The Burned Man

The Parish of St William the Hermit

Fifteen Years previously

On that warm evening, a young boy quietly closed the back door of the monastery behind him. Into the starless night he embarked with only an old lamp on his hand.

Teo woke up from his sleep to find Lito missing on his bed. He went outside the monastery and gave it a try to look for him in the old church ruins, just behind the parish. On his way he heard a distant noise of a boy talking to someone. Curiously, Teo followed the voice and it was not that long until he found Lito under a tamarind tree standing while talking to the dimness of the night

"Who are you talking to, Lito?," Teo asked

"He is calling me," Lito responded, "he was cold, and alone," he continued without turning back to face Teo

Teo leaped through where Lito was standing and held him by his arm to try to pull him back with him to the monastery;

"Come on Lito, Segnor Tinyo will be back soon!," Teo tried hard to pull the young boy away

It was then when Teo looked up to see a hand holding Lito. The shadowy hand turned into a figure which suddenly cleared as Teo's eyes got comfortable in the dark. As he looked up further, he saw the face hidden under a cloak; of a burned man with his eyes glaring. Teo pulled Lito's other arm harder as he took a step back and planned to run off with his friend. Right at that moment he saw him looking back at him with a serene smile;

"It's okay, Teo"

Lito then gently retrieved his arm from Teo's grasp and silently walked towards the ruins . He was easily devoured by the darkness still holding The Burned Man's hand