First Date

[AN: Okay, we went too much into the furure so let's rewind some time and look at Sam & Sabrina's first date.]

After the whole event of becoming head of Agency, Sam planned a date for Sabrina and then messaged her.



Sam-So...are you free next weekend?

Sabrina-Yeah was thinking...if we could hang out you know have movie and stuff?

Sabrina-Are you asking for a date?


Sabrina-I'll be ready.

Sam-I'll pick you up on Sunday evening.

After this, Sam went offline and Sabrina was on Cloud 9 that finally he has asked for the first date. She got up from her bed and opened her closet and looked at her clothes.

"'s hard to decide what to wear.....shoud I ask mom, aunt and Harriet?" Sabrina thought.

Sabrina went downstairs. The three of the ladies were in kitchen and cooking food.

"Guys, I..have a thing to ask." She said as she leaned on the refrigerator.

"Yeah?" Harriet asked.

"So...Sam...asked for the date, finally! Though I have a lot of dresses to wear...I still don't know what to wear!!" Sabrina said.

"First of all, congratulations! Second of all when's the date?" Harriet asked.


"Oooh...we have a lot of time..." Harriet said.

"I agree so why are guys discussing this a week before?" Leonard said as he walked inside and heard about the date thing.

"Girls are quite different...Even I prepared things 4 days before." Harriet said.

"Crazy." Leonard said and turned around to get out of the kitchen but then he stopped "When's the date again?"


The next Sunday

It was 5:00 pm and Sabrina had started to get ready as Sam had said that he'd pick her up at 7:00 pm. At 6:45 Sabrina was ready, first time in her life Sabrina was ready before the expected time so she asked Harriet to do one job.

"Harriet, please make sure Leo stays at home after I leave." Sabrina said.

"Where would he go..?" Harriet asked.

"Oh, you don't know! I had a date with a guy when I was in 12th grade...and the husband of yours... he went with us... the whole date! Look, this time I only want a duo in the date and not trio." Sabrina whispered.

"My, my...Okay I will make sure he stays home." Harriet said.

At sharp 7:00 pm, Sam rung the door bell.

"I will open the door." Leonard said.

As Leonard opened the door, he saw Sam in casual formal, his hair done nicely, smelling nice too.

Before Leonard could say anything, Sabrina came downstairs and greeted Sam.

"Okay, so bye guys!" Sabrina said.

"Bye..." Leonard said.

Sam felt there was something weird between the whole thing that happened right now.

"What was that?" Sam asked as he got into the car.

"Oh, nothing! So...where are we going?" Sabrina said.

Johnson residence.

Leonard was lying down on the sofa trying to distract his mind but nothing seemed to work. He went upstairs and when he came downstairs, he had changed his clothes.

"Mom, I'm going out I'll be back soon." Leonard said as he took car keys and was at the door to leave the house.

Harriet who was in kitchen heard this and ran to Leonard.

"Hey! Where you going dear?" She asked in a seductive voice.

"Buisness. The client suddenly scheduled a meeting. Need to go." Leonard said with his serious expression and gave a forehead kiss on Harriet's head before leaving.

"I guess he should be on buisness only..." Harriet thought.

Blue sea pearl restaurant.

Sam had booked a table on the highest floor of the hotel.

"Sir, ma'am. Your menu. I'm Evans, I'd be at your service today. Please call me when you are ready to order." Evans said.

"Sure." Sam said.

Though it wasn't the first time that Sabrina was coming to this restaurant, but it still felt new as she had come with Sam today.

After deciding their order, Sam & Sabrina started drinking the wine a little and chatted as they waited for their food.

"Wine, huh? You wanna make her drunk or something?" Leonard thought by seeing the date until now.

He was sitting at a table where both of them wouldn't know that he was there. He had changed his get up slightly too.

"Hmm, this wine tastes good." Sabrina said as took a sip of the wine.

"Oh, you like it? I love this wine too that's why I ordered it." Sam said.

"Cheers?" Sabrina said as she raised her glass a little bit up.

"Cheers!" Sam said as he clinked his glass with hers.

