One condition

After the dinner in the awkward silence. Leonard went back to his room, lied on bed and called Harriet as he had already told her.

"Look...I know you are mad....I won't do such a prank in future, I promise!" Harriet said as soon as she picked his call.

Hearing the words Leonard had a smile on his face but to play along he said in his cold voice "Hmm...well ok. But you still have done a mistake and needs to be punished."

With his oscar winning acting Harriet got scared and started to think just how mad could Leonard be right now? How is he going to punish her...these were some of the thoughts in her head.

"So, it's Tuesday tomorrow. I am coming at your home tomorrow morning." Leonard said in a serious voice and he was serious.

"Why? For a small prank you are coming to get me??" Harriet said.

"Hmm...of course I am coming to get you, you silly!" Leonard thought in his mind

"Well, you'll know why I must be coming tomorrow. So, be ready...actuallly I don't really need you...uncle and aunty are just fine." Leonard said.

After this, Leonard hung up the phone. He didn't even waited for Harriet's response from the other side. After hanging up the call with Harriet, Leonard called his secretary and canceled all his meetings so he could be free tomorrow.

After doing all this, Leonard opened his closet to prepare his clothes for tomorrow just when he was deciding, Sabrina knocked on the door. Sabrina was holding the scared expression on her face...

"What happened?" Leonard asked.

"Hmm... Nothing....So, wat'cha doing?" She asked.

"Preparing things..." Leonard said as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh right! Now that uncle, aunt, grandpa gotta convince the girl's parents too...right!" Sabrina said as she got up from the seat.

" these years you have gotten smart." Leonard said in a sarcastic tone.

After talking to Leonard for quite a long time...Sabrina almost forgot for what she actually had came to Leonard for. Though Leonard remembered...but he kinda had a policy that he will let Sabrina, herself tell if she has something on mind.

Not thinking too much, Leonard went to sleep. Tomorrow was somewhat of a bog day for him and he cannot mess it up.

The next day.

Leonard woke up at 6 o'clock sharp, took a bath, wore his suit....and did some research about Harriet's father before going to her home. After a one hour research

He did breakfast and finally left home! On his way to Harriet's home he bought a bouqet.

8:00 am sharp, he reached at Harriet's home and rang the door bell.

"Coming!" Harriet's mother's voice came from the inside.

As the door opened Leonard first introduced himself and handed the bouqet to Mrs. Jones

"Hello, I am Leonard Johnson, this is a small present for you Mrs. Jones."

"Ok...please come in." Mrs. Jones said.

In Country I, it was impossible for people to not know Leonard Johnson. Even if people had not seen him they must have at least heard about him. So, the moment Mrs. Jones heard the name Leonard Johnson she got a little worried about why would this rich CEO suddenly appear at the doorstep of a normal family like us?

"So, Mr. are here because?" Mrs. Jones asked.

"Hmm...Mrs. Jones you know I am 28."

"It's your birthday?" Mrs. Jones asked.

But before Leonard could give a response, Harriet's father came and asked who had come.

"Mr. Johnson, what are you doing here in the early morning?" Mr. Jones asked.

Now that both Mr. & Mrs. Jones were here, the three took a first there was a silence in the room but Leonard broke the silence.

"Sir, I want to marry your daughter, Harriet Jones."

This sentence shocked the couple. For them, why would Leonard, a rich CEO of the biggest and most successful company in Country I would come to ask for the marriage with their daughter? Mr. Jones is a retired man from military. But this reason is not something that someone as good as Leonard would wanna marry his daughter for.

"Leonard.." Harriet said as she came downstairs.

"Harriet, tell me...has this guy done anything to you...don't worry your father doesn't fear anyone." Mr. Jones said as he saw Harriet come.

"No dad, and what are you doing here early in the morning." Harriet asked.

"What? I took a leave for can go to office...I'll handle everything here." Leonard said.

"So, let's have breakfast together and talk Mr. Johnson." Mr. Jones said.

"Ah...sure!" Leonard said.

Though Leonard was so nervous he kept his expression calm that no one could tell he is actually afraid...

"So, how long have you known Harriet?" Mr. Jones.

"Well...I have known her since middle school but we started dating 2 months ago." Leonard said.

