Great day.

On the other hand.

"If I remember correctly the key should be under the door mat..." Sabrina thought as she stood in front of Sam's penthouse.

"Aha! I was correct..." Sabrina thought with joyful expression.

But it was weird for the key to not unlock the door as it already was unlocked. Was Sam already in his penthouse?

"Shit.....shouldn't Sam sir be in that ceremony?" Sabrina thought as she still went inside the house and indeed Sam was there already.

Seeing Sabrina barging into the house out of nowhere Sam got a little scared.

"What are you doing here?!" Sam asked as he got up from sofa


"Leave that...let me inform Leonard sir first." Sam said as he moved towards his phone.

"You can...but after I've found evidences." Sabrina said as she ran towards him so she could stop him from calling Leonard.

"Evidence? What evidence..?" Sam asked as he agreed to not call Leonard.

"Though I'm not sure after which round the scores were changed...but most probably after round 2 someone tampered with them...and I guess it's that Charles that you said is a danger." Sabrina said with serious expression.

"So...that's why that guy was grinning..." Sam thought.

"But...if he could hack into the judges' computer...then he surely is quite smart...because one, the computers that are given to judges is similar to that of a super computer...and it isn't easy to hack them." Sam said.

" is there no way I'd be able to find evidence?" Sabrina said.

"I said 'it isn't easy.' I never said 'it's impossible.' We can give it a shot but whether we will get success or not is something I'm unsure about." Sam said.

Without any delay Sam started typing some codes. His full concentration was on his screen but in his first attempt he failed.

"Wait..." Sam continued "Sabrina, why don't you try the prohibited method that I taught you?"

"You think that it'll work?" Sabrina asked.

"It should." Sam said.

Taking a deep breath Sabrina used all her might and practise to get the evidences that she needed. What more? She did get the evidences and when she was about to leave, the door bell rang, Sam opened the door and when it opened...The figure of a lady wearing black clothes from head to toe, the lady's face was covered by a hoodie like structure. The only thing visible was her ear ring and her lips. When Sam saw this lady, he had a sense of familiarity, he knew he had seen this figure somewhere.

"Didn't this lady...come on 50th anniversary of agency too...? What's she doing here?" Sam thought before speaking a word to the lady.

"Can I come in?" The lady said.

Her voice sounded sweet, it didn't sounded like a person's voice who'd harm you. Though this was not a criteria you just let any person get into your house so Sam before letting her in kept a pocket knife in his right pocket just in case.

"Yes, sure." Sam said with politeness.

The woman had a strong aura that of a superior person. Sam was a little worried with his decisions about letting this woman in.

"You are..."

Before Sabrina could even complete her sentence, the woman lifted her hoodie structure and revealed her face. Seeing the woman's face Sabrina went numb for a second. She couldn't believe what her eyes were seeing. How can a dead person come back? It's IMPOSSIBLE!

[AN- Is this novel turning into horror or paranormal genre?!]

"I know Harry and other family members must have told you I died. Well...It's time to be back and oh, since you are collecting evidence why don't you wait a bit and hit two birds with one stone?" Lily Johnson, Sabrina's mother said.

"Ah...leaving that aside...are you even real Lily Johnson? As far as I know...Lily Johnson died due to some agency issues...I didn't appear in 20 years...but you are appearing now..." Sam asked.

"Oooh, is this guy your boyfriend?" Lily Johnson asked with excitement on her face.

With this question, Sam & Sabrina both blushed. The idea was good but both of them didn't know that they liked the idea or at least it wasn't confirmed yet.

"Don't you think you should answer our question first?" Sam asked as he put his thought aside.

"Hmm fine. You got full right to test me after all." The lady said with great confidence.

" when's my birthday?" Sabrina asked.

"December 1, Year 2000, Time 6:20 pm."

Sabrina was shocked to hear the answer. It was the exact answer that her father, Mr. Harry has been telling her since her childhood.

"You are...absolutely correct but moving on to the next question. How did you meet dad?"

"Oooh...this one's interesting. So, to be very honest I wasn't an agent like him in college times...I was a civillian. But once, his opponents targetted me and...just like a knight in shining armour he came to save me but his secret of being an agent was revealed to me. He...somehow managed to hide it from his family...but for how long he could've? So, his father gave me two options. Either marry a

civillian and forget about Harry....or become an agent...and...our conditions weren't were already in my tummy....Luckily this all happened after my college ended. So, yeah I became an agent." The lady said as she kept a nostalgic expression on her face.

