Long Sha.

The eyes of the dragon betrayed his heart. There was no anger, no regret, only love. The love of a brother towards his sister. Desperately, he tried to stretch out his claw to reach for his sister. The blood from his wounds flowed ever greater as he struggled to move. The woman stood just out of reach. He desperately clawed into the earth to move even a bit closer. He just wanted to make contact with the sister that he grew up with one last time. But in the end, he failed.

The wounds proved to be too much, and the woman would forever be out of his reach. The woman watched all this expressionlessly and left only after the dragon stopped struggling.

The woman flew through the sky towards the golden palace. Behind her, a heart-wrenching cry sounded out. A deep, powerful cry filled with sadness and betrayal shook the earth and for a brief moment, the woman's heart. A single glistening tear fell down the woman's face as she left him behind.

"Foolish dragon."

As the woman flew back, she realized the path that was once blocked by soldiers was now free as a path was made towards the palace. She made her way along the familiar paths of her home before arriving to the throne room. As she approached, the doors opened soundlessly to reveal a grand room. However, the only thing in the room was a single white throne with a very old woman sitting upon it.

The two women faced each other for a long time without speaking. The old woman was calmly evaluating the young woman while she was trying to understand the actions of the old woman.

"Daughter, it appears that you've made your choice." Said the ancient woman.

The young woman drew her blade as she asked a single question, "Why?"

The old woman took several breaths of time to respond, "It's the will of the heavens. Only those born of the heavens can cultivate the Dao and achieve immortality. You broke that law when you taught that mortal cultivation. I merely restored balance." Calmly stated the old woman.

The young woman finally lost her composure and yelled out, "That's not a reason! You've become nothing but a slave to heaven's will. You're powerful enough to change the heavenly laws, but you choose not to. Instead, you chose to kill my love, my husband. How could you?"

The young woman charged towards the old woman and unleashed the same attack that cleaved off the wing of her younger brother, yet it was not enough. The old woman simply raised a single finger and stopped the blade. No matter how hard the woman tried she could not move the blade forward at all.

The old woman emotionlessly looked at the young woman and slapped her face. This sent the young woman flying into the wall. Even the incomparably strong walls of the palace couldn't take this, and the woman was sent through them and out of the palace.

The young woman was barely able to stop herself from plummeting to the earth, but she couldn't stop herself from coughing up several mouthfuls of blood as she felt the blood in her body reverse.

The old woman flew out if the palace and made a seal with her fingers.

"Heaven Locking Chains!"

Out of the sky, hundreds of barbed chains rained down with several piercing the major acupoints of the woman. The young woman powerlessly hung in the air as she couldn't utilize any spiritual energy.

"Yue Mei, my daughter, you are the descendant that I'm both the proudest and most disappointed in." Started the old woman, "What have I done? Look at what you've done. You've killed so many old acquaintances, doused yourself in karmic sin, corrupted little white, and cleaved off your brother's wing. Look!"

The old woman waved her hand and showed Yue Mei the destruction she caused. The ground was littered with the corpses of her fallen friends and rivers of blood. Finally, when she was shown her brother she had to look away in shame. The old woman once again reached out her hand and slapped Yue Mei.

"Look! Don't you dare disgrace him by looking away. You may be my most talented descendant, but you are not the strongest. Your younger brother has always idolized you and thus was never able to go all out against you. Perhaps in his heart, you are even stronger than me but look at what you've done."

Tears started to flow down Yue Mei's eyes, but she no longer looked away. It was at this moment where she realized her mistake. Her eyes shone with new enlightenment as she saw the path that she needed to take.

"I understand now. I was wrong." Said Yue Mei. She once again felt the connection to her spiritual energy as she gained enlightenment on her new path. The chains that held her could no longer stop her. She was able to break her hand free and raise little white for one last stroke. The composed face of the old woman was finally shaken as she realized what was happening, but it was too late. Yue Mei gave a gentle swing as a large burst of energy flowed through her sword and carved three simple words on the mountain.

Heaven Under Earth!

"You weren't the true thing that I should've been fighting." Softly said Yue Mei as she appeared to be drained of energy.

"The audacity! The arrogance!" Yelled the old woman.

