Let's End Your Life Here (1)

"Who am I?" I snorted coldly. "I am the one who would bring calamity to all disgusting creatures like you. I swear I'll drop all of you in the deepest Hell and burn you all with the eternal fire of Hell!"

The sky rumbled and lightning stroke the Earth hearing my vow, as if validating the vow I made and made sure all the creatures on Earth remember those words. The fire deep within myself was burning yet my heart was still as cold as ever. My vow might sound cocky and overconfident, but somehow it felt right. As if the purpose of my existence was to eliminate all the evil beings in the world.

As I put all my attention to Amanda, I failed to notice the lines of white clothed ghosts standing behind my back, but surely Amanda didn't.

She saw everything and her body trembled even more. Her knees buckled and she lost the strength to support herself. If not only for my left hand still holding her neck, she would have fallen flat on her face.