"Okay ....this story is similar too..." Sabrina said.

There was no doubt that the lady who was sitting in front of them was none other than Lily Johnson.

"Okay...last question...where were you for 20 years?" Sabrina asked with innosence in her eyes.

Though Leonard's mother, Sabrina's aunt never let Sabrina feel the absence of her mother but still Sabrina was unknown to her real mother's love. In fact, she didn't know her mother too well, she had only heard stories but never saw herself. Seeing this innocent expression on her daughter's expression even the mother felt the urge to cry. After all, it wasn't easy for her too to stay away from her daughter for 20 years and look at her progress just in photos or videos.

"Well, just after you were born. There was a big bomb blast in agency. Lot of agents, staff died and were injured. The person who planned all this had arranged the things so well that all evidences pointed towards me, your grandfather declared I was a betrayer of the agency. He gave me 3 days to prove myself innocent but...I couldn't. I just needed more time. Of course your father couldn't have just let me die so he made arrangements such that I died in the eyes of the agency...but in these 20 years I was in hiding, collecting evidence and protecting the agency from outside." Mrs. Johnson said with sadness in her eyes. When she was telling this incident looking at her eyes, one could tell that she had felt pain at that time and in these years.

Listening to the actual reason behind her mother's disappearance, Sabrina couldn't control herself but cry. This time, Lily didn't hold herself back either. She got up from her seat and sat beside Sabrina. She took her daughter in her motherly embrace. Feeling the embrace, Sabrina somehow started to cry more. Mrs. Johnson too smiled and let a tear come from the corner of her eyes. She patted Sabrina's back and let her calm down. It was the first time that she had hugged her daughter.

Seeing all this in front of his eyes Sam too unconsciously let a tear shed but he wiped it off as soon as it came.

"Is you mother-daughter drama done yet?" Sam asked after wiping the tear.

Hearing Sam's comment the ladies first looked at Sam and then looked at each other, analysing how cheesy or dramatic it was just now both of them bursted into laughter.

"Okay, okay. Sam inform Leonard or Harry that Sabrina is with you at least they would be tension free." Mrs. Johnson said.

"Ah...yes." Sam said.

Sam's first choice was Mr. Harry but it was coming switched off so taking good deep breath Sam called Leonard. Leonard picked up the phone immediately.

"Hello? Leonard sir." Sam said.

"Yeah, Sam. What happened?" Leonard asked.

" guys don't need to worry...Sabrina's here...perfectly fine." Sam said with hesitation.

"Is she with you?" Leonard asked.

"" Sam said as he kept sweating. Poor guy didn't wanted to give some wrong idea to his senior of course...otherwise god knows what may happen?

"Hmm...Where are you? I'll come to pick her up." Leonard said as he looked at the his wristwatch. It was almost mid night.

"No need, no need she is asleep already." Sam said.

"Uh...did her phone's battery die or something?" Leonard asked.

He asked this question because sleeping near mid night is not something Sabrina would do. She would literally use her phone until it reaches 2%.

"Ah...ah yeah...and my phone's battery is dying too sir! Need to go." Sam said and hung up the phone as soon as he could.

Leonard was happy for one thing and slightly anxious for the other. He was happy that Sabrina was safe and hadn't done anything stupid but Sam's weird behaviour was putting Leonard in the state of anxiety. Though he knew that Sam's a great guy but being a guy himself he knew what kind of thoughts go in a guy's head.

"Oof, let me just tell this news first to others...I will think about this later." Leonard thought to himself.


Back to Sam's penthouse.

"By the way...before we discuss plan...I'm kinda hungry..." Sabrina said with an embarassed expression.

"Hmm...we cannot are lucky I stocked up groceries." Sam said as he face palmed himself.

"I will cook for us three. You two can chat, after dinner we'll discuss." Mrs. Johnson said as she got up.

"Ah...You might need any assistance?" Sam asked.

"Just tell me which thing is where." Mrs. Johnson said.

"Ah sure." Sam got up and went to the kitchen.

In the kitchen

" son-in-law... you might tell which thing is where and how you met her?" Mrs. Johnson said as she winked with a playful smile to tease Sam.

"There is nothing like that between us ma'am." Sam said and went out of kitchen when he was done telling which thing was kept where.

"Yet..." Sam thought.

On the other hand, Sabrina was quite happy just on the thought of eating a meal cooked by her mother. It would be her first time and she was excited for it.