" to stalk me?" Sabrina asked keeping her glass aside.

Sam who still was drinking almost choked on this question.

"" Sam said after controlling his coughing due to choking.

"How long...?" She asked.

"Hmm... 3 years. When I first had come to your house for some mission related thing, you came to ask something to Leonard sir and then went. At first...I were his girlfriend but then you looked quite young....then I saw Leonard sir's post with you and then I figured out you were his cousin. After a long searching...I found your account... " Sam said as he remembered the embarassing moments of stalking his junior.

"Hmm...Well.... My time duration is same too. Although I did know that you were Leonard's friend." Sabrina said.

" was fine until I was stalking but...I almost died when I found out you are coming in the agency too." Sam said.

"You...are so afraid..." Sabrina said.

"Who wouldn't be? At the party Leonard sir was staring at me as if I'm marrying you right now and would take you away with me forever." Sam said.

Hearing this sentence, Sabrina was shocked.

"I can, to be honest...but sigh... your graduation has not even completed." Sam said.

"Weren't you afraid..of Leonard & my dad?" Sabrina asked.

"Well, I am now too...because look at your right side. Leonard sir is sitting right there." Sam said as he pulled Sabrina a little closer to himself.

"Wait, what?" Sabrina said.

"Yep. But it's fine. I guess I'm used to it."

After the dinner, Sam had taken Sabrina to a nice long walk where they would talk for hours . But it was 11 pm now and Sam realised that he should drop Sabrina at home. Though Sam didn't wanted this night to end but he has to do this.

When Sam & Sabrina reached at Sabrina home. Sabrina was about to get out of the car, but she was stopped by Sam's hand.

"Yeah?" She asked as she turned her head towards him.

Sam had planned this for long, but now her being here at this moment, a lot of emotions was going through Sam's head. He put his head on the back of her head to grab some her hairs softly and then pulled her closer. Both of them could feel each other's breath and listen to each other's heart beat, which was loud. Sam didn't waste anymore time and landed his soft lips on hers passionately. His tongue was inside, dancing with hers.

"Good night." Sam said as he ended the kiss.

Sabrina who still was processing the whole kiss was looking tomato red.

"Are you going in or should I take you away?" He whispered in her ears.

Her red face could be a big turn on for him.

" Good night." Sabrina said as she opened the door and ran inside the house.

As soon as Sabrina got inside her room, she lied on her bed. The kiss was replaying in her head, her face was flushed. She had countless emotions that she herself was finding out today.

"Oh god Sam....why'd you had to do that..?" Sabrina thought as she rolled on her bed.

Sleep was gonna come to Sabrina today.

On the other hand, Sam was quite calm. As he reached his room. He changed clothes and got into his casual clothes. It wouldn't be wrong to say that if Sam had stayed there a little longer he would've taken her to his pent house and devoured her.

"I'm quite bad at controlling..." Sam thought as he lied down.

His mind right now was filled with Sabrina's face, her smile, her laugh, her blushing face, the taste of her lips.


After 6 years.

What Sam had said on his first date was now coming true. His date of wedding was coming closer.

But just the day before Wedding, Leonard had asked Sam to meet him at a bar that they would usually meet at.

Leonard had booked a private room in the bar. He already had taken two shots of vodka as he waited for Sam.

Sam was nervous just what possible reason reason could Leonard have found out that he wants to meet him just the day before wedding? Has he done something? Did he make Leonard unhappy by some bahaviour?

Sam entered in the room, and took a seat in front of Leonard. Tension was visible all over his face. Seeing this tension Leonard said "Don't worry, I'm not cannibalistic."

"Thanks for telling me that." Sam said.

"Hmm, you are looking so afraid... well I guess it's a given. Look, since we're going to be brother-in-laws now, I need to clear some things up." Leonard said.

"Okay." Sam said.

"So, first of all. When you started dating Sabrina and saw a change of behaviour, that's because..." Leonard looked right and left and whispered "I'm a little protective...and it's not because I love her and stuff...hell no, she is's just she has had bad taste in guys."