The bet.

Hearing what Ally said, Mike & Sam's jaw drop. .because they knew that if Ally knew Austin...she won't dare to say such sentence..or least not on his face.

"I am not that good of a kisser?" Austin asked with a calm yet cold expression.

"Yeah." Ally said without any fear.

"Hmm...How about then..."

Austin was just about to complete his sentence but a voice of a guy came saying "Ally!"

"Shit! Hide me..." Ally said as she covered her face from menu card.

"Here you are, I never knew I could meet you here!" A guy who was wearing a stunning black tuxedo and looked slightly older than Ally and you can even say the guy was older than Mike, Austin & Sam.

"Hey! David..." Ally said as she put down the menu card and stood up... after all there was no other option for her...

"Why does this guy look familiar?" Austin whispered to Mike.

"He is David Hooke, The Vice president of the company which is in competition toTexas industries, you have met him..." Sam said.

Yes, Hooke industries and Texas industries have a great competition in market. As Austin is in his last year of his graduation, his father had made him meet some of the company colleagues and rivals. But it was a long time Austin had forgotten he had met this guy before.

"By the way, how come you are here Ally?" David asked in a very polite manner.

"Ah...Having dinner with some friends as you can see." Ally said.

David scanned all the people who were sitting on the table...and as he saw Austin, he whispered something to his bodyguard and told Ally that he will be going now as he has got some important meeting.

"Phew!.." Ally said.

"Oh, now I understand why you said my kiss is not good...his kiss is good for ya...but bad choice though" Austin said.

"What the...NO! He is not even my friend, ok?" Ally said.

"Hmm... I take my words back then." Austin said.

Before Austin could start the topic which was going on before that David guy popped up out of nowhere, the waiter came with their ordered food. So, now everyone forgot what was going on before and just concentrated on food.

After dinner

Austin still remembered Ally's words and now that they were out of the hotel Austin came up with an idea.

"Ally...Are you sure about your words?" Austin asked.

"That you aren't a good kisser, uh...Hell yeah!" Ally said.

"Then, how about we make a bet?" Austin said.

"What bet?" Ally asked.

At this point, even Mike & Sam didn't knew what the hell was going on in Austin's head?

But before Austin could tell about his bet, a message popped up on Ally's mobile screen.


I have sent you a present, it's waiting at your home entrance. Tell me if you like it.

Ally was not shocked at all. Just like the other gifts sent by David, this too, will either be sent back or put in cupboard where the things she does not use are kept.

"Yeah, what is the bet?" Ally asked after reading the message.

With a wide grin on his face, he took a step forward to Ally and said "In the time duration of 3 months, let's try if I can make you fall in love with me which is bound to happen or if you can make me fall in love with you which has a chance equal to 0."

This was not something Austin would do, Mike & Sam were shocked to hear just what kind of non sense Austin was saying. On the other hand, Alena & Sabrina were not at all worried as they believed that Ally would not agree to such a stupid bet.

"Deal! But what would the loser get?" Ally asked as she took a step towards Austin and forwarded her hand to shake hands to seal this bet.

There the belief of Alena & Sabrina went....

"Nothing..." Austin said as he shook hands.

"Oh, no gain no loss. Fine by me." Ally said as she shrugged her shoulders.