Beauty beyond imagination.

It had been 8 years that Mike & Alena were dating. Seeing their friends getting married even they felt that they should open a new chapter of their life?

Both wanted this but the question was that who'd initiate? For some reasons, Mike knew Alena wouldn't. It took her a lot of time just to propose at airport even when he was in front of her.

Angelo Residence

Breakfast time

Breakfast time was the best time for Mike to talk to his parents.

" wanna marry." Mike said with hesitation.

"Oh? Finally you are asking this? Took you quite long." Mr. Jeffery said.

"Well...I didn't know your reaction...and to be honest she doesn't know either yet...I'm about to talk to her about this." Mike said as his face went red.

"Hmm, all the best son!" Mr. Jeffery said as he patted Mike's shoulder.

In the afternoon, Mike messaged Alena asking her out for a dinner. For Alena, this was supposed to be a normal dinner date just like earlier ones but she didn't knew that a big surprise was on her way.

"'s awkward to propose in front of the crowd that I don't even know...but then booking the whole hotel will give away the plan...hmm....oh yeah! Right! I can do that!" Mike thought as he still was planning the proposal date.

Evening, it was 7:30 pm.

Alena was wearing a red dress which hugged her curves perfectly, she had kept her hair open as the dress was backless and Alena is not a fan of showing her back due to some reasons. But anyways, she looked gorgeous.

"Another dinner date?" Alena's dad asked.

"Yeah." Alena said.

"Hmm, don't be too late." Her father said with seriousness.

Just when Alena was about to say yes to ensure her father that she won't be late, she heard Mike's car's horn.

"Well, see you guys!" Alena said as she waved her hand and went outside the home.

"You are looking gorgeous." Mike said as Alena took seat beside him.

"Thanks, so...why a sudden date? I mean don't you do dates at Sundays only?" Alena asked.

"'ll know but let's get to the restaurant first. I'm super hungry!" Mike said as he rubbed his tummy.

"Well, okay."

Venus International

"Hello, I've made reservations by the name Mike Angelo." Mike said to receptionist.

"Ah, yes sir. We've made all the arrangements you asked for." The receptionist said.

"Great." Mike said.

Afterwards, Mike & Alena took the lift to the highest floor of the hotel.

"What's the occasion today? I definetely know it's not your birthday." Alena said.

"So excited? I like that..." Mike said as he winked at her.

"You create way too much suspense." Alena said as she pouted and puffed her cheeks.

"Hey, just wait for some more time. You will love what I've prepared for you." Mike said as he poked her cheeks.

They reached the highest floor, it was empty. Only one table was there in the centre of room. The room looked quite simple.

"What' special about this? You've done this kinda thing in the first date too." Alena said as she looked around the room.

"No, no, no. Take a seat first." Mike said as he asked Alena to take the seat.

With confusion still in her mind, Alena still sat on the chair and when she did, rose petals fell on her.

"Huh? Mike...what's all this?" Alena asked as she still was amazed by this.

But all her doubts got cleared when some confetti were thrown on her and in between those confetti a big paper fell on her, just on her lap.

"Open it." Mike said as he saw the paper on her lap.

"Okay." Alena said as she picked up the paper.

On the paper, in Mike's handwriting it was written 'Will you marry me?'

" this true?" Alena asked as she got up from her chair with tears of joy in her eyes.

"Yes." Mike said as he nodded his head lightly with a smile on his face.

Alena hugged Mike tightly with joy. As her response Mike gave her the ring. After some days, both the families discussed details.

Venue, menu, guests, bridesmaid, best men all were decided. But there was still one thing that was left to be taken care of.

"Are you crazy? How can my own groom design my wedding dress? We've a tradition that Bride & Groom cannot see each before the wedding!" Alena said as she heard that Mike himself would design her wedding dress, after all he was the CEO of Angelo's Trends. Though he did major in buisness and minor in fasion but it was enough for him to design her bride's wedding dress.

"I won't see you. I'll ask Sam or Austin to deliver the dress to you." Mike said.

"Hmm...well okay then.." Alena said as she still was not very sure about the idea but then again it was Mike who is planning this, so it must be perfect, right?

After 33 attempts of designing Alena's dress, on his 34th attempt Mike finally drew the perfect wedding dress for Alena. But before he could deliver it, he has to ask someone if it would suit Alena or not. Will she like it? Would she be happy seeing it?

"So...what do you guys think?" Mike asked.

"It's...the perfect wedding dress....and that too quite Alena style. Simple but elegant, not too shiny but still beautiful...and hmm the fabric looks perfect for the summer wedding too." Sabrina said as she looked at the dress from all the angles.

"Ally?" Mike asked as he looked at Ally for her opinion.

"Yep, I agree with Sabrina. Alena will love it for sure!" Ally said with a smile assuring Mike that he has made the perfect dream wedding dress for Alena.