After a while, a delicious meal was ready to be eaten on the dining table. Just looking at it made Sabrina more hungry and if it were in her hands she would've gobbled the meal in one go but then again in that way, she won't be able to enjoy the taste. She ate slowly and enjoyed each dish's taste.

"It was delicious mom!" She said after the dinner.

"Okay now dinner's done and we are done with chit-chat. Now let's talk buisness." Mrs. Johnson said with serious expression.

"That looks like a line Leonard would say..." Sabrina said with a pouting expression.

"Hmm. Okay, so our plan is to first observe what Charles's motives are. He must have become head for a reason. And second thing, there are at least 5 agencies which have combined together just to destroy WOSDA and Sam I'm sure you must have heard the news about some buildings of agency's branches getting destroyed, right?" Mrs. Johnson asked as she turned to Sam.

"I did hear the news of Country C's branch building getting completely destroyed..." Sam said.

"There has been more destruction recently. What you are telling is quite old news but nevermind. I'm sure now they are targetting towards HQ and for them this is the best time because one, the current head was their EX-team mate so who knows EX turns in non-ex? 2, Charles's motives most probably should be the same too so he might be more than happy to give them a hand." Mrs. Johnson said with serious expression.

" can we do?" Sabrina asked.

"Right now we can just observe plus it's night right now I don't think they would wait too much so...maybe till afternoon? Sam, you can inform your team mates to be ready for this. Tell only trusted people about this. We cannot take any risks." Mrs. Johnson said.

After this, The trio went to sleep. After all there was a big battle waiting for them and to fight it they needed energy.

Mrs. Johnson's room.


"Oye! Wait though." The guy said as he ran towards the girl.

"What?" The girl asked as she turned around to see the guy.

"Listen, I searched about Charles. Most probably he has some personal grudge with the agency so I'm sure he'll win. On the next day of ceremony We'll attack." The eagle said.

"Hmm...was I saying the same thing in alien language that you couldn't understand it earlier?" The girl asked with a mocking tone.

"Oh, god! Fine your plan was great, happy now?" The guy (eagle) said in an irritated manner.

Flashback end


When this conversation took place between these two, Mrs. Johnson was standing outside the building where the Dark Knight's agency's base is. Though according to Harry's plan she was not supposed to be 'reborn' again but the circumstances changed in such way that she had to.

"Finally..I'd be living with my family...I'd be able to see mom and dad too..." Mrs. Johnson thought before falling into a good nights sleep.


The next day, WOSDA HQ

Charles Dunkin entered into his office, the office that he wanted to destroy badly. But before the time of destruction starts Charles took a good look at the office. Charles started with two of his works. One, he made the agency's site public and gave the orders that all criminals can be freed now.

"Why is the new head telling to free these criminals?" The guy who was incharge of the agency's jail thought as he read the order on his computer screen.

As there were doubts, he called at head's office immediately to confirm the orders.

"Sir...the order you have.."

"Yes, do it. Don't worry it isn't a wrong order. Just follow it." Charles said with calm voice

You don't argue with your boss a lot, though the guy felt that the order was wrong but there was no other option but to follow this.

"What's this site?"

"WOSDA? What a weird name.."

"Agency? Secret agents exists?"

These were some of the question from the civillian after seeing the site of the agency. It did not take much time for this to go on social media and spread like fire.

The news of the freedom of criminals from agency's jail and site visible to civillian reached Johnson's residence in just some seconds. Dylan Johnson (Leonard and Sabrina's grandfather), who now was back from hospital was questioning the community(who sets the themes of the competition), judges and Mr. Harry about the competition details.

"How can you not do simple math?! How can you guys be so dependent on technology. And Harry, why didn't you double check when the audience did question the scores?" He asked furiously.

"We did dad! I don't know how all this happened...I'll go to the agency and handle this." Mr. Harry said.

"I don't think you really need to. We have it all sorted out, all you need to do is follow the plan." Lily Johnson said as she came inside the Johnson residence with Sabrina & Sam.

Except Mr. Harry everyone was shocked to see this person alive and talking. Mr. Harry on the other hand talked to his wife with little glances, this time he himself didn't know that this was going to happen.

"Yes, I'm not dead but can we deal with this later? We've got a bigger fish to fry." She said.

