
As Jason had got his job in the Black Pen publication, he got ready early in the morning and went to the company.

As Jason went in company, Elliot's secretary came to him and showed him his office. The office was quite big and luxurious.

But just when Jason sat on his chair, the secretary came in with a big pile of manuscripts in her hand and put it on his table.

"Read it in two days." The secretary said and left the room.

Jason was shocked to see such a big pile of manuscripts and the bigger shock was given to him by Elliot's secretary's words that he has to read these manuscript in two days.... For him it was impossible. But he cannot afford to blow his cover so he started reading with a serious expression.

In the evening, the poor guy came back home looking exhausted.

"Ok..I came here for mission and not to read these manuscripts!" Mike said as he slammed the pile of manuscripts on the table.

"Editor work started that fast?" Sam asked as he flipped some pages from the manuscripts.

"Yeah...and damn! That Elliot didn't even show up in my office the whole damn day!" Mike said as he sat on sofa and took off his tie.

"Don't worry bro....this hardwork of yours...will harvest the fruit you want" Austin said as he patted Mike's back.

"Yep. You just need to be patient." Alena said as she came out of kitchen with a glass of water.

"I cannot!" Mike said as he drank up the whole glass in one go.

At this point, Sam and Austin were looking at Alena and Mike with a weird look. They were just shocked to see that Alena had brought a glass of water for Mike after work, it was as if they were a real couple and not a fake one.

[AN- Even I'd agree to that. *Looks at Alena & Mike with the same look.*]

After dinner, Mike again started reading the manuscripts. His eyes wanted rest but he was not resting at all.

"Can you not sleep?" Alena asked as she came out from bathroom.

"Just last three pages and I will be done!" Mike said as he kept reading.

"You completed the whole pile of those manuscripts in one day??" Alena asked.

"Yep." Mike said as he moved to the last page.

After reading the last page Mike lied down on his bed as if he was sleeping after years. Well for him, reading this much stuff was really exhausting.

After working in the same manner for a week, Mike remembered that according to Alena's fake identity for this mission, her birthday was today, 27th April. Usually Mike has to stay in the office till 7:00 pm but today he went to Elliot's office asking if he could go early.

"May I come in, sir?" Jason asked as he knocked on the door.

"Come in." Elliot said.

"Can I go early today?" Jason asked

"The reason?" Elliot asked as he got up from his chair.

"Uh, it's my wife's birthday today..." Jason said with a slight blushing expression.

"How long have you been married to your wife?" Elliot asked.

"A year." Jason said.

"Love marriage?" Elliot asked.

"Arranged." Jason said.

After thinking for some seconds Elliot agreed that he can go early but he had one condition.

*Ting Tong*

Hearing the doorbell, Jennifer opened the door.

"Early today?" She asked.

"Yep. For your birthday of course and there is guest too!" Jason said.

"This is..."

Jason had called his wife beforehand to dress up nicely and cook some delicious food. Jennifer was dressed in a beautiful red dress, her hair were tied in a messy bun which did not look messy but elegant.

Seeing such a beauty Elliot interrupted Jason in between saying "Elliot Ainsworth. His boss. Happy Birthday Mrs. Angelson"

Elliot took Jennifer's hand and kissed it gently as he wished her.

"Thank you Mr. Elliot." Jennifer said as she pulled her hand back gently.

Elliot's touch was something that Alena didn't felt comfortable with at all. For her, even his gaze was uncomfortable. She didn't feel good with the presence of this person. Although no body did feel good with his presence as they knew that behind his good-looking personality an evil devil lived.

But still keeping calm expression, everyone behaved as if they didn't knew about his real personality.

"May I say one thing Mrs. Angelson?" Elliot asked.

"Sure." Jennifer said.

"You are looking beautiful today but I don't know I feel like I've seen you somewhere" Elliot said.

Now a problem came in, how come Elliot was familiar with Alena? But just so Elliot doesn't recall his memory Mike started talking about the manuscripts and then the conversation turned into company meeting one which was good.

After Elliot left, everyone took a sigh of relief. This was also a part of the plan. The team couldn't have attracted him without a good attracting material and a girl was just the perfect thing to attract such a guy.

After talking about their next step everyone went into their respective rooms for a good sleep.