Training and Interview

In the night, 11:00 pm

As the girls knew that they had to be on time otherwise who knows what kind of consequences Mike sir was gonna make them bear? So at least Ally and Sabrina set the alarm of three and went to sleep... But Alena? She still was reading her all time favorite detective novel's new version which was released just a week ago.

"Hmm.. Will read next chapter in morning... Shit! It's 2 already? Ah!! I should sleep." Alena said and wrapped herself in her blanket and fell asleep in seconds.

After two hours, 4:00 am.

As the girls didn't knew where the training centre was. Mike had told them to be present at the base house.

As expected.. Ally and Sabrina were on time, but Alena...

"So, where is she?" Mike asked.

"She-she is coming" Ally said this and gave a call to Alena while hiding her phone at the back.

"Austin, Take Ally's phone." Mike said.

And there Ally's phone was confiscated.

Mike being a punctual guy, he did NOT like anyone being late. It had already been 20 mins now and Mike's anger rose and was at it's peak.

"Hmm. Girls, you will come with me. Direct me the path to Alena's house." Mike said holding his anger in his clenched fist.

As soon as Mike reached Alena's home, he got out of his car and rang the doorbell and knocked the door. To Mike's surprise the door was actually open!

"Is this usual that she is this careless or she wants the punishment that badly, hmm?" Mike asked.

'She must have forgotten to lock the door after reading her novel..' Ally and Sabrina thought.

"Where is Alena's room located?" Mike asked.

"Upstairs, second room on right." Ally said

As Alena's room door was opened too. Mike entered the room and found Alena, the sleeping beauty.

"I am really sorry but this beast is gonna wake you up." Mike said.

First Mike took the blanket so she might wake up because of cold but Alena was a deep sleeper, the cold couldn't wake her up. As Mike had already lost the 30 mins of his traning session and ran out of patience, he just picked up the sleeping beauty from her bed and made her sit in her bathroom and what more? Turned on the shower which definetely made Alena wake up and shout "Mummmy!"

As Mike's work of waking up Alena was done he asked the two girls to dress her up.

And finally at 4:45 they were ready for training session.

"Ok, now our training session starts with running to the training centre of agency which is 7 kilometres away from here. And your feet will only stop when we reach the destination." Mike said and started running with his slowest speed.

After 2 hours, 6:45

"We cannot do rest of the training today because of certain someone," Mike glared at Alena. "But here is your dietary plan from the physician of agency. Follow this plan. If tomorrow someone gets late I have asked someone to ready a bath tub with ice cubes in it. Be ready for it." Mike said and got inside the training centre.

"Is he even a human? Asking to take a bath in ice cube water bath tub?? Are you freaking crazy?!" Alena said.

"Well, just be on time tomorrow. Otherwise, the way he made you shower in cold water then he can make you sit in the icy water too." Ally said.


Goodwill company

The structure of this building was quite similar to that of WOSDA's but of course the interior was different. It was simple yet classic with black, grey and white colour combination.


Leonard Johnson

Today in CEO'S office Mr. Harry was sitting and looking at the suspicious candidate's files and other documents.

Sooner, the time of office to start was here.

"Sir, the candidate is here." Leonard's secretery said

"Send him in." Mr. Harry said.

The candidate was a young looking guy, tall and handsome. He was wearing a grey buisness suit with a black necktie with a special button on his knot. The guy entered the office with confidence and stood for some seconds and then sat after receiving the command to sit from Mr. Harry.

"Charles Dunkin?" Mr. Harry said.

"Yes, sir." Charles said.

"Your tie is looking good Mr. Charles" Mr. Harry complimented as he noticed that the tie indeed looked 'special'

As Charles heard this compliment he started to sweat touched his knot as to losen it a bit.

This nervous behaviour of Charles gave him away but Mr. Harry still played along so that he admits himself for what he came here.

"So, Mr. Charles, the information about Human Resources department II is known to very selected people. Who did you come in contact with to apply for this post?" Mr. Harry asked.

This question was not something that he had known about. But as a sharp agent he said "My elder brother knows some government officials."

"But in the file it says that you are a single child, Mr. Charles." Mr. Harry said as he looked at the details.

"He isn't blood related, more like a friend." Charles said.

"Enough! Just how much are you gonna lie? That camera in your knot gave you away, your behaviour gave you away. It's your choice now Either you go back home and to your agency safe and sound or your dead body goes there," Mr. Harry said as he took out a gun from drawer. "My agents are all here so you are pretty much trapped."

Thinking for some seconds Charles told what he was here for.

"Your agency is target of three agency which has made alliance to destroy you, your agency and your agents. I was there informer as they promised me to give 2 million for my mother's surgery." Charles said.

"We will give you a post in this company with a good package, the company will take all charges for your mother's surgery. But you need to be loyal to us." Mr. Harry said as he passed a contract to him which had more details about this.

Hearing about this, Charles had only one thought that his mother with be cured, so, he said yes and signed the contract.

"But sir..the camera?" Charles asked.

"Oh! No need to worry about that! Our agency has already dealt with it." Mr. Harry said patting Charles's shoulder and went away.