"Hm, Harriet do you really love this guy?" Mr. Jones asked.

Harriet got a little shy to answer this question. Her face went red and she was afraid and embarassed.

"Yes dad."

"But sir...before you decide. I need to tell you something." Leonard said with a cold expression.

"What is it?" Mr. Jones asked.

Before Leonard could start, he closed the windows, locked the door, shut the drapes. He called two people from his squad to keep a guard on Harriet's home.

"So, my family actually controls a secret Agency named WOSDA ;- World Organisation of Secret Defence Agency, of which I am a part too. My uncle, Harry Johnson is the head of the agency, I handle the agency in his absence. 3 months ago when my uncle encountered an accident, Harriet helped the agency to investigate it. Although, during the investigation...she was kidnapped by one of our opponents...and...I was late to save her...." Leonard said all this without stopping even for a second.

Harriet facepalmed herself as she heard this. She knew that if Leonard told about that incident of course his father, and not only his father, any girl's father won"t agree to let their daughter marry in such family.

"What do you mean you were late?" Mr. Jones asked.

Leonard told the whole incident in detail. After he was done telling, there was an awkward silence in the room. Mrs. Jones's heart almost came out from her chest when she heard this incident....her heart started to cry that such a situation happened to her own daughter.

"Leonard, you do know that after hearing this I will not let marry her to you, right?" Mr. Jones asked as he took off his spectacles.

"Yes sir, I know that. But I think that it's much better if I tell about all this beforehand rather than you know all about this after marriage from one of our our opponents and then regret." Leonard said.

"Hmm, I like your honesty kid but... the incident purely tell me that you won't be able to protect her in future and I guess Harriet knows this too but even if she still wants to marry then there must be something" Mr. Jones said.

"Are you kidding me? Mr. Johnson, please leave I won't let my daughter marry you!" Mrs. Jones said as she got up from her seat in rage.

"Mom!" Harriet said.

"What mom? This guy must be handsome, rich and whatnot but if he couldn't protect what's the point?" Mrs. Jones said.

"Dear, I won't say you are wrong. But don't you think that they are a good couple and more importantly Harriet loves him!" Mr. Jones said

"Have you gone crazy?" Mrs. Jones said

"Leonard, stay with Harriet. I want to talk to my wife alone.

"Ah sure." Leonard said.

The moment Harriet's parents went inside their room. Harriet got up from her seat

"Why did you tell about all this to mom & dad? And Leonard if this is a prank for yesterday's revenge then you are taking it too far, ok?" Harriet said.

"Prank? Harriet...I am serious. And why did I tell all this? It's necessary otherwise I cannot marry you according to the rules." Leonard said.


"Shhh, don't worry I got this." Leonard said as he saw Mr. & Mrs. Jones coming out if their room.

"So, we have surely are a fine guy for our daughter but we have one condition. If you agree to our condition then only will we agree to your marriage." Mr. Jones said.

"Ok, what's the condition." Leonard asked.

"You are not allowed to meet Harriet before marriage unless it's very necessary." Mr. Jones said.

"Ok, I won't." Leonard said without any hesitation.

"Hmm, then you should start calling me dad." Mr. Jones said as he opened his arms for a hug.

Of course Leonard hugged Mr. Jones and took blessings from them.

"So, should I drop you office on my way back." Leonard asked.

"Cough" Mr. Jones coughed.

"Oh right...ahh have nice day sir..I mean Mr. Jones...I mean dad!" Leonard said as he got out from Harriet's home.


On the other hand

GWCH-45 group chat.


Sabrina! Its 28 today!




Tomorrow... will be Alena's birthday!


I know that. Just come to the point already!


We gotta plan a surprise party!!!


Don't you think surprise party should be discussed in the group where she is not a member?


How did you get into our chat?


Our? You are in the group chat where Mike mostly tells when the training is held.

After reading Austin's message Ally realised that she opened the wrong app...and messaged in wrong chat.


Why can't these messages be deleted??


Mike, delete 'em


Done, and it's Alena's birthday?


You just deleted the want her to know now...? Mike what the hell are you even doing?


She is offline. I will delete the message, don't worry.

After a long discussion.... her surprise birthday was planned.