Lily explained her plan to everyone and luckily for now all of them agreed to her plan. It was 11:30 am right now. According to Lily's plan, teams were ready to fight the battle. The battle was not physical only, it was on every field possible. To handle the tech battle, Leonard, Sabrina, Sam and some other hackers were grouped together. For real physical battle, Leonard's squad & Austin, Alena & Ally gave hand and to deal with the 5 agencies behind the BWT (Black World Theory) Mr. Harry, Lily, Mr. Dylan Johnson were together.

The tech group dealt with the site getting public and then dealing with people who have seen it.

"We're lucky not many people have seen it. Okay, we have got the site to it's original form but people have posted the site's pictures. Sabrina & Sam you two work on deleting every post from every social media." Leonard said.

"Okay!" Both said together.

"We'll design the site's picture to be a game that will be launched by Goodwill company." Leonard said to other two hackers.

"On it."

For physical battle, Leonard's squad & Sam's team dealt with people in an hour. It was a piece of cake for them to handle some people.

"Ahhhhh....these people are ruining my plan! Charles! Do something!" The eagle said as he saw all this in the camera system.

"Let me increase security." Charles said as he tapped some button on his computer's keyboard.

The lifts had been shut down and now Mr. Harry, Mr. Dylan, and Lily had to walk up. It wasn't hard for Mr. Harry & Lily to walk up to the top floor but for Mr. Dylan, considering his age and the fact that he had just come out of the hospital recently he couldn't have done that.

The tech group's work was almost done so Leonard thought to take up the lift and help uncle but he too found out that lifts were shut.

"Sabrina! Come with me, rest they can handle!" Leonard said.

But getting to the same floor as Mr. Harry and team first Leonard & Sabrina had to fight with those criminals that had gotten free from the agency's jail.

"This was not in plan, was it?" Leonard said as he found himself surrounded by the criminals.

"Nope." Sabrina said with fear.

But suddenly, when Leonard & Sabrina were fighting, some people that had the badge of the security of agency's jail came.

"Sir, ma'am, we can handle this. Please go help Harry sir...those guys might be in worse conditions." The incharge said.

Hearing this, Leonard & Sabrina looked at each other and ran to the upper floors.

When Leonard & Sabrina reached at the floor they found Mr. Harry & Lily dealing with the security.

"Uncle, aunt we'll handle guys should just stay here." Leonard said.

"Yeah, I agree with him." Sabrina said.

Now this was not a request from Leonard & Sabrina but an order. They both didn't wanted them to be hurt. Luckily the brother-sister duo didn't have to argue too much. For them, crossing the lasers and other security system was a piece of cake. It didn't take much time for them to get the Head's office and encounter the head's of the 5 agency that made the plan of BWT (Black World Theory)

Sabrina handled the two female head from two agency and Leonard handled the rest three heads and last but not the least...They captured Charles Dunkin.

After a while, the situation was under control. But before going to agency's jail Charles wanted to talk to Mr. Harry.

"What do you wanna say kiddo?" Mr. Harry asked as he took a seat in front of Charles.

"What my parents had done to you people? Why did you kill them? They were normal scientists!" Charles asked with tear in his eyes.

For a second, Mr. Harry didn't even understand just what this guy is even saying but after rewinding some missions he remembered.

"Yes, your parents were normal scientists but without their knowledge there researches were misused and they themselves said that they wanted to be killed because they couldn't handle the pain that they had harmed their own country. Now what you must have seen was that me shooting your parents. I'm sorry kiddo but they wanted it, I did tell them that there is no need for them to do so. They indeed were innocent and even till this date I feel guilty of shooting them." Mr. Harry said with a serious expression but his eyes held the sadness of killing an innocent and ruining a family.

"Guys, no need to send him to the jail. He is a fine guy. He just had the wrong information." Mr. Harry said as he patted on Charles's shoulder and left the room.


Sabrina gave the evidences to the community and judges so that there could be re count of scores.

After a couple of days, with correct scores the winner was declared and ceremony was held. Obviously, the winner was Leonard. He was standing in front of the mirror looking at himself, he wasn't happy really.

"Come on Leo! Now you are taking even more time than me to get ready!" Sabrina said as she peeked her head in the room.

"Hmm...coming and please! You take 24 hours to get ready I literally just got into the dressing room an hour this suit is old and takes time to be worn, okay?" Leonard said.

After a while Leonard came out, he got on the stage. He stood there like a statue following the rituals. But when it came to the last ritual of passing the gun symbolising that the power has been passed down. Leonard stopped his uncle. Everyone was confused on Leonard's actions. Why did he stop at the very end?

