
The next morning.

Mike was awake the whole night as he couldn't sleep, his mind was filled with Alena's screams and tears. He would even go in the room sometime in night to check on her. Alena didn't really wake in mid night or anything on the contrary, she had quite a nice sleep.

Even if Alena had a good sleep, the worst alarm to wake up a girl is her period. As soon as sun rose, the red alert of every month came Alena went to washroom. Just when Mike came in to check on her, he found the room empty.

"Alena, are you inside?" Mike asked as knocked on the door.

"Yeah..." Alena said.

"Oh, take your time." Mike said.

Mike sat on the bed, he was shirtless at the moment as his shirt was inside the bathroom. And just when Mike was still sitting on bed, Ally and Sabrina came in the base house. The girls were worried as they had not received a call or message from Alena.

As they found the living room of the base house empty, Ally and Sabrina went upstairs in the room. The first thing Ally and Sabrina noticed were blood stain on sheets and Mike shirtless. Ally and Sabrina are one of those girls who are quite protective of their friends and can kill anyone if they dare to hurt their friend. The girls looked at each other, walked towards Mike, looked at him angrily. Mike who just had turned his head up was pinned down on the bed...maybe he was going to be killed.

"What. Did. You. Do. To. Her?!" Ally asked.

"What are you asking about?" Mike asked.

"Did you take advantage of our friend when she was drunk last night?" Sabrina asked.

"What the hell? NO! I did not..cough...do such a thing to her...leave me...cough or you will literally kill me." Mike said as he tried to get out of the grip but somehow couldn't.

Just after this, Alena came out from washroom and saw Ally and Sabrina pinning Mike...and it looked weird to her. She asked "Guys...wat'cha...doin'?"

"Alena, if he has done something to you...don't be afraid. We won't be silent just because he is some senior agent!" Ally said as she got up and walked towards her.

"Hmm? Done something...what do you mean?" Alena asked.

"Sigh...she won't remember of course...but we're with you..." Sabrina said as she hugged Alena.

Alena patted Sabrina's back but she was so confused. She couldn't understand just what the hell are her friends saying...and Mike too was confused. Mike was just unable to understand just why would Ally & Sabrina assume if he had taken advantage of Alena?

"Ok, let's just leave this matter here...I need to go home." Alena said as she ignored all this.

"How can we leave this matter? Come on Alena, we've been friends for 20 years you can tell me anything!" Ally said.

"Okay....can I tell whatever you are asking....when I reach home?" Alena said.

"No!" Ally said.

"Ally...let me go home...I really need to *ahem* need to use um....pad.." Alena whispered.

"Wait..huh?! So...the blood stain is not....." Ally said.

Ally facepalmed herself as she told Sabrina in sign language that they have misunderstood the whole thing...

"We're sorry Mike sir...we kinda misunderstood the whole situation..." Ally said as she lowered her head down in embarassement.

Mike who was quite clueless just accepted the apology with the saying "Its okay, but um cut your nails please...Otherwise you might just kill Austin..and then he will kill you..."

With this line, Ally looked at her nails and again got embarassed. Mike didn't really pay attention to this, as Alena was out from the washroom and he was not pinned on the bed anymore so he went inside the washroom as he was in a hurry.

After 10 mins Mike came out from the washroom in his stunning buisness suit.

"Why are you in a suit?" Ally asked.

"Well...its a long story, will tell you when I am back!" Mike said as he took the car keys and got out of the base house.

Mike was actually told by his dad that he has to handle some clients, his dad gave this matter to him as his health was not good so he had to rest.

Angelo's Trends Office.

Conference room, floor number 22.

Mike came in a hurry and talked to his dad's assistant about the clients, as he found out that they have been waiting for 30 minutes already Mike didn't delay more and entered inside the conference room. Mike was shocked to see his clients.

"Willson and William Fashion...you both are the CEO?" Mike asked.

If you think, these might be Alena's parents. Ding! Ding! Ding! You are correct!

"You look familiar...have we met?" Ms. William (Alena's mother) asked.

"Yes, um...Ally had invited you on Alena's birthday..." Mike said as he slowly took his seat.

As Mike noticed that a tension came on the two faces, he diverted the topic and said "Well, leave that! Let's talk buisness."

"Hmm...I was expecting a man of our age..but okay.." Mr. Willson (Alena's father) said.

"You would've met your expectations if my father had a good health today sir." Mike said as he opened the files related to this deal.

After a long buisness talk, Mike got free and the deal was sealed between the two companies. He informed his father about this and then leaned on the chair.

"Do..they know...? I wish I could talk to Alena about this...but she may not even remember telling me last night about what happened to her 4 years ago..." Mike thought.

As Mike was already tired he closed his eyes and again went to this thinking world, again a thought came into his head.

"Wait....on the first day of college...Mr. Harry especially asked Alena to stay...does that mean he knows? In that case....there must br some news, right?" Mike thought.

He surfed the internet for a long time but of course did not find anything.

Just when Mike gave up finding any news, Mr. Harry's call came.

"Yes, sir?" Mike said.

"Hmm, there's a new agent and...I need your team to train him."

"Sir, do you take our team as some 'new agent dumping ground?'" Mike asked.

"Pretty much yeah." Mr. Harry said.

Mike was quite speechless on Mr. Harry:s response.

"Ok, jokes apart. Come to my office in half an hour with Austin & Sam." Mr. Harry said.

"Fine..." Mike said.