The mysterious one

"What were you guys talking about..?" Ally asked as she saw Mike, Sam, Austin & Alena coming out of the room.

"Nothing...and hey! At last you had to wear my clothes, huh? They suit you more than me..." Austin said as he got closer to Ally by some steps.

Ally had no option but to wear Austin's clothes but not to make it too obvious Ally had folded the trousers from down and luckily... there was a ribbon in washroom so she used that to make the shirt look girly as she tied the ribbion near her waist.

"Don't be too happy..." Ally said.

"Ok Ok. Just saying."

After an hour, the rain stopped and Ally went back home with Alena.

After reaching home, Ally went inside her room and crashed on the bed. Her head was having so many thoughts that she had started to get a headache. But before she falls asleep she had a thought to change her clothes. The moment she opened her wardrobe, she saw Austin's jacket from that day.

"Am I collecting Austin sir's clothes? First this jacket and now these..ahhh..." Ally thought to herself.

After changing her clothes, Ally did not went to sleep directly. She was thinking about Austin's sudden change in behaviour. Her mind had a lot of questions about the sudden change but she had decided that it's better to stay away from'd be better if they are just team mates and nothing more than that. With this thought in her head, Ally went to sleep.

The next day.


The exam of first year students had already ended and regular classes were started. As the lectures were about to start Ally went onto her seat. But before she could concentrate on class and other stuff her eyes looked at a note which said "Meet me at the back of Building 3 in break."

No name was written on the note. Ally was confused just who could it be. She didn't bother about this until break. But even in break Ally didn't went to meet the person. After all, there was no name how could she meet an unknown person?

As the person who had written the note messaged her.

"Why didn't you come in break?"


"Hey! Reply!"

Ally had no idea about these messages as her phone was on silent. She checked the message after her lecture.

Ally asked everyone from her class if it was their number or the number of someone who they knew but no one knew the number. An unknown person first asking her to meet, then messaging her. She was sure that it was someone from college as they asked to meet in one of the back of campus's buildings. But who?

"Maybe it's a prank?" Alena said.

"I don't think so.." Ally said.

"What is it?" Austin said as he came from the back.

"Some person...first he left note at Ally's desk asking her to meet and then messaged. We tried to verify the number but... it doesn't show any identity..." Alena said.

"Show me the number." Austin said.

As expected...The number somehow was familiar to Austin.

"Message him that you can meet now." Austin said.


"Just do as I say." Austin said

Ally was confused just what was going on...but she still messaged the person. After two minutes of the message being sent, a reply came.

"I'm waiting."

"You guys stay here...and Ally let's go meet him"

"How do you know its a him?" Ally asked.

Austin smiled as he heard this question. He knew the guy who messaged her.

"Just come with me."

After reaching at the back of building 3 Austin hid himself at the back of some bushes.

"Hello! I am Louis. 4th year."

"Hello..." Ally said with some hesitation in her voice.

"I...I have been following you...on the agency website." Louis said as his face went red.

"Agency has a website? And following me?" Ally said.

"Yes...and since then...I-I I've had a crush on you Ally mam!" Louis said.

Ally was shocked to receive a confession from a person she didn't even knew...that too the person came to know about her through agency this fact made it even more weird.

"Ahh...Louis, right? Yeah...I am..flattered by your confession but...I already have someone though....I am sorry." Ally said as she went back.

As Ally went back, Austin came out from the bushes

"Thanks Louis!" Austin said.

"Next time I am not doing this weird stuff. Now come on, give me the money." Louis said.

"Yeah yeah here." Austin said.

What's happening? You guys must be thinking just why the hell did Austin right now thanked the guy who almost took her girl away? Well for that question to be answered let me take you back to last night's conversation that Mike, Sam, Austin & Alena did.

"So, first I'll ask Louis to fake propose Ally." Austin said.

"Wait, why?" Alena asked.

"It's just to test how much hardwork I need to do."

"And what if she says yes?" Alena asked.

"No worries, Louis already has a girlfriend." Austin said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Though this plan looked dumb to Alena, Mike & Sam but they still implemented it. So the not was written by Sam and the message was sent by Mike. Why Louis himself didn't message? Well for that...Louis number's could easily identified by any app or even the agency verifying number app but the number that Mike used was a different one.

Flashback ends.

"So... I guess all I need to do is confess." Austin said.

"I don't know... Right now it's really hard to tell just what the hell is going in Ally's mind." Alena said.

In the time of one week Austin came up with more dumb plans to make sure that his proposal to be accepted chances are 100%

26 July, 50th Anniversary celebration

Agency HQ

"Are you sure you wanna do this in the midist of the celebration?" Sam asked to Austin.

"There couldn't be a better place." Austin said.

He was looking at himself. Trying to look perfect so he could perfectly propose. Austin was first time in his whole life was feeling really nervous. He never had proposed a girl in front of so many people. But this didn't really bothered him, the thing that bothered him was the bumping of his heart against his chest. Before going out of the washroom Austin took a deep breathe and then went out.

He had no plan to grab everyone's attention and then propose her. He asked the DJ who was playing some classical music to change it to some song on which the couples could dance.

As the DJ agreed, a song was playing on which the couple started to dance. There were no restrictions today as it was a big day for WOSDA (World Organization of Secret Defense Agency)

As everyone was dancing, Austin took this chance and went near Ally. He bent down a little and forwarded his hand to ask for a dance.

Ally was wearing a stunning long black dress with her hair open. She looked super gorgeous. This made Austin even more nervous but trying not to show his nervousness in his expression or dance. Though it was a little difficult.

"Ally, you are looking gorgeous today." Austin said to her.

"Thank you sir.." Ally said.

Without wasting much time. Let's get to the proposal already!

"Ally...I realised some things, some days ago. Do you wanna know what I realised?" Austin asked.

"No...but tell me." Ally said.

"I realised that I have actually fallen for a girl...but I was ignoring the feeling of love as I thought that I cannot be in love. ignoring I have hurt the you think she'll forgive?" Austin asked.

"I don't know sir. It depends upon the girl you know."

"Well...the girl is sweet, she is different from the other girlfriends I have ever had. I am not saying all this based on her looks...but I guess I know her quite well. Oh, and yeah! She also made me realise that I am not the best kisser of this world."


"So, Ally Dawson...I admit my defeat in the bet. I love you." Austin said as he looked inro her eyes.

Ally was speechless. She didn't imagine this day to be like this...but it still was perfect. Romantic couple music in background, no need to be afraid of being caught by someone and actually being proposed by her love. What more could she ask for?

"I...I love you too sir!" She said as she hugged him to hide her tears of joy.

After some time, the party was back to normal. People were chatting, congratulating Mr. Harry for saving the world for 50 years.

But the people went silent all of sudden. Mr. Harry noticed this silence. Proposal was already done...and they were not silent at that what happened now?

The silence was due to a lady, who was wearing a long black dress from top to bottom. Her face was covered by hoodie like structure in the dress. The only thing people could see were the long hair and her earings. She didn't talked to anyone but kept walking until she reached near Mr. Harry.

"You...come with me." The lady said pointing a gun at him.

"Ok..." Mr. Harry said as he went out with the lady.