This caused great anger from the heavens as giant storm clouds gathered over the words and darkened the sky. Arcs of lightning were seething within the clouds as they prepared to strike. Then as if it couldn't wait any longer, a giant bolt of lightning struck down from the heavens as if it was trying to wipe those words from existence.

One bolt…Two bolts…Three!

Strike after strike continuously rained down from the sky. Each bolt felt as if they had the power to destroy the planet, yet it was unable to destroy these simple words. Soon enough, the ground became blackened by the many strikes and the mountain was reduced to rubble.


The mountain may have been reduced to rubble, but the words were not. However, they were on the verge of breaking. Every strike that landed on the words caused injuries to Yue Mei and she coughed up several mouthfuls of blood throughout the process.

The arcs of lightning started to slow down, but they drastically increased in power.

The old woman noticing Yue Mei's complexion gave a gentle sigh, "You truly are my most talented descendant. To think that you're attempting something that I've never dared. The heavens have laid out paths to study the Dao, but what you're doing is akin to forging a new path. One that will allow all to study the Dao, but unfortunately it looks like you won't be able to pass this tribulation. The Dao that you have created will end here with you."


After reaching ninety-nine, the strikes seemed to stop momentarily. The clouds above turned even darker as they prepared for one final strike. The words that were cleaved on the mountainside were long ago blackened and cracked. It seemed as if a gentle tap would be enough to break the stone.

"My daughter, you know the price for angering the heavens. When you fail this tribulation, not even I will be able to save you. Your soul will scatter, never to reincarnate. This is the path you've chosen." Solemnly said the old woman as she closed her eyes.

Yue Mei also closed her eyes as she prepared herself. As the final bolt of lightning finally descended, she felt a tugging at her hand. She opened her eyes and realized that little white left her hand and flew towards the lightning bolt.

Before the bolt of lightning was able to hit the words. Little white flew straight into the bolt of lightning. The force of the bolt appeared to be too powerful as cracks started to appear along the sword. Just as it was on the verge of breaking, little white shine with both a black and white light as the colors seemed to mix together. With one swing, little white shattered into thousands of pieces.

"No!" Yelled Yue Mei. Yue Mei only heard the ringing of little white in her spiritual sea one last time before her connection was severed. As the pieces of little white shattered, it caused the bolt of lightning to split up into thousands of arcs. These arcs of lightning fell powerlessly upon the words.

One-hundred strikes!

The words that were on the verge of fading away now shone brightly once again. The piece of rock that they were on started to shrink till it became a stone tablet about two fingers wide. The clouds still appeared to seethe with anger but were unable to continue and slowly got pushed along with the wind.

However, Yue Mei didn't pay any attention to any of this as she struggled in her chains and yelled out, "No! Why little white? This was never your battle. I only selfishly dragged you along. You shouldn't have to pay the price for my selfishness."

While Yue Mei was in hysterics, the old woman took out some cloth and waved her hands. The various pieces of little white floated up and quickly gathered together into the cloth sack. She waved her hands another time to pick up the stone tablet. After some consideration, she decided to put the stone tablet inside the bag and handed the sack to Yue Mei.

"Keep those pieces well. It was truly a peerless sword." Said the old woman. The old woman looked up to the sky as she continued, "One hundred strikes. Nine has returned to zero. A new path has been opened. The heavens represent order, yet what you have done here today will inevitably throw everything into chaos. Not even I can foresee what will happen." Calmly said the old woman.

The old woman showed a frown on her face as she faced Yue Mei. "However, even though you passed the tribulation you must still receive your punishment. Originally, I was going to kill you, but I've changed my mind. This punishment will be one that will stick to your very soul, and even follow you into reincarnation. Since you'd fallen in love with a mortal, then let you become one as well. You and your descendants will never be able to study the Dao again. Farewell, daughter."

The old woman performed a seal with her hand and caused the chains to pierce into Yue Mei's Dantian. Yue Mei could feel a seal being placed on her very soul but was powerless to stop it. She would quickly lose all her cultivation until she became a mortal. The old woman waved her hand one final time and sent her daughter far away. The old woman returned to the palace and sat down upon the throne once again where she would wait for a very long time.

In some distant world, Yue Mei appeared once again on a mountain. She gazed up indescribably at the sky before resting her hand not over her dantian, but her womb.