Tour of Agency

After a week on a Sunday morning, almost near 7:00 am.

Alena, Ally and Sabrina were standing outside of Alena's house as Mike had messaged them last night that he will come to pick them up. at 7 and show agency.

"So he made us wake up this early in the morning and now he himself is late?!"Alena said with anger.

"Still 30 seconds left for 7 Alena..." Ally said after looking at her watch.

The moment the watch showed 7:00 exactly Mike was right there.

"Get in. And oh one sits in front because only two can sit at the back." Mike said.

As usual Ally and Alena sat on the back seat and Sabrina in front.

After a 5 mins ride they reached the agency.

As Ally and Alena saw... They were shocked by seeing such a tall building that too well maintained! As for Sabrina she had a sense of familiarity with the building.

"You will be coming here a lot now. Let's get inside."

Following Mike they reached to the 25th floor which was alloted to Mike and his team by agency.

"So whenever we will be talking about how to execute a plan, this will be the place. For now you three can come here anytime." Sam said.

"I guess now we can go to floor 56 to test your gadgets." Sam said.

"Gadgets? We will be getting gadgets?" Ally asked.

"Of course!" Mike said

After a while, 56th floor.

The 56th floor was mainly designed for testing of gadgets and inventing them. The floor was divided into three parts.

1) Inventory, where new gadgets can be invented or the old be repaired or modified.

2) The testing place, this place was a big room with sound proof and water proof walls... It was yet to be lazer proof.

3) The approval room, this room approves the gadgets if they are right for the agency or not.

"Let's go to testing room for you guys to test these gadgets" Sam said.

"Wait! You mean the gadgets are not tested?!" Sabrina asked.

"They are. Even got an approval certificate" Sam said with a big smile on his face because this was the first time that his invented gadget got approved.

"Oh, then good" Sabrina said with a sigh of relief.

Sam took out three ordinary looking bracelets from a black box and gave them to the girls.

"These look like normal bracelet...." Sabrina said while looking at them.

"Yes. They are supposed to look like this so that you can wear them on daily basis and they are black in colour so they can go with any of your dresses." Sam said.

"Hmm.. You got some fasion sense." Sabrina said.

The three bracelets just looked like each other. They would look ordinary to one's eyes. But actually the bracelets had 4 small stones on it as button and below those stones an alphabet was engraved.

As Alena pushed one of the four small stones a lazer beam came out and Alena shouted in excitement "Lazer!"

The stone was of pink colour and below the stone, the alphabet L was engraved to denote that it was for lazer.

In the same style, after pressing the blue colour stone beside the pink one, a hologram of WOSDA agency's logo which was a man wearing a white tuxedo, kneeling down with a gun pointing it in the East direction symbolising that the agents of the agency stand for peace of the world but can kill the people who would try to destroy the peace would appear.

Below this stone the alphabets HG was engraved.

In the same way, a red stone which was used for calls and the alphabet C was engraved below it. It was beside the blue one.

And at last was an orange stone which was for GPS and of course the same alphabets GPS were engraved below it. It was beside the pink one.

"This will be it for today. Now I guess we can go to the base house, what do you think Mike?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. Let's go." Mike said.

After a while.


[AN- So, now the Agency Basement House is changed to base house for agents and GWCH-45 for citizens.]

"What does GWCH-45 stands for?" Ally asked as they reached at the base house.

Goodwill Community Houses is what the GWCH stands for. These houses are made for agents like us and some retired agents." Sam said while opening the door which felt weird to him.

"Don't tell me that this house just looks ordinary but has some extraordinary features inbuilt in it!" Alena said while sitting on the sofa.

"Absolutely correct!" Sam said

"It is designed ordinarily because normal civilians who don't know about the agency also live here." Mike said.

For the civilians who lived near these houses they didn't even know that an agency working for peace named as WOSDA even exists. The reason behind this was that the agency didn't do work of buliding homes for civilians, open colleges and schools under its original name. It worked as a company named as the Goodwill Co. Pvt Lmt. The company was quite famous for doing a lot of good works for citizens as well as for the poor.