A helper or...

After Anna's home, Harriet drove to the team's base house. The team was eagerly waiting for Harriet to come so they could get some clues as soon as they could.

"Here you go." Harriet said as she gave the phone to Mike.

"Thank you mam." Mike said as he took the phone.

As Harriet still had some work in Agency, she left the team's base house as soon as she gave them the phone.

For the team, unlocking a high school girl's phone was a piece of cake. After unlocking her phone, they first checked the chats with her classmates... surprisingly the team did not find anything suspicious or somethig that could help them. After this, they checked all apps which provided the chatting facility.

Anna had an unpopular app on her phone, even the team did not have the knowledge of this and neither did internet. Who could've thought that this gang might build its own app just like Agency which needed its user's verification everytime they open it?

The agency had its own app to communicate with their agents or employs. But the app wouldn't be opened just by some random person, it needed a special 7-digit passcode.

Similar to the agency's app, this app needed 9-digit passcode.

"Hmm...they are quite smart." Austin said.

"That is the reason neither police nor agency is able to get the whole gang easily but it isn't impossible though." Sam said.

Before cracking the 9-digit passcode Sam took a deep breathe. After taking the deep breathe of confidence, Sam connected the phone with his laptop and started typing some codes furiously. Though Sam was unable to crack the code in first attempt but after third attempt, he finally got the code on fourth attempt and there was victory...standing or should I say shining through a screen.

The app not only had the information about who else was like Anna taking drugs but it even included some exclusive information.

"This is treasure." Mike said.

"It indeed is. But treasure is not our main point. We need to get Anna out and now that we have useful information let's make a plan." Sam said.

After choosing which candidate will be perfect for their plan, the team went back to their homes and waited for the next morning when their plan will start to take its shape.

On the other hand.

Milo's mansion.

"So...still not dead huh?" Milo said as he still found Anna breathing.

"Do you really think I would die from starvation? Don't you know a person can live without food for six months?!" Anna said.

"Hmm...I am having a bad feeling...you seem online on our app but you are here. Looks like I am going to fight with some people. Ahh..after a long time!" Milo said.

Milo was the one who invented the app so he knew every tactic of the app as well. Even though the team might've changed the settings but Milo still knew everything.

"Since you are supposed to die, for me at least and I am quite an impatient person. So.." He whistled. "Boys! Come in, I got a treat for you!" He said.

Anna might be young but she understood what Milo meant. She had no option but to beg that he should not do this.

"Hmm...I shouldn't? Come on girl... I am giving you the most pleasurable death possible otherwise I could've shot you." He said.

The death might be only pleasurable for the guys...but for her of course it won't be. But according to their leader's command some guys entered looking like wolves who haven't had a good meal for a long time and now will just eat this fresh meal in front of them in one go.

As the guys entered, Milo left the mansion as he had no interest in this and he had some other work.

"Don't touch her!" Lucas said as he entered in.

"But..this is boss's order.."

"Yeah he changed his mind. Now go." Lucas said.

Lucas let the guys go out peacefully. This young guy was feeling anger towards his elder brother. How could he do something that happened to their sister once? Just because its some other girl, its okay? Lucas had even brought food sneakily for her.

"Thank you...but I can't take the food." Anna refused gently.

"Don't worry, it isn't poisoned." He took a bite and said.

"Ok I definetely can't take that. You already took a bite from it." Anna said.

"Oof...just eat, can you?" Lucas said.

Anna still refused.

Now, story time about this gang!

So, this gang didn't existed in Country I 3 years ago or you can say it did existed but it wasn't known to Agencies like WOSDA or even the police. Milo's younger sister, Elizabeth who was the youngest in her family and loved by her two elder brothers and of course her parents once encountered a group which was taking drugs, as soon as she saw this she stopped them but...that group drugged her. After a month, Elizabeth got addicted to it. This was indeed found by her two brothers in no time and they complained about this to the police but the case got closed in just some mins as the drug dealers gave big amounts to both Police and Elizabeth. But...this was not enough for them, Milo with his connection, not known to his family killed the drug dealers and took over there gang but...this was a little late. To silence Elizabeth forever, the leader of the drug dealing gang at that time sent some of his people to rape Elizabeth so she commits suicide and their information will be safe.

Their plan worked. But even if Milo took over their gang he didn't do any good from it... even he started the shady buisness as well and with the money coming in his hands he definetely didn't wanted to stop.


Present time.

As Lucas had heard the conversation between Anna & Milo and he came to know there is someone trying to help Anna. Lucas was no less than a hacker himself so even he wanted to find out who this people could be?

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you. And since you don't wanna eat anything, at least drink this." Lucas said as he gave the to-go coffee he had bought from a near by store.

Giving her the coffee, Lucas went back to his home and searched for his brother. He couldn't find him in the house so technically the coast was clear but he still had to be careful because who knows when Milo can appear?

Sneakily, taking his brother's laptop just when he was about to open it the window broke by a stone. Lucas checked who it could be and he saw a group of kids of his age. He closed the laptop and went down.

"Why did you guys break my window's glass?" Lucas asked.

"Where is Anna? We know she is here!" Reina and Rachel said together.

"Oh..so these are Anna's friends..." Lucas thought before he answered their question.

"Don't worry. She is fine and I am on your side. You might see Anna soon." Lucas said.

"So you did do something to Anna..." Ken said as he heard Lucas's response.

"Uh..no bro. Trust me, I am your helper." Lucas said.

Though Anna's gang did not believe this guy but they had no option but to just 'believe' this guy's words.

"Ok, look go now. I need to do some stuff before my brother comes back." Lucas said

He went back and then started finding the location of people who made Anna look online.
