
Just when Mr. Texas said this, the monitor that was monitoring the heart beat...the lines on the screen went straight with the beep sound...

The sheets covered his face, with the action followed Mrs. Texas was unable to stop her tears which were flowing out of her eyes continuously, her partner had went somewhere from where he couldn't come back. As for Austin he still was holding his father's hand tightly and was still recovring from this sudden incident that took place in front of his eyes. His eyes were wet but not a single tear came out.

After some days, the funeral was held, only some specific people were invited.

Where a lot of people were giving their condolence to Mrs. Texas, Austin was standing in front of his father's grave, his face held a blank expression but his eyes were holding the sadness of his heart. Though Mike & Sam did see this...but even they were unable to do anything about it.

But, after some minutes Austin was not standing alone but someonr was standing beside him, this person did not say a single thing until they witnessed a drop of tear shedding from Austin's eyes.

As the person saw this they just wiped the tear with their hands. Austin had no idea that someone was actually standing beside him so he said "Mom, I am fine."

But when he turned his face, he did not found his mom standing beside him but found Ally.

"Its fine sir. Sometimes crying can make the heavy heart feel lighter." Ally said.

Though Austin had heard this a lot of times but maybe keeping it in for so long and then someone advising to cry it out just lead it in shedding out tears from his eyes.

Austin leaned his head on her shoulder as the tears kept flowing but the shocking thing was that Ally somehow did not feel awkward or felt the urge to distance herself but just patted his head.

After this moment, Austin went to attend some guests and Ally went back to her home with her parents.

After the funeral,

Austin turned on his father's study room's light and sar on the sofa. He was feeling this frustration in his heart. He was feeling sad as he cannot get back on David for what he has done. Austin leaned his shoulder on the wall and stared at the ceiling blankly and started to look back into the memories that he had made with his father and fell asleep right there in the sofa.

On the other hand, David was unaware of Mr. Texas's demise as he had gone to an important buisness trip just after the day of 50th anniversay of Texas Industries. Between the trip he had no time to check news at all. But he did not only went to a buisness trip but he visited his uncle's house there, where he found something. The moment he came back to country I, he messaged Austin to meet him at his company.

Seeing David's message, at first, Austin got filled with anger and thousands of other emotions but he remembered his father's last words and kept his anger and emotions aside and replied that he will meet him.


The next day.

Hooke Industries

Vice President's office

As soon as David saw that Austin came he said "Welcome to my office."

David's facial expression was confusing to judge for Austin at this moment so he did not say anything and sat on the chair in front of David.

"I am sorry for your loss Austin." He said with a sad expression.

Austin got more confuse with David's apology. But there was more to Austin's confusion.

"You see these papers that I tricked you to sign that day?" David sad as he showed the papers and put them in a shredder.

Now Austin was damn confused, he was confused with the fact that David is apologizing and shred the papers which technically provided him great benifits.

"You are David Hooke, right?" Austin asked.

David nodded with a little smile on his face. He was expecting the shocked or confused expression from Austin so he was quite prepared to answer every question of Austin.

"You did not sell Texas industries to Hooke industries. I will tell you the reason why I have done this if you take me to uncle's grave" David said as he stood up from his seat.

To clear his doubts, Austin took David to the grave yard.

David stood in front of Mr. Texas's grave silently and prayed.

"So, the reason I shred those papers is that I found out something. In the year 2006, the Hooke industries was near bankruptcy but Mr. Texas helped our company. I did not know this...because if I had...I wouldn't have done such a harm to him that he would just leave the world. I..am kinda guilty that because of our feud he had to suffer, so I have a good deal for you." David said.

"What is it?" Austin asked.

"It is a contract for both company's collaboration. Both companies will have profit. The contract is in my office and you can take your time to read it and then confirm. And, ah yeah, I will hold the press confrence to clear whatever happened at the party."

The more Austin heard the more he got shock but some words of David made all his doubts clear.

"Austin, you aren't the only who has lost their father. Trust me, I might have been a harm to you all these years but take this as a compensation..and maybe a task for me. Plus it's not necessary that something which was started by our grandparents can't be ended by us, right?" David said as he looked at the sky.

After all this, Austin read the contract provided by David for the collaboration and suggested some changes and then signed it. After 2 days, a press confrence was held by Hooke industries to clear everything.