Return to Green Snake Town

"Create one?" Asked Lin Tian.

"Yes, this was one of the last projects that my master was working on before he left. His son was crippled during a battle and lost his cultivation. He spent countless years in trying to create a dantian to let his son cultivate once again. He was partially successful."


"Yes, the cultivation technique [Human Refining Method] is incomplete. It is extremely difficult to begin cultivating it and he was only able to create the process up to the Mortal Core stage." Stated Jaio Lu as he pointed out the shortcomings of the technique.

"Mortal Core!" Exclaimed Lin Tian. First was Houtian, then Xiantian, and finally Mortal Core. Not even the current clan master of the Lin family was at that level. A late-stage Xiantian was able to go unrivaled in a place like Green Snake Town but put the same person in Qingfeng city and he could only be considered an expert. The true powerhouses there only started at the Mortal Core stage. Lin Tian was clueless on any realms above that.

"I wouldn't be so excited. I don't know if you'll even be able to survive the process let alone cultivate it." Continued Jaio Lu. This quickly extinguished the excitement that Lin Tian felt as he felt a hint of fear.

"Survive?" Nervously asked Lin Tian.

"Yes, there are quite a few inherent dangers in cultivating the [Human Refining Method]. It can indeed create a dantian inside the cultivator, but that is the territory of the heavens. I can only remember one successful case of this cultivation technique because of the tribulation lightning that it causes. Scared?" Mockingly replied Jiao Lu.

"Tribulation lightning! Isn't that something only for Immortals? Why would it strike a regular person?" Lin Tian has heard about Tribulation lightning before in stories about Immortals. The only certain aspect of cultivation is that if you walked far enough in your path then you would have to face a tribulation from the heavens.

"Ha, you must understand the arrogance of this technique. Isn't this paramount of proclaiming oneself the equal of heaven? The mere creation of this technique caused tribulation lightning clouds to form, but since it was incomplete it didn't have to go through a tribulation. My master is the only being I have known to be able to create such a technique. Think wisely now. I know no other way for you to cultivate, but you don't have to choose this path." Solemly said Jaio Lu.

This would probably be one of the greatest decisions in Lin Tian's life. He truly did not need to cultivate this technique. He could leave here and go home. He may not be treated well, but at least he would have his life.

However, is that what he truly wanted? There was a yearning inside Lin Tian. He didn't want to return to that lonely room. He wanted to know. Why was he treated this way in the Lin family? There are plenty of others that didn't cultivate in the family. Also, who were his parents? The youths of the family don't know and the elders won't tell. What was going on? There was only one way to find out. Power.

"I decided that I would start over. I won't back down anymore. It's only a little tribulation lightning that stands in my way." Declared Lin Tian as he straightened his back and determinedly looked towards Jiao Lu.

"Hahahaha, great! That's how a cultivator should be! Boy, you must be the second human in history to ever talk about tribulation lightning in such a disdainful way." Laughed Jiao Lu as he threw his head back to laugh towards the sky.

"Who was the first?"

"Naturally my master. However, I must warn you again. I'm afraid your confidence stems from a lack of knowledge. Do you truly understand what tribulation lightning is? It's a test from the heavens. Anything that does not conform to the laws of heaven must go through a tribulation to exist. Failure means destruction. If you fail, then your body will be destroyed and your soul will scatter, never to be allowed to reincarnate again. Is this the path you want?" Asked Jaio Lu for the final time.

"It's the path I chose, how could I be wrong?" Smirked Lin Tian. He would not allow himself to be dissuaded. He would stride forward confidently.

"Very well. I think you're foolish, but I won't stop you." Said Jiao Yu as he dropped another scroll in front of Lin Tian. " Gather the materials on this list and return here. I will prepare the rest of what you need."

"You mean that we can't do it now and I have to get materials for it? What was all my confidence good for then? I have no money, how am I even supposed to get these?" Yelled out Lin Tian. It seemed as if there was another hurdle to go through before facing his tribulation, and this one may be even bigger.

"Did you think that this could be done easily? If you want any chance of survival then I need to prepare certain measures. Anyway, look around. Do you think that most of these materials are still usable? You're lucky that the medicinal pill I fed you earlier didn't end up poisoning you instead, now go." Said Jaio Lu with a flick of his tail. The teleportation array formation once again sparked to life. He then grabbed Lin Tian with his tail and brought him in front of the array.

"Wait, I can't read what's on here. How do I even know what to get?" Asked Lin Tian as he tried to futilely struggle free from Jaio Lu's grasp.

"That's your problem. Either learn to read or get someone to read it to you. Don't come back here within a month or you'll ruin my preparations."

"Hold on, how do I-"

"Too noisy." Said Jiao Lu as he unceremoniously flicked Lin Tian into the array.