"I...I have a condition to follow this last ritual." Leonard said.

His expressions looked afraid, Leonard knew that this ritual cannot be changed but he still wanted to take his chances.

"And the condition is?" Mr. Harry asked.

"I...won't be the head of the agency alone. I...want a partner with a co-head if you say.." Leonard said.

Everyone started to look at each other in confusion. What was happening? This has never happened. Everyone started to look at each other, usually people want this kind of position to be solely theirs and not shared with why is he asking this?

"Co-head?" Mr. Dylan asked.

"Yes." Leonard said as he nodded his head.

"Can you explain what you are trying to say here?" Mr. Dylan asked.

"Sure. Ah...okay so.. I know that technically I should be the head and all that... I'm not against it or anything not all people present here may not know....My passion is buisness....and yes I do have experience in handling agency in Mr. Harry's absence but... That's because of duty that I think about it... I need someone to handle the agency with me." Leonard said.

Mr. Harry & Mr. Dylan looked at each other after hearing this.

"Okay...who would it be?" Mr. Harry asked.

Of course everyone was shocked with Leonard's decisions. They couldn't believe that such a scene was actually taking place in front of their eyes.

"Yes, I can guess from your shocking expressions that you guys did not expect this to happen. But come on, be happy you all are gonna learn something new today! So, the person I want to be the head NOT IF I'M ABSENT but equally really is... "

Leonard moved his eyes around the hall to see that one person and he found her.

".....Sabrina. Though this girl irritates the hell out of me but she noticed that someone had tampered with my scores. When she ran out of home to collect evidences I thought she ran because of sadness or something like that. So, Sabrina can you please come here?" Leonard asked

Sabrina who was not expecting this was shocked. She herself knew that she is not the most suitable person for this but ahh...can't deny now, can she? And even if she wanted to a large crowd was telling her to go on the stage. With nervousness in her heart, her legs shaking, heart beating fast, she somehow managed to walk up to the stage.

"So...can we continue now?" Mr. Harry asked.

"Ah...yes.. ah wait no! Go change your clothes first." Leonard said as he looked at Sabrina who was wearing a long blue dress.

"Ah...okay... " Sabrina said.

A white dress in the changing room was already there. Sabrina wore it, when she came out everyone's gaze was set at her because she looked like an angel that had come from heaven just now.

Sabrina was wearing a beautiful long white dress that hugged her curves with love. She looked absolutely stunning in it. Sabrina walked up to the stage and now both did the rituals together.

Seeing her in the white dress... Sam's heart started to beat out loud as if it'd come out of chest right at the moment. As the ceremony was done, people congratulating the brother-sister duo was done and there was still time for feast, people were dancing and talking. Seeing the opportunity that Austin was busy with Ally and finally Sabrina was left alone he walked up to her and said "Sabrina ma'am?"

Sabrina looked at Sam with surprised expression but somehow she had gotten used to this 'ma'am' so she said "Yes?"

"May I have a dance with you?" Sam asked as he bowed.

"Of course." Sabrina said.

"I have a confession." Sam said with a serious expression.

"Oh?" Sabrina asked as she looked at his eyes.

" don't know whether you'll believe me or not but I guess that 'love at first sight' is true...The first time when I had come to your house to meet Leonard sir, I saw you....and...ah...I had this chemical change in my brain...and I know it'll sound creepy but I looked at all your accounts and followed them secretly."

"You mean stalk?" Sabrina asked with a smile.

"Ah..yeah..stalk.." Sam nodded his head in embarassment.

"Ahem...we're quite similar in this I guess." Sabrina said as she changed her posture from the formal dance one to a little intimate one. She wrapped her hands around his neck and kept dancing.

"Is...that so...?" Sam asked.

"Mhm-mm." Sabrina said


"Don't think I'll accept the proposal without the three words." Sabrina said with warning expression on her face.

"I love you Sabrina. I got out of word limit, you'll accept right?" Sam asked with a playful smile.

"Of course!" Sabrina said as she hugged him tightly.

"I knew something was going in his head!" Leonard said while dancing with Harriet.

"Hmm...don't worry. Sam is a good guy." Harriet said.

"Well, you are right." Leonard said and got back to dancing.

On the other hand, Lily had given the evidence of her innocence to his father-in-law. Though it was late but it was given. Mr. Dylan Johnson too welcomed his daughter-in-law with open arms and now the Johnson Family was complete.

This was a great day for everyone!