Reunion of Willson Family (Part II)

After Alena and Mike both reached college. Austin and Sam were waiting for Mike's true explanation about everything as they knew that whatever answer Mike gave on the press conference was just an answer to shut media and nothing else.

"So...Mike? Tell us.." Sam said.

"Tell what?" Mike asked who was totally clueless about what his friends were talking about.

"Do you have feelings for Alena?" Austin asked straight to Mike leaving him shocked.

"Feelings? What feelings?" Mike asked.

Austin and Sam looked at each other and then looked at Mike.

"The same feeling that I have for Ally." Austin said.

"!" Mike said as he controlled his laughter.

Seeing Mike's reaction Sam and Austin just left the topic there and didn't bother to discuss about it further.

On the other hand, the girls didn't really bother to talk about this topic but... were talking about Alena's mom's marriage...or re-marriage..

Somehow the day went, and the night came. Today when Alena entered in her home she smelt a familiar smell. It was the smell of her favourite food.

"Hmm....nice smell..but who's cooking though?" Alena said as she took off her shoes

"How was college?" Her father asked as she walked in the living room.

"It was good...? But how come you guys transferred here so fast?" Alena asked.

"Well, our work was done earlier so we transferred some things here and some are still in my apartment as I won't be staying here until the wedding is done so basically only your mum's things are here." Her father explained.

"Oh... we have a tradition that the bride cannot see the groom before wedding?" Alena asked.

"Kind of." Her father said.

After a while Alena went upstairs to change clothes and then came back to the dining room for dinner. It was nostalagic for her. She sat down on the seat and waited for her mom to serve. When her mom was done serving she herself took a seat...Alena somehow smiled and it got noticed by her parents. They looked at each other and then looked at their daughter and asked "Are you remembering that young man...what's his name...Mike! From morning?" Her father asked.

Alena, who had started the dinner now choked on her food and drank water "Why would I think about him?"

"I don't smiled so..I asked." Her father said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Oh...well...It just feels know us having dinner together on this table.." Alena said.

Hearing the answer the couple smiled and continued their dinner with some chatting and catching up on a lot of things.

After the dinner, Jordan wore his coat and left the house.

Now, in the next few days Alena was quite busy with her mom about picking the wedding dress, planning out the wedding and what not.

After some days

The Wedding Day!

The wedding day had come. Though people say that this day comes only once in a lifetime but it was written twice in Jordan & Janice's fate and the best thing was that they marrying each other again.

The groom was waiting at the aisle while finally the music which signalled the entrance of best men and bride's maid started.

Alena & Mike walked down the aisle together.

And now, everybody stood up as the Bride in her beautiful wedding dress entered. Though she might be old by her age but for Jordan she just looked like the perfect young girl. He was smiling and feeling happy, he thanked the God that he has given him the chance to marry her even the second time. Alena was happy, her hatred had faded away and the only feeling which filled her heart was joy. She cried a little when she saw the couple taking vows.

After the wedding, the couple had decided to see their parents' grave. But before that, the bride threw her bouqet and it straight landed in Alena's hand who wasn't even aiming to catch it. After this, Mike drove them to graveyard.

Seeing the grave of their parents, both felt sad but they brushed off the sadness as they tightly held each other's hand and this time, they were not alone. Their daughter too was standing with them.

"Enjoy the happiness while it lasts Alena." Someone thought as they were seeing the four.

As Mike's phone rang, he left the three and picked up the call. But after 5 minutes when he came back, he didn't find Alena or her parents at the spot. Mike started to worry about this. His mind instantly filled with the thoughts of 'Where they could go?' 'Are they alright?' 'Was someone following us?'

Just when he still was thinking all this, a hand came on his shoulder and Mike jumped off some steps away and turned back and saw Alena.

"What happened?" Alena asked.

"Nothing...but where did you guys go?" Mike asked.

", we went to see mum's aunt's grave..." Alena said.

", should we go back?" Mike asked.

"Yeah okay." Alena said as she headed towards the car.

On the other hand, unknown place.

"Sir, if you wanna destroy this girl...then I personally think you should first remove this guy from our way." A guy with a fair and average figure presenting said.

The projector which was displaying the guy's plan projected Alena's face. The guy that he was talking about to remove from their way was Mike.

"And why would we do that?" Harold (Charlie) asked.

"Well, sir he was in the news with the girl and seeing the pictures it doesn't look it was edited so...why not?" The guy said.

"Throw him out." Harold (Charlie) said as he waved his rwo body guards to do so.

"Sir! Please have mercy on me! I can give you a better plan!" The guy pleaded as he was dragged out from the room, crying for his life.

"I already gave you a second chance." Harold said as he got up and smoked out the smoke from his mouth on the guy.

The guy coughed almost as if he was about to die just now but without showing any mery, the body guards of Harold threw the guy out.

Harold got back on his seat and leaned back as he kept his one leg on the other, he looked at the ceiling blankly and thought something for a while. He smoked his cigarette as an idea came to his head and he called one of his body guards to tell something.