With a bright flash, Lin Tian disappeared as the hall grew dim once again. Jiao Lu waited in front of the array for a few moments as he adjusted himself to the quiet and loneliness once again. Once he did so, he turned around and slowly made his way deeper into the cave.

"Lin Tian, I hope you don't disappoint me. I wouldn't be able to bear another failure." Sighed Jiao Lu as he recalled previous memories and disappeared through a huge doorway.

Outside of the mountain, Lin Tian reappeared with a brief flash as he tumbled to the ground. He closed his eyes as he felt his head spinning and his stomach churning from nausea. He took several breaths of time to readjust himself to the solid ground.

"I'll never go through there again." Thought Lin Tian as he felt another bout of nausea after standing up. When his stomach finally settled down Lin Tian looked to see where he was at. He realized that he was actually transported to the mouth of the crack that he fell down.

"Would it have killed him to transport me back closer to the bottom of the mountain?" Angrily kicked Lin Tian as he realized how far of a trip he had to make it back to town. However, just as Lin Tian said that he felt that it was a little childish and made a mental note to not complain about the small stuff. It would still take him some time to truly change himself.

"Well, better start walking." Said Lin Tian as he looked up at the sky. It was already past noon and he would have to hurry if he wanted to make it back before sunset.

Back in Green Snake Town, a tall youth was waiting in front of the town's entrance. Ever since the news of the Beast tide reached the Lin family, the youth has been waiting there till now. If it weren't for the strict orders from the clan master to stay in town, then the youth would have long ago gone to the mountain.

Every time a new person entered he would enthusiastically go up to confirm their identity only to be disappointed in the end. It was only after sunset that a kindly looking woman made her way over to the youth.

"Zhou'er, you need to return home and consolidate your foundation. You're risking your future by staying here." Pleaded Aunty Wei. "How about I wait here for little Tian in your place?"

"No, I will wait for him here." Stubbornly persisted Lin Zhou. He knows that he's being foolish, but still can't help waiting there for Lin Tian.

"Zhou'er, I want him to return just as much as you, but he might not have made it. Stronger people than him died in the beast tide." Sadly said Aunty Wei as traces of tears appeared at the corners of her eyes.

"Impossible, he couldn't have died. He's the strongest person I know." Declared Lin Zhou as he turned towards the town's entrance once again. If Lin Tian didn't come back today, then he would wait for another. If he didn't come back for a week, then a week he shall wait. If he never came back, well Lin Zhou stopped thinking about such things as he felt that it was impossible.

"I understand. I won't persuade you to leave anymore. I'll wait here with you." Smiled Aunty Wei. However, they only had to wait a short time.

"What are you standing around here for you big panda?" Said a familiar voice.

Both Lin Zhou and Aunty Wei turned around in surprise as Lin Tian stood before them. Lin Tian was also pleasantly surprised. He spent the day rushing back only to discover that there were two people waiting for him. This filled his chest with warmth as he realized that there were still several people looking out for him.

"Brother Tian! You made it!" Excitedly shouted Lin Zhou as he rushed up to hug Lin Tian. He grabbed Lin Tian in a bear hug and if one didn't know better they would think that he was trying to crush him.

"Come on you smelly panda, you're going to kill me for real." Struggled Lin Tian. He suddenly felt like Lin Zhou shared similarities to a certain dragon. For some reason, they both seemed bent on crushing him.

"Let him breathe Zhou'er. Little Tian it's good to see that you made it back in one piece." Happily smiled Aunty Wei. She had worriedly looked over Lin Tian after seeing that there were bloodstains on his clothing. However, she relaxed greatly after finding out that he had no wounds and that he seemed to be only a little tired.

"Of course." Said Lin Tian with a smile. This smile greatly shocked Aunty Wei. Lin Tian was exuding a certain calmness and peace that was different from his usual temperament. She had always been worried about Lin Tian since he was young because he would always show a fake smile to those close to him. This smile was from the heart.

"You seem to be slightly different." Remarked Aunty Wei.

"A lot has happened." Shrugged Lin Tian.

Aunty Wei looked over Lin Tian one more time before nodding her head and giving a pleasant smile.

"Alright then. Zhou'er why don't you accompany little Tian for a while. However, once you come back you're immediately going into secluded cultivation." Sharply ordered Aunty Wei. However, Lin Zhou didn't care about this as he was just happy that his brother made it back alive.

"Alright, Aunty Wei."

Aunty Wei just gave the two a simple nod before making her way back to the Lin family. Unlike how her appearance would suggest she quickly made it to the Lin family estate with firm and powerful strides. However, instead of going back to her own residence she headed towards the Main House. She familiarly headed to the back of the building to where the clan master lived. After approaching a certain door she knocked only one time before it opened.

"Come in." Said an aged voice.