"Okay, great! That's a relief. I will ask the guys to deliver it to her tomorrow." Mike said as he took a seat on his chair.

"Hmm...all your designs are great...I'm glad Austin chose to design my wedding dress from here." Ally said as she remembered her wedding.

"Yeah, me too!" Sabrina said.

"Glad you liked them." Mike said.

The next day, as ordered by the groom the best men reached the bride's home to deliver her the wedding dress which was designed by her own groom personally.

" he did design this, huh?" Alena asked.

"Yep, he worked on it day and night." Sam said.

"Hmm...let me go and try it." Alena said.

The moment Alena wore the dress, it didn't feel like a normal wedding dress to her. It felt that Mike himself was wrapping her in his embrace, she could feel the warmth of his heart from the dress only.

"You did give me the dream wedding dress." Alena thought as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"What happened? You didn't like the dress?" Austin asked as he saw Alena coming downstairs in her usual clothes.

"No, no, no. I love the dress! But...have to save it for tomorrow, no?" Alena said.

"Ahh..okay. Well, our work's done here. So we'll take our leave." Sam said.

The Wedding Day!

Alena & Mike's wedding was in between the time of 11 am and 12 pm. So, it was obvious that everyone had reached at the venue quite early. Mike was getting restless as he had not seen Alena for quite a long time, he knew that he has to wait just some more time but even that felt like thousand years to him. If it were in his hands, just after wedding he would take her away to a far away place and spend time with her.

He was standing at the aisle in a stunning black tuxedo. His hair were done nicely, he just looked perfect for his day. But right now, Mike didn't care whether he was looking perfect or not but he wanted to see if Alena looked perfect. As the music for the bride's entrance started, his heart beat went a little up and he was nervous as well. But when he saw Alena in his designed wedding dress, his jaw dropped by seeing that she looked more beautiful than his imagination.

Alena walked down the aisle with her parents in the beautiful wedding dress, with no sleeves. The dress was beautifully designed for Alena. Her hair were open because the dress was backless but today Alena didn't care about this.

"Thanks for making my dream wedding dress." Alena said as she stood in front of him.

"You...are looking more beautiful than I even imagined actually wait, no this beauty is beyond my imagination!" Mike said with shock on his face.

"Yeah....and thanks for not just the dress but for everything that you have ever done. Thanks...for being by my side always." Alena said with her head slighly down due to embarassment and her flushed expression.

"Thanks for changing my life, you made me experience what real love is were always made me understand things that I couldn't." Mike said with smile on his face.






"You may kiss the bride now." The minister said.

Mike kissed Alena gently on the lips.

The wedding was done by evening so Mike & Alena spend some time opening the gifts given by the guests.

"Kids, we're going to sleep. All the best to you both for tonight. Do your best son!" Mr. Jeffery said as he winked at Mike.

"" Mike said with a weird embarassed expression on his face.

"Ah...I wanna use the washroom so I'll go upstairs first." Alena said as she got up from the sofa.

"Okay." Mike said.

Mike's dad was not enough that Sam & Austin too teased Mike by messages.

Sam- Don't be too hard by the way.

Austin- yeah, contol yourself for the first time. can go beast.

Mike- Shup up guys.

After this conversation, Mike kept his phone back into the pocket and went upstairs. Alena was sitting on the bed, lost in some thoughts.

"Wat'cha thinking?" Mike asked as he lied down in front of her.

"Huh?'s getting quite late, right?" Alena said as she looked at the clock which..showed only 10:30 pm.

" late?" Mike asked.

"Ahh...this um...oof Ally & Sabrina irritated me by telling what's gonna happen tonight!" Alena said as she hid her face with her hands.

"Hmm...hey...if you don't want to, we won't. Why are you so scared?" Mike asked as he got up and removed her hands from her face so he could see her face.

"It's..its..not that...I'm just...nervous..." Alena said with blushing red face.

"What are you nervous about?" Mike asked as he pulled her closer towards himself and wrapped her in his arms.

" have a scar..on my back...from.." Before Alena could even complete her sentence Mike kissed on her lips, blocking her to say anything.

"Don't you dare remember those times anymore! I want you to give every happiness that I can." Mike said as he looked her in the eyes, his own eyes were slightly wet.

Seeing how much Mike cared, Alena wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed him passionately as if this was there last night so she has to take the taste of his lips completely.

This kiss was a big turn on for Mike, his hands went a little down from her neck to her back, he lifted her top a little and tried to find the scar.

"" Alena said in a really low voice.

"Shh, don't worry." He got up and went to the back side, he kissed the scar lightly and then wrapped his hands around her. He started smelling her on the neck and slowly started kissing her everywhere.

Though this was not Alena's first time technically but it was her first with her love, her husband, Mike. Even just those small kisses were driving Alena crazy.

"Stop..this teasing already.." She said with her face completely red.

"Oh? You ready?" Mike said with his teasing tone.

"Yeah..." She said.

"Okay then."