
"So...Hmm... How is it going?" Oliver asked to the trio.

"Well...exams are approaching but still a week though " Sam said.

"Wrong time...ahh" Oliver said.

"Leave exams, tell me about you and Ally." Mike asked as he poked his elbow at Oliver's side.

"Sheesh...there's nothing like that or...maybe there is...but actually I am not sure because I kinda have another girl in my mind...I have only met her once but that meeting felt so good that it still looks fresh in my memory." Oliver said with a wide smile on his face.

"Ooooh...." Mike said.

Since the moment Oliver had entered with Ally, Austin was holding a long face and was quite silent all this time. Austin himself was confused with his thoughts in his mind right now. Didn't he love Tanya then why is he having this jealousy in his heart the moment he saw Ally with Oliver?

"Austin, you look so silent..?" Oliver asked as he noticed his long face.

"He must be lost in the thoughts of his precious Tanya..." Mike said as he winked at Austin.

"Hmm...and I am going home, you guys carry on." Austin said.

Austin stormed out of the base house somewhat in an angry manner. It was noticeable for Mike & Sam but they did not bother to say anything as they knew it would just go in vain. Mike, Sam & Oliver continued talking for some more time and then went back.

"What was that...? This jealousy...ahh..maybe this is because of weather..its kinda hot outside though its the season of rain...I'll take a shower and just sleep..have to start studying for exams too..." Austin thought in his head.

For almost a week, Austin kept doing this. Ignoring his feelings and stayed with Tanya. As for Ally, she literally had no time to think all this as her exams had started. She won't go to the base house these days either. She would only go from library to home and home to library.

City Library

Ally was sitting and reading a book quietely that a notification popped up on her phone screen which grabbed her attention.

It was a notification from Austin's social media of uploading a new photo with Tanya. As Ally saw this notification, she had a frown on her face but before she could do or say anything to express her feeling she heard a 'BOO!' from behind and jerked off from her seat as she shouted "Aah!"

As the librarian heard this she gave Ally a warning.

"Sorry mam." She whispered.

"Jee...I didn't thought you would be that scared.. but sorry." Oliver whispered as he sat in the front seat of Ally.

"It's fine.. but how come you are here?" Ally whispered.

"Oh...I was getting bore so thought let's read some books..and then I saw you here I am thinking how about a lunch?" Oliver asked.

"Hmm...let me get this book issued and we can leave then." Ally said as she stood up from her seat.


Though Oliver was not one of those people who would look at other's phone in their free time but he had noticed the frown that Ally had when she saw her phone so he peeped a little into her phone screen but before he could take a good look at it...Ally came back.

As Ally came back, she packed her things up and went with Oliver for lunch.


Austin & Tanya were driving as Tanya tried to muster her courage and said while driving "Austin..I want to say something."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Look...I don't want you to think I am some gold digger or whatever that is... Look..I know I never gave a hint to get back together but I had plans to get with you for a long time." She said as she looked at Austin.


Before Austin could complete his sentence his reflexes reacted to the loud horn sound of a truck and turned the steering wheel but his reflexes were a little that the truck hit the car.....

A lot of crowd, truck driver, ambulance everything gathered at the accident spot.

"The number you have dialed is unreachable."

"The number you have dialed is not picking up the call. Please try again later."

"The number you have dialed is switched off."

"The number you have dialed is not picking up the call. Please try again later."

These were all the responses when a doctor from the hospital called Mrs. Texas, Mike, Sam & Alena.

The doctor tried to call Ally this time.

"Hmm yeah." Ally said.

As Ally was chatting with Oliver and having a good time, her eyes got on her phone which was showing Austin's incoming call.

"Hello?" Ally said.

"Yes, Ally Dawson, right? Ah..I am talking from City Hospital. Austin Texas had encountered an accident. We called on a lot of numbers but they were not responding but we request you to come here as soon as possible." The doctor said.

After hearing the words from doctor's mouth, Ally's mind went blank for a second but she came to her senses in a second and responded on the call "Ah yes I will be there in 5 mins. Thank you."

Seeing Ally's expression it was quite clear for Oliver that the call was a bad news but of course he cannot read mind so he asked what happened. Ally explained everything to Oliver and went to the City Hospital with him as soon as she could.

She continuously dialed on Mike & Sam's number until they picked up the call.

Hearing the news, naturally Mike & Sam left whatever they were doing and reached at the hospital.

As soon as Mrs.Texas heard the news of his son getting into an accident her heart skipped a beat. It was not even a month that the lady had recovered from his husband's sudden death that now his son too? She reached the hospital with eyes filled with tears.

As Ally saw this, she ran to Mrs. Texas to console her.